I liked OP, but getting depressed about your favorite fighter being old is very natural. The fighter is just an avatar for you to see your own frailty, and humanity, in. It hammers home your own mortality. Pretty simple, really.
It's not living your life through them, it's seeing your own mortality in them. Just like a movie can illicit emotions, or a book, or a song....but that's wrong.
People should not project (in the manner you portrayed) onto others.
We are all individuals.
The "avatar" that you speak of is distinct from you as a human being; it's simply not right to live ones life through others...
It's not living your life through them, it's seeing your own mortality in them. Just like a movie can illicit emotions, or a book, or a song.
I'm pretty sure you're trolling, but you'll have to do much better than this to keep it interesting.
Perhaps YOU are the one who should try mushrooms. Relax cowboy.Lol shut the fuck up with this Philosophy 101 bullshit.
We get it, you just tried mushrooms for the first time and you're an idiot.
Perhaps YOU are the one who should try mushrooms. Relax cowboy.
You are so righteous, brother.We've all tried mushrooms, you dumb fuck.
Not sure how to feel about this thread
When Jordan played for the Wizards, that did NOT taint his legacy for example, but many losers loved to project that onto him...as if that magically changed what he did in the past.