Ever met your twin?

Interesting stories on here at least now ik I'm not that delusional :p
I've been told my entire life I look like Kevin bacon. Thats the closest I've got.
One time when I was like 18 or 19 I saw this kid in the mall that looked EXACTLY like me. Same hair, same height and build, even the same dumbo ears lol

I pointed him out to my gf @ the time and she was kinda weirded out by how much he looked like me. Then like a couple years ago I saw another dude that looked exactly like me when I went to Vegas. He was at the Blackjack table and he saw me as I was walking past the table and we just stared at each other for a few minutes It was fuckin freaky to say the least

I've read somewhere once that everybody has a twin or a doppleganger of sorts. I've told other people about it and they said they've seen their twins too. Of course they could be trying to end the conversation with me because they think I'm nuts, but who knows.

So have you seen your twin?
Used to have a friend that looked so much like me when we were younger people would get us confused.

I literally had some chick at a party throw shit at me while I was talking to a chick because this chick thought I was cheating on her. And I’m trying too explain. Too this chick i have no idea who this crazy chick is.

Couple days later I see him and he tells me he found out I ran into his now ex lol

a couple of other times I’ve had peolple tell me they’ve seen my double. In other countries etc.
No, there's some people who have some features in common but that's about it. I have an ethnically ambiguous look.
My brother when he was younger looked exactly like my dad did in his early 20's though, they could have been identical twins. I noticed it in a pic of my dad in the Army, had to do a double take, the only way to tell the difference was the ears.
Nope. But I did meet my "name twin" at the dentist office.

Receptionist called out our first name. Another gentleman & myself both get up, thinking she's addressing us.
Receptionist sees this & states our givenname, followed by our last name. We both continue to approach reception, expecting the other to return to their seat.
Seeing that we're both expecting to be served, she looks at her computer screen & announces our full given, middle & last name. Again, neither of us sits down.

It wasn't until she double checked the schedule that we realized we both had the same given name, middle name, last name, birth month & birth year.

We looked nothing alike but after talking for few minutes I found out the spelling of our last name was identical, we both were given our father's name as our middle name, both had 4 brothers & 0 sisters and were both delivered by the same doctor, in the same hospital.

Since then, have you ever thought that, maybe, just maybe, you guys were accidentally swapped at birth?
twin no, but back when i was like 17 in our mountain holydays group of friends there was this 13 kid who would pass 100% for my little brother, so much that any newcomer automatically assumed so and was like "you're bullshitting me" when told we was'nt brothers

He was identical except bit skinny version of myself 4 years before

Seen his mother who looked a lot like mine (they could pass as sisters) except lighter hair and bit taller
Dads look opposites LOL
Fun thing i (so the kid too) look much more like my dad than my mom
When I worked retail I’d say atleast every couple years I was told “you have a twin in “blah blah” more than once people have talked to me like I knew who they were.

I hope that’s a good thing and I don’t just blend in.

regardless, as much as I miss retail I’m doomed to manufacturing.

Wouldn’t have it any other way, unless we’re all making $15.
no but someone came into work one day and showed me a photo in a hunting or fishing magazine. I looked at one of the guys in the photo and he was a dead ringer for me. To the point I initially thought "I don't remember being in this photo, who is that with me? Where was this taken? Wait a minute..."

It's an odd feeling.
When I was at university, this guy entered the UK Big Brother house and my phone lit up. I had like 40 text messages, saying stuff like "Mate, you need to switch channel 4 on RIGHT NOW". This guy, not only looked EXACTLY like me, he also had my mannerisms. It was the freakiest shit I have ever seen in my life. It was actually a bit unnerving. Doppelganger doesn't do it justice. I had people approaching me every single night in bars and clubs, telling me it. Asking me if I was this dude. He won the show.

Fast forward a few years, and I was on a night out in Newcastle (his hometown)........my mate comes over and says "Steve, look who I've found...."

He's got this fucking guy with him. We both stood there shocked, his jaw was hanging open. Didn't speak a word, both laughed, and he walked off. It was fucking weird.

This is the guy.
