Entropy-Ab question (related to hernia thread)


Trying to make a Milankey
Dec 16, 2001
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Entropy, I was looking to get your opinion on something man. Even through my chub my abdominal wall feels hard, and you can see the middle seperation from my belly button up (hey, when you're 310, that ain't bad).

Now the real question is this: I seem to have tremendous static ab strength. Take something like a weighted abwheel plank, I could do that all day. I'm also known at my gym for having the tightest core out of all the raw lifters.

But I blow ass at weighed sit-ups and the like.

Should I start taking other ab work more seriously? I always think so then flashback on guys like Coan never doing ab work, my coach doesn't do abwork (and she's been competing in PL for longer than I've been breathing oxygen, without serious injury). But I want your opinion on the A. The safety of my ab strength in regards to a hernia and B. the possible utility of ab work for my powerlifts (particularly the deadlift, where I've heard they can actually be a limiting factor).
Yes, My sentiments exactly, Welcome back Carnal. Glad to have you posting here again.
CarnalSalvation said:
Entropy, I was looking to get your opinion on something man. Even through my chub my abdominal wall feels hard, and you can see the middle seperation from my belly button up (hey, when you're 310, that ain't bad).

Now the real question is this: I seem to have tremendous static ab strength. Take something like a weighted abwheel plank, I could do that all day. I'm also known at my gym for having the tightest core out of all the raw lifters.

At 300 + lbs, to perform weighted abwheel planks with ease is pretty impressive.

CarnalSalvation said:
But I blow ass at weighed sit-ups and the like.

Should I start taking other ab work more seriously? I always think so then flashback on guys like Coan never doing ab work, my coach doesn't do abwork (and she's been competing in PL for longer than I've been breathing oxygen, without serious injury). But I want your opinion on the A. The safety of my ab strength in regards to a hernia and B. the possible utility of ab work for my powerlifts (particularly the deadlift, where I've heard they can actually be a limiting factor).

Concerning Ed Coan, I
Could deadlifting too much weight cause an abdominal hernia? I think that a herniated disc is more probable, but Im not sure. How about squats, and olympics?

Once a friend of mine got an ab hernia pushing a car, but he drinks a lot also.

here a couple of good sites about hernias;



Hey Entropy, how did you get your hernia? Do you ever get worried that going too heavy on the weighted abwork may cause your hernia too reoccur?

I've never attempted a 1 rep max in any of the ab excercies, I've only gone up to 5 rep max, but usually do sets of 10-25reps
CarnalSalvation said:
Entropy, I was looking to get your opinion on something man. Even through my chub my abdominal wall feels hard, and you can see the middle seperation from my belly button up (hey, when you're 310, that ain't bad).

Now the real question is this: I seem to have tremendous static ab strength. Take something like a weighted abwheel plank, I could do that all day. I'm also known at my gym for having the tightest core out of all the raw lifters.

But I blow ass at weighed sit-ups and the like.

Should I start taking other ab work more seriously? I always think so then flashback on guys like Coan never doing ab work, my coach doesn't do abwork (and she's been competing in PL for longer than I've been breathing oxygen, without serious injury). But I want your opinion on the A. The safety of my ab strength in regards to a hernia and B. the possible utility of ab work for my powerlifts (particularly the deadlift, where I've heard they can actually be a limiting factor).
Damn, I have gain 10 lbs since you left! It has been a while!
thecreator said:
Hey Entropy, how did you get your hernia? Do you ever get worried that going too heavy on the weighted abwork may cause your hernia too reoccur?

I've never attempted a 1 rep max in any of the ab excercies, I've only gone up to 5 rep max, but usually do sets of 10-25reps

Not exactly a story I
God I fear the hernia.

Once in a while the buckle on my belt will leave a small bruise after I deadlift or squat, and for a few seconds I trip out.

Oh, and a hernia is pretty much in my future. It happens to SOOOO many SHW powerlifters it isn't even funny. Hopefully with some extra ab and bicep work, along with my raw benching, I an afford the hernia's, bicep tears and pec tears that plague SHW's. Especially those who are indulging in some chemical enhancement.

This is a somewhat unrelated story, but that just reminded me of it. A Michigan APF lifter who will remain nameless showed up to a meet a while back WAY bigger than he'd ever been, he looked huge as fuck. His opener on the bench was more than he'd ever benched in competition to my knowledge. What did he get for all his hard work? A wicked ass pec tear thanks to his bench shirt splitting.
lol I got a hernia from only doing push-ups and non-weighed sit-ups...and other bodyweight movements. Eh ?
Hopefully with some extra ab and bicep work, along with my raw benching, I an afford the hernia's, bicep tears and pec tears that plague SHW's

I dunno Carnal...

I have a feeling if you start doing Bicep curls, a large waxed mustache and spandex are in your foreseeable future.

"And one *smooch,* and two *smooch*" (Pictures Carnal kissing his biceps after each curl, looking in the mirror, nodding his head to his reflection as if somehow they are both in agreement that they are one sexy beast!)
CarnalSalvation said:
God I fear the hernia.

Once in a while the buckle on my belt will leave a small bruise after I deadlift or squat, and for a few seconds I trip out.

Oh, and a hernia is pretty much in my future. It happens to SOOOO many SHW powerlifters it isn't even funny. Hopefully with some extra ab and bicep work, along with my raw benching, I an afford the hernia's, bicep tears and pec tears that plague SHW's. Especially those who are indulging in some chemical enhancement.

Once I was doing squats with a belt, and I felt a sharp pain in my stomach, I worried it was a hernia, but when I descended again, I realised it was the buckle sticking into me.
Now I don't squat with a belt, but i rarely go for 1rep squat max.

How do SHW powerlifters get hernias, and what kind?
Is it from all the pressure they exert on their bodies when attempting a personal best?
Is it the belt buckle sticking into their abdnominal?
Or is it because they have too much fat around their belly, causing sit ups to be physically impossible?