Exercising before training a good thing?


White Belt
Oct 9, 2005
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Is it okay to do any type of exercises whether it be weight lifting or cardio before training bjj / boxing? Will you get exhuasted easier, as opposing to not doing any type of exercises before training?
I think you'll need all your energy in order to train and learn BJJ, so I wouldn't recommend training in some other fashion before your bjj class. Would you go jogging for 3 miles, or lift heavy for an hour, and then try to attend football or wrestling practice in HS? I think not. Don't do it here.
I usually do some rope climbs before practice, but nothing more than that. I dont know your schedule or anything, but I would advise you either save lifting for the opposites days you practice, and if you practice everyday, do your weight lifting earlier in the day (or night depending when you practice). As far as cardio goes, I say do whatever you want cardio wise before practice. I have been going to my old coaches wrerstling practices, and he would have the guys do sprints and/or jogging before practice. You shouldn't have to do too much cardio. I would say not to go over 30 minutes of intense cardio, save the rest for practice.
Depends. I wouldn't exercise every day before practice; however, sometimes when working on increasing my cardio I'll run a few miles right beforehand. Yes, you will have less energy and it will be harder; but that's the point.
It depends what your priorities are:

If your main goal is to get good at BJJ then do BJJ first and conditioning second

If you want most to get fit, then do conditioning first and BJJ second

When I know that the next class is going to be physically easier I go for a 30 minute run before the class. At least sometimes.
odin87 said:
Is it okay to do any type of exercises whether it be weight lifting or cardio before training bjj / boxing? Will you get exhuasted easier, as opposing to not doing any type of exercises before training?
It depends on your fitness level and how much time you have.
I found doing a warm up (like 20 minutes run) before attending a BJJ class was a good prep.
Even better, the night before Bjj, some quick weight lifting and ground and pound on a lowered punching bag made me more 'sharp' for the next day BJJ:
I am more relaxed and I do not run out of breath while training.
I guess I need to be mentally prepared before BJJ!
it depends on your schedule. im up at 430 to be at work by 7 so im able to get a workout in before i go to work then able to roll at night. ive worked out right before rolling a couple of times with mixed results(some of which could be attributed to bad technique)
I'd avoid it. Fatigue can obviously make you more likely to be injured when the guys you're training with are fresh.
oc10spray said:
I'd avoid it. Fatigue can obviously make you more likely to be injured when the guys you're training with are fresh.

A light 30 minute run shouldn't fatigue an athlete, quite the contrary, it wakes your body up.
As long as you have a few hours in between to recover, you should be able to do both. It's pretty hard to get all your workouts in if you alternate training days. I train BJJ 4x a week & lift 4x. I lift weights or do cardio on BJJ days all the time. I work out on my lunch break around noon, BJJ is at 6:30. I make sure I eat/drink enough to properly recover & rehydrate. No problems at all.

1 piece of advice: I tried doing a full leg workout w/ squats once on a BJJ day, Bad idea. My legs fatigued & gassed after only a few drills & I had a terrible session. I'll Never do that again.
15 mins of stretching is a must, a "light" jog would be a good idea as well.
I'm tired enough from training as it is ... no way am I lifting weights or some sort of physically exerting exercise before I go to class.

No jogging, and warming up in that fashion is a different story, if that's what you meant.
Nothing too hard, definitely. The worst thing is that you could be setting yourself up for injury in class.
I think if you have time to recuperate before practice (ie, if you do a 3 mile run in the morning or do some light lifting in the morning) it is actually great for you. They say healthy people tend to get their heart rates up in the mornings, because it is good for your heart (rather than drinking a 24 oz coffee like I do).

The key is not to exhaust yourself right before a practice. If you have only time to do running or lifting at the same time that you practice, do it right after, never before.
Walt Ruckus said:
A light 30 minute run shouldn't fatigue an athlete, quite the contrary, it wakes your body up.

And so Matt Hughes or Vanderlei Silva actually go running 4 or 5 miles right before a championship match? I think not.
johil d'o said:
And so Matt Hughes or Vanderlei Silva actually go running 4 or 5 miles right before a championship match? I think not.
no, but he works on the pads and grapple to work up a good sweat, that might be even more taxing then a like 30 min run.
Duhhh. There is a difference between warming up and doing a full on cardio/training session. The former is necessary before a match, whereas the latter will wear you out before a match.
johil d'o said:
Duhhh. There is a difference between warming up and doing a full on cardio/training session. The former is necessary before a match, whereas the latter will wear you out before a match.

There's also a huge motherfucking difference between a regular jiu-jitsu class and a Pride FC professional MMA fight.