Ever get anyone fired who deserved it?


You sure about that, that that’s why?
May 26, 2012
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I am looking for stories from anyone who has helped ease someone out of their employment situation who deserved it.

Here is a story of a fellow I know, ill make it as short as possible since I am posting from my phone.

Obligatory long read heads up.

This is from many years ago when I was a butcher at a high-volume market.

I once worked with a fellow who was a true pain in the ass and all around scumbag. He would constantly lie about his daughter and wife "needing him" so he could bail on his shift early whenever he didnt feel like working.

He thought he was too good for menial tasks and would get bent out of shape whenever he had to do anything other than cut the most expensive "fine cuts". Wouldnt help customers, break down poultry, make sausage, etc. And he had a particularly obvious aversion to all of the Mexicans in the market, employees and customers. He also took every chance to talk mad shit about our Manager and our lead clerk who was a middle age single mom with two jobs who also cared for her dying mom and even vouched for this guy to help him get the job.

To top it off he leeched of his wifes parents and begged them for money on the regular to pay his mortgage while he drove around a new mustang. For some context here dude was a 5 foot 4 ginger with a circa 2002 era Dwayne Johnson haircut, sideburns and all, and he would keep a snus packet in his mouth all day while cutting.

So one day he goes to grind some of the cheaper ground beef we sell (73% lean bs) and throws in a lug of table scraps into the grinder. The grinder starts to choke as he pumps it out but he pays it no mind. As the night clerk breaks down the grinder to clean it he finds a rag, all shredded and ripped to pieces wrapped around the auger in the grinder head. He tells the guy what he found and that he should toss that batch of ground beef because it is tainted by the rag and there could be scraps of it in the packages of ground beef. The guy tells him to fuck off and put the beef into the counter for sale (it was in 3 lb+ family packs). The kid was scared to get fired so he did it despite his objections.

The next morning I come in and I get a call from the night clerk who tells me what happened. Naturally I was pissed because now I have to clean up the mess. I pull the entire batch of ground beef and have to write it as a loss and toss it. But then I see an opportunity. The kid was too scared to tell our manager what happened so I tell him I got his back. When the dept manager comes in later that day (his one night shift that week) I tell him we got a call from a customer who had cotton threads in their family pack if 73% grind so I had to pitch the entire batch. Naturally he is like wtf and starts asking questions.

He asks the night clerk what happened and he tells him everything. So they pull the guy into the office and ask him about it. He tries to lie and throw everyone else under the bus, but the problem is there is a camera aimed right at the grinder, and it catches him tossing a lug of trim with a pristine white rag right on top directly into the grinder, as well as the night kid confronting him after he finds the shredded bits of rag in the grinder head.

The asswipe was fired on the spot and had no idea how he got found out. I ended up leaving for greener pastures a few months later.


-Asshole tossed a rag in with a batch of ground beef and refused to toss the product when called out on it

-I orchestrated a fake complaint to get him caught

-Shitbrain got canned
Never have, had the opportunity once though. Kind of similar to your story actually.

Use to work at a factory where they made grease and motor oil. This guy came to work there and was actually pretty cool, just a shit worker. One day he over heard two guys talking about how he was probably going to get fired, so he grabbed a bunch of dirty grease rags and through them into the new batch of grease. It fucked up the companies order that day and they never figured out why.

He actually ended up working there for another month before quitting. I could have snitched on him but chose not to.
Truck driver of heavy truck with a dump body backed into my wife's car. He got out and physically intimidated her and left without giving her information. She told me about the incident. Within a half an hour, I tracked down the construction trailer that was the mobile office where he was working and called the owner who was in an office 40 miles away. I described the guy, based on my wife's description, and asked if he was aware of the accident. He fired the guy.
Although you lied a bit to get him caught sounds like he got fired for his own dumb actions. I would hesitate to do the same thing only because he has a kid but either way sounds like he deserved it

When I first got into grad school and joined my lab the grad student that was supposed to train me was a really mean bitch to me and she would just yell at me if I didn't know something rather than properly help train me. When she graduated she was looking for a postdoc position in a lab that I previously worked in. The people from that lab emailed me and asked me about her. I could have destroyed her but instead just said she is a good scientist (which she is) but I didn't have much interaction with her personally.
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For some context here dude was a 5 foot 4 ginger with a circa 2002 era Dwayne Johnson haircut, sideburns and all

This really brought it home for me. Can you smell what the deli ginger is cookin'??

Nope, I've probably been the dude that deserved to get fired on more than one occasion though. Menial jobs can be fucking boring sometimes.
This really brought it home for me. Can you smell what the deli ginger is cookin'??


Dude it was exactly the same no bs. I thought it was a mistake but he got it cut that way over and over while he worked there. Lol.
No, but I've seen people keep their jobs when is obvious that they should be fired, as in I get 2 hours late daily, go to lunch and take an extra hour, and leave sharp on time
I am looking for stories from anyone who has helped ease someone out of their employment situation who deserved it.

Here is a story of a fellow I know, ill make it as short as possible since I am posting from my phone.

Obligatory long read heads up.

This is from many years ago when I was a butcher at a high-volume market.

I once worked with a fellow who was a true pain in the ass and all around scumbag. He would constantly lie about his daughter and wife "needing him" so he could bail on his shift early whenever he didnt feel like working.

He thought he was too good for menial tasks and would get bent out of shape whenever he had to do anything other than cut the most expensive "fine cuts". Wouldnt help customers, break down poultry, make sausage, etc. And he had a particularly obvious aversion to all of the Mexicans in the market, employees and customers. He also took every chance to talk mad shit about our Manager and our lead clerk who was a middle age single mom with two jobs who also cared for her dying mom and even vouched for this guy to help him get the job.

To top it off he leeched of his wifes parents and begged them for money on the regular to pay his mortgage while he drove around a new mustang. For some context here dude was a 5 foot 4 ginger with a circa 2002 era Dwayne Johnson haircut, sideburns and all, and he would keep a snus packet in his mouth all day while cutting.

So one day he goes to grind some of the cheaper ground beef we sell (73% lean bs) and throws in a lug of table scraps into the grinder. The grinder starts to choke as he pumps it out but he pays it no mind. As the night clerk breaks down the grinder to clean it he finds a rag, all shredded and ripped to pieces wrapped around the auger in the grinder head. He tells the guy what he found and that he should toss that batch of ground beef because it is tainted by the rag and there could be scraps of it in the packages of ground beef. The guy tells him to fuck off and put the beef into the counter for sale (it was in 3 lb+ family packs). The kid was scared to get fired so he did it despite his objections.

The next morning I come in and I get a call from the night clerk who tells me what happened. Naturally I was pissed because now I have to clean up the mess. I pull the entire batch of ground beef and have to write it as a loss and toss it. But then I see an opportunity. The kid was too scared to tell our manager what happened so I tell him I got his back. When the dept manager comes in later that day (his one night shift that week) I tell him we got a call from a customer who had cotton threads in their family pack if 73% grind so I had to pitch the entire batch. Naturally he is like wtf and starts asking questions.

He asks the night clerk what happened and he tells him everything. So they pull the guy into the office and ask him about it. He tries to lie and throw everyone else under the bus, but the problem is there is a camera aimed right at the grinder, and it catches him tossing a lug of trim with a pristine white rag right on top directly into the grinder, as well as the night kid confronting him after he finds the shredded bits of rag in the grinder head.

The asswipe was fired on the spot and had no idea how he got found out. I ended up leaving for greener pastures a few months later.


-Asshole tossed a rag in with a batch of ground beef and refused to toss the product when called out on it

-I orchestrated a fake complaint to get him caught

-Shitbrain got canned

I like this guy already
Although you lied a bit to get him caught sounds like he got fired for his own dumb actions. I would hesitate to do the same thing only because he has a kid but either way sounds like he deserved it

I thought about that but he still had his wifes mommy money to keep him afloat.

Also, he made a point to call up that lead clerk to brag about how the new job he landed was so much better and didnt come with any bullshit.

Yet shortly after that he was seen begging the location owner for his old job back.
All the time, its my job. I'm in labor/employee relations.
I am looking for stories from anyone who has helped ease someone out of their employment situation who deserved it.

Here is a story of a fellow I know, ill make it as short as possible since I am posting from my phone.

Obligatory long read heads up.

This is from many years ago when I was a butcher at a high-volume market.

I once worked with a fellow who was a true pain in the ass and all around scumbag. He would constantly lie about his daughter and wife "needing him" so he could bail on his shift early whenever he didnt feel like working.

He thought he was too good for menial tasks and would get bent out of shape whenever he had to do anything other than cut the most expensive "fine cuts". Wouldnt help customers, break down poultry, make sausage, etc. And he had a particularly obvious aversion to all of the Mexicans in the market, employees and customers. He also took every chance to talk mad shit about our Manager and our lead clerk who was a middle age single mom with two jobs who also cared for her dying mom and even vouched for this guy to help him get the job.

To top it off he leeched of his wifes parents and begged them for money on the regular to pay his mortgage while he drove around a new mustang. For some context here dude was a 5 foot 4 ginger with a circa 2002 era Dwayne Johnson haircut, sideburns and all, and he would keep a snus packet in his mouth all day while cutting.

So one day he goes to grind some of the cheaper ground beef we sell (73% lean bs) and throws in a lug of table scraps into the grinder. The grinder starts to choke as he pumps it out but he pays it no mind. As the night clerk breaks down the grinder to clean it he finds a rag, all shredded and ripped to pieces wrapped around the auger in the grinder head. He tells the guy what he found and that he should toss that batch of ground beef because it is tainted by the rag and there could be scraps of it in the packages of ground beef. The guy tells him to fuck off and put the beef into the counter for sale (it was in 3 lb+ family packs). The kid was scared to get fired so he did it despite his objections.

The next morning I come in and I get a call from the night clerk who tells me what happened. Naturally I was pissed because now I have to clean up the mess. I pull the entire batch of ground beef and have to write it as a loss and toss it. But then I see an opportunity. The kid was too scared to tell our manager what happened so I tell him I got his back. When the dept manager comes in later that day (his one night shift that week) I tell him we got a call from a customer who had cotton threads in their family pack if 73% grind so I had to pitch the entire batch. Naturally he is like wtf and starts asking questions.

He asks the night clerk what happened and he tells him everything. So they pull the guy into the office and ask him about it. He tries to lie and throw everyone else under the bus, but the problem is there is a camera aimed right at the grinder, and it catches him tossing a lug of trim with a pristine white rag right on top directly into the grinder, as well as the night kid confronting him after he finds the shredded bits of rag in the grinder head.

The asswipe was fired on the spot and had no idea how he got found out. I ended up leaving for greener pastures a few months later.


-Asshole tossed a rag in with a batch of ground beef and refused to toss the product when called out on it

-I orchestrated a fake complaint to get him caught

-Shitbrain got canned
Good for you.
The guy deserved it by the sounds of it.
Reminds me of something that happened over 17 years ago when I was working at McDonald's hahaha. Not an asshole that needed to be fired, but a stupid joke gone wrong.

One of the managers was ringing in his meal so he could key it off, and it included a bacon egg Mcmuffin from breakfast(It was like 5pm by this time).

Dinkledork in the kitchen thought it would be funny to rap one of the cleaning rags in a bacon egg Mcmuffin wrapper and send it up the line. Problem is, back then, the Hamburger wrappers were the exact same color of purple. unless you actually looked and read the words, you could not tel them apart. And we had a new hire in drive through.

Do the math haha. A real mad father came through about 15 minutes later showing us what was in his daughter's happy meal.
In high school I got my gym teacher fired; he was peeping in the girls locker room, some of the girls said this to the guys of our class, I called him out on it in the middle of the hallway, alot of people gathered and a week later he got fired. It allegedly was his second time so he got the sack. A couple of years later I caught a colleague of mine at the coffeeshop red-handed stealing weed, and money from the register. He took a run for it, so he fired himself.
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In high school I got my gym teacher fired; he was peeping in the girls locker room, some of the girls said this to the guys of our class, I called him out on it in the middle of the hallway, alot of people gathered and a week later he got fired. It allegedly was his second time so he got the sack. A couple of years later I caught a colleague of mine at the coffeeshop red-handed stealing weed, and money from the register. He took a run for it, so he fired himself.

What kind of coffee shop just has weed in the register?
What kind of coffee shop just has weed in the register?

Money in the register and weed in the counter; a Dutch coffeeshop that sells cannabis, not a Starbucks or a four barrel kind of place.