End Of Year Bonus


Brown Belt
Aug 17, 2007
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What do you guys think of a end of year bonus. Knock out of the year and Submission of the year maybe even fight of the year. Winners get $500000. I think you would see a lot more finishes. An a lot more fighters pushing the pace.
500 grand would go to the craziest knockout there would be a huge disagreement every time and i wouldnt make guys go after it any more
thats five hundred thousand doesnt dana have that on the craps table?
this just reminded me of the quarterly twitter awards the UFC were giving out. Did they stop doing that?
In addition to that, I'd like to see the UFC set up retirement accounts for fighters, if their financial advisors haven't done so already. Put that paper away for a rainy day.
What do you guys think of a end of year bonus. Knock out of the year and Submission of the year maybe even fight of the year. Winners get $500000. I think you would see a lot more finishes. An a lot more fighters pushing the pace.

Good idea, can't wait to see who you give this money to.
I've been thinking about that for a while and I think 250K would be good as its an even million ZUFFA would pay out.

I'd say that it would just be great if some of the Facebook fighters could be able to hit the jackpot
I think $500k is a little too much even maybe for the UFC who is rich as shit, especially since this is an opinion reward.

Either way if this did happen Edson Barboza, Korean Zombie and Dustin Poirer, and some guy who had a great submission (can't think of any absolutely amazing ones, maybe Korean Zombie in his ONE fight again lol,) would be a lot richer.
The winners would always be determined by which fight made the UFC the most money, not by which fight was legitimately the promotion's best fight of the year.

Look at Diaz-Noons II winning the Strikeforce 2010 FOTY award, or Gomi-Kawajiri winning the Pride 2005 FOTY award. It's not a coincidence that both of those fights, while very good fights, also happened to be the two fights that made Strikeforce and Pride the most money during their respective years.
Good idea, unfortunately won't happen for a while probably.

Dana / zuffa needs to throw out 10k finishing bonuses for every event.

Some guys in need of cash would kill for a 10k bonus and would be more likely fighting to finish.
What do you guys think of a end of year bonus. Knock out of the year and Submission of the year maybe even fight of the year. Winners get $500000. I think you would see a lot more finishes. An a lot more fighters pushing the pace.

You will also see more Joe Lauzon type fights. The ones that just go all out without actually wanting to win just to put on a show and pad their paychecks. I don't buy his comment after that he wanted to win. Really? You try a submission with less than 10 secs. in the match after eating punches standing up for nearly 15 mins. I'm sorry but you go with the strength that got you there and that is BJJ.

I used to be a fan of Lauzon. But, not anymore. I'll watch decision fighters any day who actually does everything they can to win regardless of whether the fight happens to be FOTN or not. He will never be a champion and should stop thinking he can the way he fought with half his tools against Miller.

So, no I do not care for end of year awards/rewards.
I think 500k is just about right it's enough to keep even the big stars wanting to finish people and yet not too much to bankrupt the UFC
Lot of dosh to throw out subjectively no?

Heck, even the $70K FOTN ones generate controversy when they go to established fighters (E.g. Carlos / GSP).

$10K finish bonus on every card sounds better, although fun fights are fun, if all the lower / middle tier guys got reckless I'm not sure if the talent would actually evolve.
It has to be enough to get people who are making over 100,000 dollars a fight to push it.

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