Ethnicity and Muslims in Europe - The numbers

Still to many Muslims in Denmark. And this is just from an economic and social point of view. It's simply not sustainable. Integration is not possible.
So are you saying that Sherdog's finest statisticians might be wrong with suggesting that Europe will be gone in 20 years?

I like how that's the conclusion you come to and not the social volatility that results from this. You truly are a retard.
My problem is the spread of Islam. I was hoping by this point, religion of all kind would be slowly fading away, not growing. With the internet, you have basically infinite knowledge. There's no excuse to believe in fairy tales in this day and age. How in the hell is it spreading? It makes me lose all hope for humanity.

I think most people are opposed to Scientology and consider it ridiculous. Imagine if Scientology churches were popping up all over the world and its adherents were moving in, practicing their religion in the street and refusing to integrate with the laws and culture of their lands. This is what is happening. It has absolutely nothing to do with race and everything to do with ideology.

It's OK to not want those kind of ideas to spread. It doesn't make you racist or bigoted. It makes you reasonable.
9/11 was still fresh on people's minds. I think the outcome would have been different if 9/11 didn't happen.

The question again - why would the administration want to link 9/11 to Iraq?

"Nine-eleven got connected to Iraq because you can't argue with 9/11," he says. "We lost 2000 people in a matter of hours. That's too much of a connection, and then the constant media coverage of something like that just seared into us. Every American out there and most people worldwide have a gut reaction to 9/11. It is the perfect selling point."

I really need to explain to you why it's unwise to spread Islam? All the AK massacres and trucks of peace, rape gangs, no go zones, acid attacks, treatment of women etc is a good enough reason to stop the spread of Islam. Islamic culture is incompatible with western culture.

The reaction to 9/11 was the invasion of Afghanistan. Not the Iraq War... the reason why the Iraq war happened, has been documented over and over again. Shit, I'll post sources for you so you can educate yourself if you're really that far behind. You must be young or a troll, to not remember it, or you only got information from biased sources. I remember during the buildup for it, how critical European media was about it.

Some pictures for you.





Because before the Iraq War, there was always these constant deadly attacks by terrorist against the Muslim population of countries.
Meh, it doesn't surprise me anymore to read Islamophobia on this forum. It's become normal, and just another reason why the War Room hardly has any Muslims posting in here.
As a European, I can only lol at OP.

I mean, you guys know there's a silent civil war going on all over Europe, right? Obviously not. But there isn't really anything to discuss about this - either you know it happens or you "know" it doesn't (mainly by being blind and deaf, outside the country in question or completely uninterested in the subject).

Oh, and OP's numbers for France and Germany are from the 80s. Not your fault, because there aren't any new ones (such censuses are now banned in France and German officials suggest not too look to hard into the subject anyway), but there you go. Lying with statistics 101.
Cool, where's the civil wars going on? Where do you live?

I see, the numbers are from the 80's you say... okay... did you look at the reference list? Here's the one for German ethnicities:

Surprise, it's from 2017. Page 34 shows that Germany has a population of 81.740.000 people (insgesamt) and that 62.482.000 is has a non immigrant background (ohne Migrationshintergrund). Meaning, 76,4% are German natives, which is also shown on page 35. However, if you go to page 61, you see that out of the people with immigrant background, 2.854.000 of them are ethnic German resettlers ((Spät-) Aussiedler).

Add that together and we get 62.482.000 + 2.854.000 / 81.740.000 * 100 = 79,9% or 80% which are ethnically German, as is stated in the OP.

Here are the French numbers, sourced in 2017, from the 2015 population statistics:
and here's the excell arc that shows the figures:

87,1% are born in France and have French ethnicity (Nés en France de nationalité française) and that 2,6% were born abroad but have French ethnicity (Nés à l'étranger de nationalité française). Meaning 87,1% + 2,6% = 89,7% or 89% as I wrote in the OP has French ethnicity.
9/11 pissed off Americans which gave the military the green light to go into Iraq. Civilians caught up in a war will die and what happened was terrible. Americans see now that it was a mistake.

We should not allow the spread of Islam and terrorism because of that war. Islam has been doing its thing for centuries.

For centuries European populations also spread across the world like a Virus subjugating native populations to genocide. That "its thing for centuries" logic seems hollow to me.

Almost every Muslim immigrant I know is hard working and has folded well into the fabric of daily American life.

Also that 9/11 thing as a justification is odd to me. People were pissed off so they moronically fell for lies that led to an invasion of a nation that had nothing to do with it.

Like you said it's war. Wouldn't really be right if at least some of us didn't die because of it.
Liberalism gone wild ITT.

You don't have a responsibility to bring in people that are so culturally different. You don't have a responsibility to increase the chances of rape, crime, murder and terrorism. Europe took 7% and look at what happened. The US and Europe didn't force jihadists to start slaughtering. It's almost as if you don't care about all the people raped and murdered in Europe and think it's a form of reparations.

The international community should be creating safe zones in Syria to protect people from the jihadists.

It is incredibly stupid to bring in people that hate you and think you're the reason for their predicament.
You say "look what happened", what happened exactly? Be specific.

You say that we don't have a responsibility, but the entire reason we have the UN laws we have now is because of WW2. How can you create refugees, kill thousands of innocent people, invade countries (literal invasion, not the caravan 1000+ miles away kind), contribute to destabilising countries and then not accept ANY refugees? That's not logical.

The international community should be creating safe zones in Syria to protect people from the jihadists.

Honest question, how much do you know about the civil war in Syria? Because that statement it pretty hard to take seriously on almost every level. I'm not trying to sound like a dick.
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What? If anything the Military of the United States was very much against the idea of invading Iraq and didn't buy in to the cooked up charges, don't dishonour your own military by implying they craved that war. That's what giving the green light means in case you're not familiar with that term. Make no mistake the Iraq War was orchestrated by the Neo-Cons and Israel. And not allow the spread of Islam? Are you one of those people that think over a billion people belong to a "death cult" cause you saw some Facebook pictures? You lot support the country that is the main sponsor of terrorism and prop up extremist Salafist / Wahabbi schools. The lack of self awareness never ceases to astound me. You lot preach about fairness, law and order and democracy and want to hold other nations accountable, yet none of the war criminals in America has been arrested. Hell one of the most hawkish (chicken hawk if you want to be specific) is now part of the White House.

The fact that George Bush is doing book tours and appearing on the chat show circuit - instead of being a vilified figure standing trial - shows the hollowness of the pretentious “we believe in democracy, fairness and justice” rhetoric that is perpetuated by US leaders and their sheeplike followers. Sounds good on paper but has no basis in reality.
The fact that George Bush is doing book tours and appearing on the chat show circuit - instead of being a vilified figure standing trial - shows the hollowness of the pretentious “we believe in democracy, fairness and justice” rhetoric that is perpetuated by US leaders and their sheeplike followers. Sounds good on paper but has no basis in reality.
I honestly feel Bush is not an evil man, truth be told. Just that he was mislead. I know that the final say lied with him, but I feel like he was duped by the warmongering neo-cons and Israel.
If anyone should be in jail it should be the ones that intentionally mislead the president, and pushed for the invasion.
Apologies for derailing your thread @Sano
It's quite alright. I initially just wanted to let the numbers speak for themselves, but that didn't last long lol (I'm talking about myself). It's good to discuss some of the root causes of the issues that are not often talked about.
Liberal media has really done a number on Denmark. Didn't think it was that bad over there.

9/11 is what kicked it all off. To deny that is insane.

AK massacres, trucks of peace, rape gangs, no go zones, acid attacks, treatment of women (yes women get harassed and are told to dress modestly), treatment of minorities, disdain for Jews etc and all you can think about is Islamophobia?

Oh God.. you're one of those. Well, 2018 October account, shouldn't have surprised me
No it doesn't tell Muslims to go around cutting necks. Try showing some intellectual honesty for once and reading everything in full context. I already know the verse you are going to quote as I come across people like you regularly. If you read the full exegesis, you would know that the context was a historical battle and the command was specific to the combatants of that battle. Is lying and showing intellectual dishonesty encouraged by Christianity or is that just your personal character?

Lying and being dishonest is literally encouraged by the quran.....
Are you serious? Rape, murder, assaults, crime and terrorism is what happened. It also encouraged Africans to join in on the fun.

You have a responsibility to protect your people. They comes first. If taking in certain types of refugees will endanger the public then you don't bring them in. Bringing in people that hate you and your country is not logical.

I have been following the war since the beginning.

A safe zone could have most definitely been created. The US alone took out hundreds of Russia's mercenaries in a short period of time..

You think a bunch of rag tag jihadists would be able to get near soldiers of the US and other countries?
There's so many things to unpack in your comment. I think in this thread already crime statistics have been pretty thoroughly looked at. Immigrants are overrepresented in the crime stats most of the time, that is a fact, by a around a factor of 2 - 2,5. This has been the case for at least the last 15-20 years and hasn't changed after the Syria crisis. Different groups commit more crime than others, and that varies depending on where they live.

Total crime has been going down since the 90's, in most cases, across all groups including immigrant groups. Nothern and Central Europe (France, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, UK and so on) also all only have 20% of the murder rates that the US has (which only has a 1% muslim population) and only 10% of someone like Russia.

I agree that there are problems with some immigrant groups, that's evident, but what you believe is happening doesn't comport with reality. Nothern and Central Europe are still the safest places in the world. And we should keep it that way.

My man, you need to look further into the Syrian conflict. Civilians aren't just killed my "jihadist". The Assad regime has killed countless of civilians, as well as the Russians fighting a proxy war there, and Iran, who are both on the regimes side. On the flip side, US troops and Turks have also killed many civilians in fighting ISIS, as well as have the rebel army which the US initially supported. Over 50% of the entire Syrian population have been dispersed. A third of all homes in the country has been destroyed and half of all medical facilities and schools has been demolished. Out of the 10 million children on the run, about 8 million has been deemed in need of serious medical assistance. It's fucking terrifying, the whole country has been turned to dust.

Yes, we have a responsibility to take refugees when we helped create them. Not let everyone flood in, no, but share the load in a sensible way and take the one most in need. A million people out of 741 million is only 0,1%. If we spread them out sensible that would be nothing, no one would notice at all. Compare that to the neighboring countries like Lebanon who's taken what amounts to 16% of their entire population, or Turkey who's taken what amounts to 4% of their population size.

Here in Denmark, crime stats have actually gone down proportionally in the immigrant demographic and education and employment is going up.
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Lying and being dishonest is literally encouraged by the quran.....

Present your evidence, then we can discuss further. Since you don’t like dishonesty, I’d encourage you to provide context and tafsir explanations for what you quote.
yep anything for a fist bump.

Virus? Your self hatred is showing. European ethnicities and the new ones they created are a minority in the world. They tried the conquering thing for a little while and realized it wasn't cool and now help to prevent it and slavery.

Man those Asians spread like a virus. Look at what they did to the Ainu in Japan. Look at how they're spreading all over the globe like a virus. There's billions of them. What's their kill count again?

Wouldn't be right if some Americans didn't die? How about you sacrifice yourself.

yeah leftists are completely insane.

I'm mostly being cheeky, its a lyric from a song.

We came as inmates through Ellis Island
We spread as s virus that killed through this fine land
A nation of subjugation & alienation
Black, yellow, Indonesian, Puerto Rican & Haitian"

Self hatred? Doesn't really work. The city I live in is literally built on the bones of Irish immigrants. In fact there are many similarities between the Irish Diaspora and the migrants fleeing northward.

Hell the Irish historically sided with Mexicans in the Mexican American War.

As to the Asians I believe I mentioned that it took great casualties for the Japanese to stop their expansion and control of mainland Asia.

I'm not arguing right or wrong and I have sympathy for any who die due to the actions of their government but what do you want me to do, be astounded that someone would have the audacity to look for revenge and fight back?

As to sacrificing myself, I have zero concern of dying at the hands of an Islamist. People get stabbed and shot in my city daily, if I get stabbed up locking up my shop tonight in the French Quarter it 99% won't be a Muslim but a homeless and mentally ill person the city has cast aside due to lack of proper mental healthcare.

Statistically speaking if I were to die in a terrorist attack it would be right wing violence anyway.
They were a danger to the public and shouldn't have been brought in. The results of this whole mess has ruined/traumatized innocent lives in Europe and in some cases ended them. You can't just shrug that off. It's quite clear they should have stayed in Syria or moved to culturally compatible countries. That has happened but I think those countries could have done more for them. You don't hear about mass rapes in Jordan and Saudi Arabia.

Yes I know that everyone has killed civilians. I'm not saying they shouldn't receive help.

My point is that a safe zone could have been created with the help of the international community. The civilians that needed to escape could have been sent there.
As far as I remember going through the German statistics specificly, Syrians actually comitted less crime per capita compared to ethnic Germans, so it depends entirely on which group you're talking about, and at what time. Your argumentation simply doesn't hold, because by that metric we should exclude Eastern Europeans like the Polish and Romanian, who again in accordance with the German statistics, are committing more crime per capita than the ethnic Germans. Same with the Turks.

Are you saying that Jordan and Saudi Arabia are countries who we should aspire to be as? I don't get what your point is. Jordan had a law up untill last year where rape perpetrators were actually pardoned if they married their victim. The Saudis also refuses to take Syrian refugees that didn't already have famility ties with the country.

I'd like to ask you, how you explain that crime rates, including rape convictions, have been decreasing in most EU countries? Also, I'd like you to consider how we were able to lower crime rates here in Denmark for the immigrant population. I mean, what's your thoughts about the whole, nature vs nurture issue?

In regards to Syria, you have to listen to yourself. I just told you that 50+% of the entire Syrian population, 13 million people, have been displaced. 1/3 of all houses destroyed, 1/2 of all medical facilities and schools destroyed. In what reality would it have been possible to put 13 million people into a "safe zone" with no housing, no food, no school, no medical aid while there's a civil war going on with Iran, Russia, Syria regime, Turkey, Israel, the US, ISIS and Rebels all fighting each other? It would be impossible. Ponder that reality for a bit.
Present your evidence, then we can discuss further. Since you don’t like dishonesty, I’d encourage you to provide context and tafsir explanations for what you quote.’s there.
Meh, it doesn't surprise me anymore to read Islamophobia on this forum. It's become normal, and just another reason why the War Room hardly has any Muslims posting in here.

Islamophobia is not a valid concept, stop using it as if it is. Criticism of your behavior, justified by your garbage ideology (spare me some bedouin's interpretations and reinterpretations) in the eyes of those committing said behavior is not a phobia. It's a reaction to the readily seen patterns across Europe where Muhammadans have migrated to.

You can put your victim card back in your wallet.’s there.

No references, no explanation, no example of mainstream scholarly understanding of a word you found on some right wing site.

I’ll take your post as an admission of your failure and inability to to prove your point.