Well i predict tomorrow wont be a happy day for me.
We are playing vs Croatia who looked really good vs Spain and without Brozovic and Modric ... we on the other hand struggled against the all mighty Iceland , the surprisingly weak Austrians and then when we had to win to assure 1st place, we managed to f*ck up, once again, and against a World Super Power squad that goes by the name Hungary.
With agents influencing the players selection, with social media football experts trying to influence certain players as viable options to the coach , with the coach being a engineer of douchery and our beloved Diva Star, the self proclamed best player of the last 20 years that cant even score a penalti when it matters , that has the hair and the mentally of a 17 year old teen , i think the recipe for disaster is putted together... and its coming our way.
But hey , im not gonna be all negative and unpatriotic , at least we get to keep on being faithfull to our traditions ... which are , eluding everyone with our words and disapointing everybody with our actions.
Ill be praying that we at least have the brains to play the best strategy which imo has to be trying to explore Croatias weak spot , theyre defense.
Im feeling better allready !! i believe Lawd ... i BELIEVE !!