fact or fiction



Is there any truth about being "big boned" or is this something husky people say why they are big?
define big boned. Short answer is yeah, some people have big frames and are genetically predispositioned to be fat. In fact, studies are showing now that obese childeren can develop new fat cells (something previously not thought to be possible).
anvar said:
Is there any truth about being "big boned" or is this something husky people say why they are big?

Yes, it's possible to have a large bone structure. You know how when you try to figure out your BF%, some calculators ask you to say if your frame size is "small, medium, or large"? Well, I always wondered, how do you know what you are? So I found a website that had a chart matching wrist circumfrence to height. For my height (6'5"), every 0.1 inches greater or less than the average dictated a 10 pound adjustment in calculating BF%. Mine was something like 0.5 inches larger than the average (at the top of the chart). This you could tell just by looking at me. I barely fit through doorways my shoulders are so wide.

So, yeah, there's something to it, although most people I know who say that are in denial that they're lazy, fat pieces of shit.
Urban said:
define big boned. Short answer is yeah, some people have big frames and are genetically predispositioned to be fat. In fact, studies are showing now that obese childeren can develop new fat cells (something previously not thought to be possible).

New fat cells? Damn, that's effing scary.
Yeah, I was under the impression everyone can grow new fat cells, but children do it much easier. Fat cells will hypertrophy to store extra fat. If all the cells start to get big they will divide and make two fat cells. This makes the storage of energy much eaiser. When you lose weight you don't lose fat cells, you make the ones you have smaller. Hence when a child is obese and they get many more fat cells, they make it that much harder to lose weight when they are adults.

Yes, there is such a thing as big boned. Wrist circumferance is one way to tell, but also look at shoulder girth, hand size etc... Look at some of your peers, there is a skinny kid who is very small overall, and then some larger guys who are just big. The size difference can't (and isn't) only fat and muscle. There was always this large girl who I went to grade school and highschool with. By the time she graduated highschool she was like 6'4 and 180. Not overly fat, just large. If she went on a diet she would not become this little 5'4 100 lb sexy thing. She just was 'big' and had 'big bones.'
Somebody said body fat...I got a lot of non-body fat.
Urban said:
In fact, studies are showing now that obese childeren can develop new fat cells (something previously not thought to be possible).

im confused. i learned in nutrition that the body has a virtually unlimited ability to store fat in adipose tissue. what am i missing?
That fat cells were thought to expand, not grow in number.

As far as frame size, yes there is such a thing as big boned. I am kind of chunky, but not a fat-ass, and I have almost 9" wrists. And my ankles I've never measured, but they're fucking huge.
you're missing that childeren't bodies are still developing and if they have an increase in the need to store fat their body may adjust in a more permanent manner to benefit from that lifestyle. So if they're consuming a lot of excess calories, the fat cells will divide to accomodate a lifetime of storing extra energy, and make it even more difficult for them to be skinny adults. Previously, it was thought that you were born with the number of fat cells you will die with (without surgery).
Urban, I wasn't arguing with you dude, I was explaining to cockysprinter how people got fatter without having more fat cells.

What he was "missing".
yeah, sorry, that post sat in the quick reply box for a couple minutes, it wasn't for you, it was for cocky sprinter.
big boned yes!
an excuse? no!

i dont see how husky has to do with bones.
people love food too much
You can still be skinny and be big boned. My wife is lean, but her bones are big, amazing. Good nutrition as a child/womb big time. I have very small bones..bad nutrition as a kid/womb..No excuses use what you have, but yes..big differences in bone structure in people.
cockysprinter said:
im confused. i learned in nutrition that the body has a virtually unlimited ability to store fat in adipose tissue. what am i missing?

Yeah, that's what I thought, but I guess I was misinformed.

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