Reading alot of the reviews right now shitting on the RPG/dialogue aspect of the game. Son I am disappoint.
I haven't purchased a game, much less an RPG in years. So this was big on my list things to look forward to for 2015 (Yes, I have no life). I wanted an immersive dialogue heavy role playing game and instead it seems we got a shooter/minecraft hybrid. I blame COD.
Probably will just buy Fallout 3, since I was thinking of skipping over it and having my introduction to first person Fallout being FO 4.
Also to beat a dead horse, people were bitching that I was bitching about the new shelter building feature, stating that it's completely optional so why am I bitching. I complained that it will take away from the experience of the game in a way or another, and it seems like I was justified in my complaints. Mostly because looting was a fun part of the game for me, and reviewers were saying that now you just loot anything and everything that's not nailed down because it can be used for building.
I don't really know how to explain it, but it just of kills the fun of looting or finding random shit when you know everything is just an item for crafting a shelter. So what about the players like me that don't want to build a house, that ruins a looting aspect of the game for me, because now why would I want to pick anything up.