Evidence for theory of Evolution V2

You just admitted you have no relevant education other than some videos you watched on Youtube. I'm doubtful of how much knowledge and understanding that can impart.

I didn't admit any of that tho. How can one have a discussion with you when you just make up stuff? It seems trolling, mockery, appeals to authority, and made up stuff is what you have to offer to the discussion. We can just agree to disagree.
You've been directed to numerous sources of information.

This is a nearly 500-page summary of the evidence, written by an expert, in a way almost anyone can understand.

Only $2 on Amazon.

You have no excuse.


I may pick it up for the read, but that seems a cowardly way to go about this.
You've been directed to numerous sources of information.

This is a nearly 500-page summary of the evidence, written by an expert, in a way almost anyone can understand.

Only $2 on Amazon.

You have no excuse.


Maybe this is the heart of the "problem?"

That Evolution as a science is great and sound, but as a hammer to bludgeon the religious or deal a Nietzschian "blow" to God, becomes just another politicized dogma, and one that is sadly vacant.

Sadly, what Mr. Dawkins and his adherents miss, is that science as a religion offers little in the way of philosophy, let alone a philosophy that can lead mankind.

If you are religious or spiritual, do not reject knowledge, Evolutionary or otherwise, only because certain thinkers have used science to seemingly undermine your faith. Instead, if you really believe in God guided by Vishnu or Jesus or Buddha, you will not feel outraged by the facts of things, yet understand that truth as seen through mankind is always wanting. That what God, or the gods have shown all has the same rhythm and reason.

That what God intended of us as people, and what we do as people, is a greater matter than what any legion of haters want to see.

No need to feel angry at those who feel this love and a spiritual whole are empty pursuits, because they are not full, and can not fill the void with what rusts away on this world as the years pass.

And no smug satisfaction at seeing a quarter of the picture will not sustain that hunger.

Patience, calm, and a goodness of the spirit may well let their eyes open and their heart soften, if not, at least you may know that whole and never worry again if the earth gives way or the skies fall.
itt I learned that it's cowardly to refer somebody to an expert.
I love the WR.

The evolution threads will always be there, in the shadows, waiting to pop up again.
I didn't admit any of that tho. How can one have a discussion with you when you just make up stuff? It seems trolling, mockery, appeals to authority, and made up stuff is what you have to offer to the discussion. We can just agree to disagree.
Yeah, that ages old "appeal to an expert in the field" fallacy. How many fingers was it, and which uncle?
2. How is it proof? Sharing similarities doesn't prove anything unless you start with the assumption that we all came from a common ancestor

5. I understand your argument, it just seems like a reach

2) What is your dna/genes made from? Half from your dad and half from your mother? Our DNA and that of zebra fish is 85%

5) How is it a reach exactly? God is not contained in this universe. So how exactly did we go from dust to flesh instantly?

Also, you do have an opinion on this if you said something in the church thread about someone believing we came from fish.
2) What is your dna/genes made from? Half from your dad and half from your mother? Our DNA and that of zebra fish is 85%

5) How is it a reach exactly? God is not contained in this universe. So how exactly did we go from dust to flesh instantly?

Also, you do have an opinion on this if you said something in the church thread about someone believing we came from fish.

2. You just said 2 random points. What's the connection?

5. God created man from the dust of the earth. You taking that as some kind of proof for common ancestry is a self evident reach.

The fish thing is what common ancestry proponents believe. Of course of have an opinion on the whole thing. I've never hidden that
2. You just said 2 random points. What's the connection?

5. God created man from the dust of the earth. You taking that as some kind of proof for common ancestry is a self evident reach.

The fish thing is what common ancestry proponents believe. Of course of have an opinion on the whole thing. I've never hidden that

2) that we inherit our DNA. So if we have DNA in common with something else it is due to having a common ancestor.
Do you understand where I am going with it now????

5) I am taking it as man was made from dust as the bible says. I am telling you what you can make directly from dirt. God is outside of this universe and not contained in it. You are putting yourself above God.

How about this, drop your ego and arrogance for a second. Now, where Science and YOUR UNDERSTANDING of the bible are in conflict, maybe it is YOUR UNDERSTANDING OF THE BIBLE that is wrong and not SCIENCE (science being explaining the universe God made).
I haven't seen any roasts with Louis CK. I have seen some of his stand up tho. Never really a fan.
My point was that all dark comedy has always had that perversion to it, CK just has women coming out saying things he's already admitted to years ago. At this point, just about anyone you like will probably be accused of harrassment.
It's funny you try to mock me with this when its what you actually believe. Well not your pappy, but many great pappys ago

No, thats what you believe moran. Laughing at all your posts. Keep it up man.

My point was that all dark comedy has always had that perversion to it, CK just has women coming out saying things he's already admitted to years ago. At this point, just about anyone you like will probably be accused of harrassment.

Louis brand of perversion is pretty perverted tho. I don't mind vulgarity, raunchiness, sex and what not in my comedy but not just straight up perversion and depravity with no sophistication and no punchline. Only weirdos like Fawlty like that kind of stuff.
2) that we inherit our DNA. So if we have DNA in common with something else it is due to having a common ancestor.
Do you understand where I am going with it now????

5) I am taking it as man was made from dust as the bible says. I am telling you what you can make directly from dirt. God is outside of this universe and not contained in it. You are putting yourself above God.

How about this, drop your ego and arrogance for a second. Now, where Science and YOUR UNDERSTANDING of the bible are in conflict, maybe it is YOUR UNDERSTANDING OF THE BIBLE that is wrong and not SCIENCE (science being explaining the universe God made).

2. I don't think you understand the genetics stuff as much as you might think. genetic similarity to a banana doesn't suggest common ancestry with bananas

5. I am doing no such thing. God is capable of all things. If you're saying God is capable of evolution I agree. If you'e using that verse as proof I disagree

My ego? My question about evidence is to those who mock me. Take a hike

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