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The Original
Oct 6, 2002
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This is a continuously updated FAQ on the subject the commonly come up in this forum.

What is HIIT and why is it so great?
HIIT is High Intensity Intermitent (or interval) Training. It involves periods of high intensity work interspaced with periods of low intensity work. For example, using an HIIT protocol on running you might sprint for a set distance or time and run for a set distance or time. Why is it so great? What ISN'T great about it?! There is a boost in your metabolic rate for over an hour after you're done which causes you to burn more calories after you're done than joging (and two hours afterwards). In addition it takes less time. So a 20 minute HIIT session (warmup, 10 minutes of intervals, Cool down) will burn more calories than a 40 minute jog. how cool is that?! Lastly, it mimics many athletic situations: quick bursts of high intensity action, followed by lulls and active rest periods.

What is tabata training?
The tabata protocol (also known as Guerilla cardio) is a specific type of interval training. It using 8 sets of 20 second work (sprint) periods and 10 second rest periods (so a 4 minute cardio session). Tabatas (and any timed interval scheme) can be used with many different activities including almost all cardio (though running is most common for cardio) and exercises (Bodyweight squats, front squats, pushups, bench press, whatever).

Is jumping rope for 10 minute equal to running for 30?
NO! Somehow bruce lee managed to say this ONCE and it was accepted as gospel. no, jumping rope for 10 minutes is not like running for 30, and jumping rope for 30 minutes is not like running for 90. That's not the way it works. Jumping rope is like jumping rope, running is like running. Jumping rope is hard cause you suck at it. That's all.

Help! I don't know what a burpee is!
I'm picking specificically on burpees here because this question comes up more often than any other exercise. If you don't know what an exercise is, you can consult the extensive glossary in strength and power, or just google it.
Burpees - a bodyweight exercise that covers just about the whole body and has dozens of variants. Begin standing, squat down putting your hands on the ground by your feet, Kick your feet out into pushup position, pull them back in between your feet, stand up. Repeat as fast as you can. Urban's favorite modification: do a pushup when you're in position for one, and do a tuck jump instead of just standing up. Example 1 has a jump and a pushup included. burpee conditioning is by the same author and has some information on using them in a routine. Ultimate Burpees has a fist full of modifications to keep things interesting. another fun modification is a burpee with a clean and press: hold onto the barbell for the entire movment, and instead of doing a jump or just standing up at the end, do a clean and press.

more to come.

Anaerobic energy
Phosphagenic system - The energy delivery system the constiutes of ATP and CreatinePhospate (CrP). ATP is broken down to ADP releasing one 'energy unit'. CrP is broken down to Cr, releasing a P-group to rebuild ADP to ATP. This is the reason creatine supplementation does affect energy output. This is about 4 times as fast as aerobic (below).

Glycogenic system - This the breakdown of glycose to yield two pyruvate, which will yield four ATP. Without the presence of oxygen most pyruvate is converted to lactic acid. This system delivers energy about 2
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