Facebook and Instagram Ban Proud Boys, Founder

Thanks, a lot of this rings true.

The racism may be a byproduct that crops up to counter-trolling the left.

Like the straw controversy.

Straws may be harmful to the environment... part of the left overstates the case... right trolls by showing pride/indulgence in straws... which are probably still harmful to the environment.

Proud boys are proud of Merica' and the myopic view of what that means... part of the left says they are racist, hate freedom, and are obviously Nazi's... Proud boys double down on some Nationalist/Nativist ideas that are pushing it, a few come out as racists, and a lot of them probably don't know the difference. (The difference is kind of hidden from us anyway.)

A lot of this action/reactionary cycle is directly related to "getting too" our rivals, and then our rivals "preaching too" the converted that "ah-ha! They were always the bad guys we siad they were!"

I think your and Sniper's definitions fit pretty neatly together, "Seems to be sexless Ben Shapiro-looking types wearing biker gloves and cargo shorts." mixed with "They should log out of Facebook more often." (sic)


I felt so bad for the guy before I looked him up and saw what a POS he is.
It's what happens when you spend your free time on 4chan instead of in the gym working on those noodle arms

Anybody can rip a sign. Like it's been stated, those are very expensive Soros signs. They are made from a unique material. Near impossible to break and you can't burn them either.
Seems like a bunch of pseudo-macho angsty teenagers who never grew up and became adults

"There's not enough punching"

Hope these guys get knocked into comas
Seems like a bunch of pseudo-macho angsty teenagers who never grew up and became adults

"There's not enough punching"

Hope these guys get knocked into comas[/QUOTE]

How liberal of you.
From what I read a few months ago, they're an "alt-lite" group mostly comprised of young white men who feel that American men and American men's culture are under attack. I know some of their supporters (including, iirc, the one who got caught hilariously being unable to tear a pro-refugee poster) are pretty virulent racists, but I don't think that race is necessarily the center of their platform, which they supplement with "Western values," which I hope you know to be a completely meaningless term when used by conservative men that have been fighting liberal values for the past century. Seems to be sexless Ben Shapiro-looking types wearing biker gloves and cargo shorts.
Proud boys is all about NOT having gay sex and NOT apologizing for being real macho men.
Lmfao. Why do you guys pay attention to this shit?

Dude.. I agree with the sentiment but the Proud Boys are actually neo white supremacists who try to use vernacular to skirt around making blatant statements to be completely dismissed as such.

They're the annoying SJWs of the Right.
Dude. You’d better apologize for this drivel or they’ll show up at one of your stand up shows and teach you some manners and the meaning of freedom. They’ll find you backstage, folded up and with the magna carta shoved down your throat.

Proud Boys leader Gavin McInnes shoving a dildo up his ass to own the libs...


The modern day right wing ladies and gentlemen
Check their Wiki for the overview.

It's an explicitly violent organization that is mostly made up of extremely racist, sexist young men who give what little money they have to an asshole named Gavin. Hopefully they find themselves a terrorist designation and their leader goes to prison for a long time. That's where this is headed at the moment.

Imagine thinking you are a tough grown man, while calling yourself a proud boy like Buster Bluth, while giving your money to a Canadian named Gavin.

I felt so bad for the guy before I looked him up and saw what a POS he is.

Question: Do you think the average Proud Buoooooy would know to, say, ask a Chinese historian about the strength and efficacy of paper? Is it wrong of me to think a Proud Buoooooy would know what the hell I'm talking about?