EVERYONE! Please refer to the ANACONDA choke...


White Belt
Apr 23, 2004
Reaction score
... as "THE GATOR ROLL".

Not the Anaconda choke. Not the spinning choke. Not the upside down arm triangle. Not the inverted kata gatame. Not even Nog's original name for it, "the choke-the-life-out-of-you choke".

Nothing describes the technique better than "gator roll", as the position is actually very similar to an alligator grasping the head and neck of it's prey in it's jaws and rolling. And in my opinion, rolling is the key to finishing this choke. No other choke or technique has such an appropriate name, yet still so many refuse to use it.

Since we will no doubt see a thousand more threads on this choke, I submit to you all, without resorting to hyperboly, that all of our lives and the fate of the world depend upon unanimity on this subject. Or at least my sanity.

GATOR ROLL. Pass it on. God damn it.
I applaud Randy for keeping an open mind and trying to use Nogueira's technique to finish Van Arsdales. However, the difference between him and Nogueira is that Nogueira did it out of nowhere and got it basically everytime he tried. Randy basically tried muscling it and kept messing up and well, IMO didn't do the technique justice. If someone brings a TOTALLY new technique to MMA (as in, it's never been done in MMA before), IMO I'd try to either do it flawlessly or at least improve upon it in some way.
no...you dont have to roll to sink all anaconda chokes in, there are variations using different arm positions.

I'm sure you've seen an anaconda choke it's prey before, and it looks nothing like the gator roll. And how good would it feel to have the board all in agreement, if only for once. It's not too much to ask. Come on, now.
just name it the "lay beside me pillow choke"
or.....anaconda choke
Villain said:
Not the inverted kata gatame.

Inverted kata gatame. That's pretty good. I'd rather hear Rogan screaming "OMG, he did an Inverted Kata Gatame!!!!" than Gator Roll personally.
The choke has been around forever anyway, long before any alligator's existed, or even large snakes for that matter.
That was pretty eloquent but I can't see everyone changing to the new name.
I'm going to call it the squirrel roll.
Harkening back to my wrestling days, you have those opponents that weren't very good but were damn slippery. They'd squirm and squirrel out of every damn hold, you end up with a bunch of 2 pointers and stalemates from him trying to roll and squirm under you trying who the hell knows what for a reversal. And all the while you know you should have pinned him four minutes ago (you know because your coach is yelling at you to stick him and your teammates are working on their squirrel hunting jokes)

So you hit a snap down on the squirrelly bastard & you lockup the front headlock and circle and roll him to his back & crank on him for the pin while whispering softly in his ear, "let's see you squirrel your way out of this, ya bastard."
Or just be a dick and circle and circle and circle. and circle until he crumbles to his side or his coach (or mom in the stands) starts yelling "He's choking him!" If it's your hometown (or conference) ref, you probably get one more half circle in. One more if he is a good ol' boy. Then the ref stops the action to check on the guy & you stand up innocently, like a pro wrestler going, "Chair, what chair I didn't hit anyone with a chair."
And in the olden days, if he's out and can't recover in the allotted time he injury defaults, six points for your team.
Bubble Boy said:
Inverted kata gatame. That's pretty good. I'd rather hear Rogan screaming "OMG, he did an Inverted Kata Gatame!!!!" than Gator Roll personally.
The choke has been around forever anyway, long before any alligator's existed, or even large snakes for that matter.
Rogan could never pronounce that in his excited state. And alligators are from the Mesozoic Era , millions & millions of years before any monkeyman thing choked out another monkeyman thing.
Nogora has missed plenty o chokes as good as he is.....snakes an gaters are older than any in man kind
The way Rogan said it made the move sound real ghey. Therefore it shall be called the Anaconda Choke.
flyingknee16 said:
I applaud Randy for keeping an open mind and trying to use Nogueira's technique to finish Van Arsdales. However, the difference between him and Nogueira is that Nogueira did it out of nowhere and got it basically everytime he tried. Randy basically tried muscling it and kept messing up and well, IMO didn't do the technique justice. If someone brings a TOTALLY new technique to MMA (as in, it's never been done in MMA before), IMO I'd try to either do it flawlessly or at least improve upon it in some way.

I think Randy missed it because he didn't force Van Arsdale to extend his hips. He actually forced him back into his good base. Anyone else see it the same way?
God damn! My mission so far is proving about as successful as the Children's Crusade.

Nuts to you all. Maybe I'll just go back to calling it an inverted kata gatame since I'm mostly a Judoka anyhoo.

As for Randy, I saw it as being a dyed-in-the-wool wrestler being so reluctant to go to his back that he wouldn't roll to finish the choke properly and risk losing position. He finally got the tap when he compromised and flopped to his side, rather than attempting a full roll, but the finish was sloppy, and I don't think he would have got the tap had Van Arsdale not been exhausted. Apparently Van Arsdale has said this in a post fight interview I can't find at the moment.

Now if Randy had been calling the choke The Gator Roll, he would have rolled the very first time he locked it up in the first round and won immediately, because the proper finish is built into the name of the technique.

I'm sure you'll all concur this is an infallible analysis, and immediately sprain an ass muscle in your spastic rush to agreement.
The Sickness said:
I think Randy missed it because he didn't force Van Arsdale to extend his hips. He actually forced him back into his good base. Anyone else see it the same way?

And if I'm understanding you correctly, yes, I think that was certainly part of it.
How bout the Medula Oblongata Roll? I'd support that name.
Villain said:
God damn! My mission so far is proving about as successful as the Children's Crusade.

Nuts to you all. Maybe I'll just go back to calling it an inverted kata gatame since I'm mostly a Judoka anyhoo.

Unless you are a black belt, you're not a judoka.
ide call it the gator roll if it were a country line dance.

you roll over once.... gators spin and spin and spin....
Villain said:
God damn! My mission so far is proving about as successful as the Children's Crusade.

Nuts to you all. Maybe I'll just go back to calling it an inverted kata gatame since I'm mostly a Judoka anyhoo.

As for Randy, I saw it as being a dyed-in-the-wool wrestler being so reluctant to go to his back that he wouldn't roll to finish the choke properly and risk losing position. He finally got the tap when he compromised and flopped to his side, rather than attempting a full roll, but the finish was sloppy, and I don't think he would have got the tap had Van Arsdale not been exhausted. Apparently Van Arsdale has said this in a post fight interview I can't find at the moment.

Now if Randy had been calling the choke The Gator Roll, he would have rolled the very first time he locked it up in the first round and won immediately, because the proper finish is built into the name of the technique.

I'm sure you'll all concur this is an infallible analysis, and immediately sprain an ass muscle in your spastic rush to agreement.

The roll is incredibly hard to do with an opponent that posts and you keep it on the ground. You know, like a wrestler would do. Randy was trying to roll every time he attempted. He was able to finish only when Van Arsdale's hips hit the cage.

I wouldn't call it an inverted kata gatame either...maybe a rear inverted kata gatame, but it really isn't a pin so shouldn't be called 'gatame'.