Elon Musk Agrees to $44b Deal for Twitter

Woke people keep trying to spin the narrative that X is failing and that Elon Musk is losing his mind.

Someone needs to remind them that the Twitter they remember no longer exists, so they can't spin lies like they once could.
Woke people keep trying to spin the narrative that X is failing and that Elon Musk is losing his mind.

Someone needs to remind them that the Twitter they remember no longer exists, so they can't spin lies like they once could.
1. According to Elon Musk's own math, Twitter has lost 90% of its value.
2. He's tweeting fantasies about impregnating Taylor Swift.
3. Elon Musk hates free speech.
4. No matter how much you gargle his balls, he's not giving you any of his money.
1. According to Elon Musk's own math, Twitter has lost 90% of its value.
2. He's tweeting fantasies about impregnating Taylor Swift.
3. Elon Musk hates free speech.
4. No matter how much you gargle his balls, he's not giving you any of his money.
I don't need his money; just his free speech platform.

So cute how woke people always look to the elite for money. So desperate.
I don't need his money; just his free speech platform.

So cute how woke people always look to the elite for money. So desperate.
No free speech for the opposition party in Turkey, because Elon at the request of the Turkish government, censored them.
Leon will censor for dictators.
Also, all the banks that hold Leon's loans which he used to buy Twitter are now trying to sell them at a loss.
Once again, it has been enjoyable to watch a dude shit post away 10's of billions.
just his free speech platform

Such free speech. Much wow

Dictionary Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more

adjective: cisgender; adjective: cis-gender; adjective: cisgendered; adjective: cis-gendered
  1. denoting or relating to a person whose gender identity corresponds with the sex registered for them at birth
Cards Against Humanity has filed suit against SpaceX

The Chicago-based Cards Against Humanity (CAH) — the company behind the bestselling adult party game in which players use cards to create either wonderfully clever or hilariously disturbing strings of phrases — distributed a statement on Friday (Sept. 20) blasting Elon Musk and SpaceX for allegedly encroaching upon and damaging land that CAH purchased in 2017. This land is located along the U.S.-Mexico border, and CAH bought it as part of a movement to thwart former President Donald Trump's plan of building a lengthy border barrier.

According to the release, Cards Against Humanity's lawsuit blames SpaceX for "trespassing, destruction of property, and brand damages" due to "unpermitted storage of construction materials and equipment" on the game company's parcel of land. If the court case is heard and leads to a successful outcome for the plaintiff, the entertainment firm promises to re-distribute any monetary gains among original supporters of its 2017 land purchase.

Back in 2017, CAH bought this chunk of land near Brownsville, Texas as a component of its Cards Against Humanity Saves America campaign, in which 150,000 customers paid the corporation $15 each to ensure the land would be protected from construction of Trump's notorious "wall." The land is near Starbase, SpaceX's lead site for the development and testing of its new Starship megarocket.

In 2024, Musk "snuck up on us from behind and completely destroyed that land with gravel, tractors, and space garbage. How did this happen?" Cards Against Humanity wrote in its press release. "After we caught him, SpaceX gave us a 12-hour ultimatum to accept a lowball offer for less than half the land's value."

Cards Against Humanity vehemently declined the offer.



Such free speech. Much wow

Dictionary Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more

adjective: cisgender; adjective: cis-gender; adjective: cisgendered; adjective: cis-gendered
  1. denoting or relating to a person whose gender identity corresponds with the sex registered for them at birth

Cis is considered a slur on Twitter. I suspect it's because of his relationship with his trans kid.

Cards Against Humanity has filed suit against SpaceX

The Chicago-based Cards Against Humanity (CAH) — the company behind the bestselling adult party game in which players use cards to create either wonderfully clever or hilariously disturbing strings of phrases — distributed a statement on Friday (Sept. 20) blasting Elon Musk and SpaceX for allegedly encroaching upon and damaging land that CAH purchased in 2017. This land is located along the U.S.-Mexico border, and CAH bought it as part of a movement to thwart former President Donald Trump's plan of building a lengthy border barrier.

According to the release, Cards Against Humanity's lawsuit blames SpaceX for "trespassing, destruction of property, and brand damages" due to "unpermitted storage of construction materials and equipment" on the game company's parcel of land. If the court case is heard and leads to a successful outcome for the plaintiff, the entertainment firm promises to re-distribute any monetary gains among original supporters of its 2017 land purchase.

Back in 2017, CAH bought this chunk of land near Brownsville, Texas as a component of its Cards Against Humanity Saves America campaign, in which 150,000 customers paid the corporation $15 each to ensure the land would be protected from construction of Trump's notorious "wall." The land is near Starbase, SpaceX's lead site for the development and testing of its new Starship megarocket.

In 2024, Musk "snuck up on us from behind and completely destroyed that land with gravel, tractors, and space garbage. How did this happen?" Cards Against Humanity wrote in its press release. "After we caught him, SpaceX gave us a 12-hour ultimatum to accept a lowball offer for less than half the land's value."

Cards Against Humanity vehemently declined the offer.


Just saw that this morning. Hilarious
Woke people keep trying to spin the narrative that X is failing and that Elon Musk is losing his mind.

Someone needs to remind them that the Twitter they remember no longer exists, so they can't spin lies like they once could.
X is failing though by every single business metrics, that defines a business.

You can argue Elon is so rich he does not need it to succeed as a successful business and he can just subsidize it, but that still makes it a failing business.
The rebellious left - who believe they are raging against the establishment - celebrating the world’s biggest companies not advertising on X… primarily because it’s no longer a left wing cesspit.
The rebellious left - who believe they are raging against the establishment - celebrating the world’s biggest companies not advertising on X… primarily because it’s no longer a left wing cesspit.
They are not advertising because who wants your ad next to some porn showing a Chick get Eiffel Towered.
The same reason why Sherdog, cracked down on the porn, and other social media companies such as Facebook did as well. You must be trolling or oblivious to how advertising works.
Leon screwed Leon with the advertisers.
I hope he keeps it up, nothing has been more entertaining than watching a dude shit post away 10's of billions of dollars. I can wait until some rich dude trolls his ass and buys his loans for buying twitter that banks are currently trying to sell at deep discounts. Problem is nobody will buy them after watching Leon Shit post away billions of dollars.
No Leon got the bright idea to sue his advertisers.
And lets not forget this...


Imagine being so clueless that after you very publically tell your advertisers collectively how much scorn and contempt you have for them, and how much you do not need them and could care less if they do not advertise with you, you then sue when they take you up on your offer and do not advertise with you.

Elon is on the exact Trump path, with first falling for all the Magat lies and CT's and now showing he will push and lose ridiculous lawsuit after ridiculous lawsuit.
The rebellious left - who believe they are raging against the establishment - celebrating the world’s biggest companies not advertising on X… primarily because it’s no longer a left wing cesspit.
...primarily because it has become a right wing cesspit .... Conspiracy theory hub .. and porn hub.

If you look at the business model of those type of sites you will quickly see one thing they all share in common. they do not attract mainstream companies to advertise.

If you do not understand why, that is on you and being too dumb.
And lets not forget this...


Imagine being so clueless that after you very publically tell your advertisers collectively how much scorn and contempt you have for them, and how much you do not need them and could care less if they do not advertise with you, you then sue when they take you up on your offer and do not advertise with you.

Elon is on the exact Trump path, with first falling for all the Magat lies and CT's and now showing he will push and lose ridiculous lawsuit after ridiculous lawsuit.
Forcing advertisers to advertise on X sounds like Socialism to me. The great thing about Capitalism is you can vote with your dollars. Advertisers are voting too not spend money on Leon's social media company.