Opinion Elon Musk's Ex Wife Grimes responds to being called a Nazi for being proud of white culture.

USA and Europe have similar percentages of Nobel prize winners.

Russia, France, and the UK have almost the same population as the US. Europe has twice the population of the US. Give that another try, slugger.

Might want think a bit more deeply than something as pointless as "whites are overrepresented among Nobel prize winners."

Your olympic sprinting example is a much better one.

I agree with what you're saying but it's actually the left that does this ad nauseum. There has been a concerted effort to lump all people of black skin together into some like minded group for the last 10 to 15 years.

They used to celebrate the individual. All men are created equal. Race doesn't exist. Now there is black culture and a "black community." Its all the rage to acknowledge and celebrate one's blackness as an utmost important characteristic.

To me it's an obvious effort to ensure black people are a monolithic voting block. It's the reason you can get 95 percent of an entire race to vote Democrat.
Not sure if its intentional (not saying its not) by the left but there does seem to be a self identification and in some instances self segregation on the part of the black community which is a thing now in opposition to all the work put in by MLK and others. I would also agree that some of the "white culture" stuff we hear is in response to so much of this occurring. But my response is to not respond to some of the silliness I see like this. But yeah, what you are seeing is somewhat of a response to this and you are correct.
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You think White people have nothing to be proud of? That's a pretty disgusting comment. I'm not surprised in the slightest its coming from you.
LOL way to go moving the goal posts to restate my position disingenuously. That's certainly no surprise, for that matter.

No, the color of your skin is nothing to be proud of. What the fuck did you have to do with it? Individual people have every right to feel pride in themselves, proud of the people close to them too, but should I be proud of something your ancestor did, for example?

Similarly, I'm grateful for having been born in Canada and I can take pride in my own and my fellow citizens' contributions to this nation and to local communities across the country that make it what it is, but it would be dumb as shit to be proud of the existence of the Rockies or the Great Lakes, wouldn't it?

So yeah, you can go around being proud of shit a bunch of other people did and I'll stick to being proud of things I actually accomplish. Pleasure, sure. Gratitude, why not. But white pride is dumb as shit and so is your comment.
Wtf even is "white culture"?

Been white my whole life. Pretty sure my culture is different than white people in other states and even in the same state that I live in lol
Nazis were much more specific about what they liked.

Isn' this woman a communist though? Or was that a different one? I'm getting confused with Mollusk's many women.
Not sure if its intentional (not saying its not) by the left but there does seem to be a self identification and in some instances self segregation on the part of the black community which is a thing now in opposition to all the work put in by MLK and others. I would also agree that some of the "white culture" stuff we hear is in response to so much of this occurring. But my response is to not respond to some of the silliness I see like this. But yeah, what you are seeing is somewhat of a response to this and you are correct.

There are no accidents or coincidences. Black people did not come out for Hillary and trump won. Since then there has been a massive campaign to drive black turnout and ensure they vote with their blackness in mind above all else. It's pretty sad actually because it has undone all the work of thinkers like mlk and its to the detriment of black people and America in general.

Biden accidentally spoke the truth about how the left views black people with the whole "you ain't black if" comment.
You'll have to ask them. Many would tell you that they're not.

How many? If there is a stat on how many european and european-american jews don't identify as white I'd like to see it.

And even if Karl Marx said he wasn't white (which there is no evidence for) Rachel Dolezal would tell you she isn't white either, glad to see you're taking people's word for their identity.
How many? If there is a stat on how many european and european-american jews don't identify as white I'd like to see it.

And even if Karl Marx said he wasn't white (which there is no evidence for) Rachel Dolezal would tell you she isn't white either, glad to see you're taking people's word for their identity.
Well she "Identifies" as Black so it is so.....Don't you know that's how it works?
I didn't figure you for a transracialist, but you learn something new every day I guess.
If you can be any gender you decide to believe in that day then why the hell not.....laughing
Fox is my bud so I was just having fun with him.
LOL way to go moving the goal posts to restate my position disingenuously. That's certainly no surprise, for that matter.

No, the color of your skin is nothing to be proud of. What the fuck did you have to do with it? Individual people have every right to feel pride in themselves, proud of the people close to them too, but should I be proud of something your ancestor did, for example?

Similarly, I'm grateful for having been born in Canada and I can take pride in my own and my fellow citizens' contributions to this nation and to local communities across the country that make it what it is, but it would be dumb as shit to be proud of the existence of the Rockies or the Great Lakes, wouldn't it?

So yeah, you can go around being proud of shit a bunch of other people did and I'll stick to being proud of things I actually accomplish. Pleasure, sure. Gratitude, why not. But white pride is dumb as shit and so is your comment.
Would agree here on all counts. I definitely see not ever being ashamed of ones race, ethnicity etc but what we are seeing today is just tribalism that is divisive vs unity and bringing groups together.
There are no accidents or coincidences. Black people did not come out for Hillary and trump won. Since then there has been a massive campaign to drive black turnout and ensure they vote with their blackness in mind above all else. It's pretty sad actually because it has undone all the work of thinkers like mlk and its to the detriment of black people and America in general.

Biden accidentally spoke the truth about how the left views black people with the whole "you ain't black if" comment.
Perhaps so. Biden's comment is definitely ridiculous. Either way, this will lend itself to both the response like you see in the story and of course the outright racists on the right and left that grab onto this line of thinking. Very destructive imo.
No, the color of your skin is nothing to be proud of. What the fuck did you have to do with it? Individual people have every right to feel pride in themselves, proud of the people close to them too, but should I be proud of something your ancestor did, for example?

Similarly, I'm grateful for having been born in Canada and I can take pride in my own and my fellow citizens' contributions to this nation and to local communities across the country that make it what it is
one can be proud of their races shared contributions to society the same as you are proud of your countrymen. who's to say that physiognomy is any less arbitrary than country or state border lines drawn hundreds of years ago
tribalism isn't dead by any stretch
one can be proud of their races shared contributions to society the same as you are proud of your countrymen. who's to say that physiognomy is any less arbitrary than country or state border lines drawn hundreds of years ago
tribalism isn't dead by any stretch
It's misplaced pride. Race is made up. It's fucking foolish. And of course, physical makeup is just as arbitrary--within a certain range of possibilities, that is. Be proud of individuals, organizations, results, but proud of what colour your skin happens to be on any given day? Utter foolishness. You might just as well be proud of having a small nose or tons of body hair.
It's misplaced pride. Race is made up. It's fucking foolish. And of course, physical makeup is just as arbitrary--within a certain range of possibilities, that is. Be proud of individuals, organizations, results, but proud of what colour your skin happens to be on any given day? Utter foolishness. You might just as well be proud of having a small nose or tons of body hair.

Again, it's foolish but it's prominent on the left. Hope you rage against it when it's on full display and not just micro aggressions like in OP
Again, it's foolish but it's prominent on the left. Hope you rage against it when it's on full display and not just micro aggressions like in OP
What is prominent on the left? Please be specific and let's see if you can avoid the obvious false equivalency in the process.

Unless you're one of those "all lives matter" types who can't understand the role of context, in which case don't bother.

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