Excellent article on Free Speech


Brown Belt
May 21, 2007
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This article ties together a lot of recent news events that deal with free speech issues around the world.

"The threat to free speech on Western campuses is very different from that faced by atheists in Afghanistan or democrats in China. But when progressive thinkers agree that offensive words should be censored, it helps authoritarian regimes to justify their own much harsher restrictions and intolerant religious groups their violence. When human-rights campaigners object to what is happening under oppressive regimes, despots can point out that liberal democracies such as France and Spain also criminalise those who 'glorify' or 'defend' terrorism, and that many Western countries make it a crime to insult a religion or to incite racial hatred."

Yep. The West needs to get its house in order, and start upholding the values it claims to hold dear.
This article ties together a lot of recent news events that deal with free speech issues around the world.

"The threat to free speech on Western campuses is very different from that faced by atheists in Afghanistan or democrats in China. But when progressive thinkers agree that offensive words should be censored, it helps authoritarian regimes to justify their own much harsher restrictions and intolerant religious groups their violence. When human-rights campaigners object to what is happening under oppressive regimes, despots can point out that liberal democracies such as France and Spain also criminalise those who 'glorify' or 'defend' terrorism, and that many Western countries make it a crime to insult a religion or to incite racial hatred."


Freedom of speech is not completely free and is not an explicitly defined right in some Western Countries. There are some exceptions such as child porn, slander, "fighting words", incitement. Depends on hows these "Progressive Thinkers" justify themselves.
It wasn't that great. We know that oppressive countries limit free speech and they're pretty horrible places to live. And we know college kids are dumb asses throwing around ideas, but there isn't any serious movement to really limit free speech.
It wasn't that great. We know that oppressive countries limit free speech and they're pretty horrible places to live. And we know college kids are dumb asses throwing around ideas, but there isn't any serious movement to really limit free speech.

The bigger concern is that those dumb asses do not stay in college forever and some have been moving on to more influential jobs in the media, law and government.
The bigger concern is that those dumb asses do not stay in college forever and have been moving on to more influential jobs in the media, law and government.

And it isn't as overt as say, the soviet union or something. Now it is done by declaring everything 'hate'.

It's all rather abstract and ambiguous, so it has plenty of room to expand, as designed.

The US is better than other countries, but through the use of mass psychology, emotional manipulation, and Pavlovian triggers, there are round about ways of implementing such things.
The bigger concern is that those dumb asses do not stay in college forever and some have been moving on to more influential jobs in the media, law and government.
Yeah, and grow up and learn and change their views. It happens to almost everyone who enters the free world.

I'm more concerned about adults with crazy views and no open-mindedness. You know, dudes like you!

Huffington Post is extremely happy about their "diverse" all-female feminist staff.

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