Elections Elderly MSNBC Viewer Tells Them She Voted for Bernie Because They HATE Him

From what I recall it was WW2 armament that really pulled it off.


FDR's economic policies themselves seemed to have no great impact on the matter. His hawkish foreign policy did, though.
His foreign policy was necessarily hawkish dealing with the Nazis and to a lesser extent the reds. It's not like today's neocons who have us in bullshit regime change wars and proxy wars which benefit special interests rather than the country as a whole. We'll have to agree to disagree about the effectiveness of the economic policies.
You keep saying this, and I keep correcting you with reliable sources, but you won't accept/acknowledge that Bernie is the #1 choice of minority voters. It's "Mayo" Pete who struggles with minorities, not Bernie.

"Senator Bernie Sanders leads all the Democratic presidential candidates in support from non-white voters and has gained 10 points among black voters, according to new polls released Tuesday."


Like I told you last time, stop following polls I can find one right now that’s the complete 180 of yours. Do you understand this point?

I travel, I talk to many many business owners. I can tell you one thing, all the fuck Trumps have turned into “not bad, I’ll take the crass if this continues”. Not one Black or Hispanic person I know wants doormat, not one. Florida would be gone instantly. Most Dems I know see doormat as a radical who is an independent. They don’t want to see their party taken into the “democratic socialist” oxymoron left. Before you say muh anecdotal evidence consider:

1. doormat wants open borders
2. Wants healthcare for illegals
3. Doesn’t know how to pay for anything he spews
4. Already alienated up to 20% of his would be vote
5. Has a history of heart problems/won’t release medical records
6. Is a radical communist softened up by time. There’s clips of him touting the CCCP youth programs...he has no idea how those operated.
7. Keeps getting woke....now America is everything racist....ever ever ever
8. Folds under pressure

.....can you see the problem or will you just keep acting dumb? There is no “revolution” and doormat isn’t gaining voters he’s pushing away voters
From your own link

He never really brought America ought of depression until WW2 occurred, though. As far as recovery goes, his was slower than most other countries in the world at that time.

His economic policies could be credited with saving America from the worst (although America's recovery was by no means exceptional compared to, well, anybody else), but the economic boom occurred because of WW2 armament.


This is one of the takes from that Wiki article:

According to Christina Romer, the money supply growth caused by huge international gold inflows was a crucial source of the recovery of the United States economy, and that the economy showed little sign of self-correction. The gold inflows were partly due to devaluation of the U.S. dollar and partly due to deterioration of the political situation in Europe.[85] In their book, A Monetary History of the United States, Milton Friedman and Anna J. Schwartz also attributed the recovery to monetary factors, and contended that it was much slowed by poor management of money by the Federal Reserve System. Former Chairman of the Federal Reserve Ben Bernanke agreed that monetary factors played important roles both in the worldwide economic decline and eventual recovery.[86] Bernanke also saw a strong role for institutional factors, particularly the rebuilding and restructuring of the financial system,[87] and pointed out that the Depression should be examined in an international perspective.[88]

My calculations suggest that in the absence of these stimuli the economy would have remained depressed far longer and far more deeply than it actually did. This in turn suggests that any self-correcting response of the U.S. economy to low output was weak or nonexistent in the 1930s.

https://web.archive.org/web/20130117093624/http://elsa.berkeley.edu/~cromer/What Ended the Great Depression.pdf

She has also researched the causes of the Great Depression in the United States and how the US recovered from the depression. Her work showed that the Great Depression occurred more severely in the US than in Europe, and had somewhat different causes than the Great Depression in Europe. Romer showed that New Deal fiscal policy measures, though innovative, were very insufficient, and dwarfed by Hoover's tax increase two years earlier.[8] However, accidental monetary policy played a large role in the US recovery from depression. This monetary policy came first from the devaluation of the dollar in terms of gold in 1933–1934, and later from the flight of European capital to the relatively stable US as war in Europe became more likely.[9]


It seems to be a bit of a myth that the New Deal caused a Golden Age to occur for the United States.
Almost everyone on this forum would benefit from universal healthcare. Think of the job freedom you would have if you didn't have to worry about dying of a treatable illness or winding up on the street. This is good for freedom and good for the economy.
I've had to pay thousands of dollars out of pocket now TWICE because of insurance issues.

The first time was in Florida. Went in for routine dental surgery. In the middle of the surgery, the surgeon who was covered by my insurance realized he was incapable of completing the surgery and sent me off to a superior surgeon to finish the job. Insurance didn't cover anything, if my credit card hadn't gone through, they would have thrown me out into the street in pain, which was made abundantly clear to me.

This made it crystal clear to me how heartless this country can be and how lucky I am to be middle class and not poor like a lot of Americans are. Brought me out of my right wing haze, thank God.
Like I told you last time, stop following polls I can find one right now that’s the complete 180 of yours. Do you understand this point?

I travel, I talk to many many business owners. I can tell you one thing, all the fuck Trumps have turned into “not bad, I’ll take the crass if this continues”. Not one Black or Hispanic person I know wants doormat, not one. Florida would be gone instantly. Most Dems I know see doormat as a radical who is an independent. They don’t want to see their party taken into the “democratic socialist” oxymoron left. Before you say muh anecdotal evidence consider:

1. doormat wants open borders
2. Wants healthcare for illegals
3. Doesn’t know how to pay for anything he spews
4. Already alienated up to 20% of his would be vote
5. Has a history of heart problems/won’t release medical records
6. Is a radical communist softened up by time. There’s clips of him touting the CCCP youth programs...he has no idea how those operated.
7. Keeps getting woke....now America is everything racist....ever ever ever
8. Folds under pressure

.....can you see the problem or will you just keep acting dumb? There is no “revolution” and doormat isn’t gaining voters he’s pushing away voters
At least you correctly wrote "borders" this time instead of "boarders". One less malapropism to worry about. See, you're making progress... :)
I've had to pay thousands of dollars out of pocket now TWICE because of insurance issues.

The first time was in Florida. Went in for routine dental surgery. In the middle of the surgery, the surgeon who was covered by my insurance realized he was incapable of completing the surgery and sent me off to a superior surgeon to finish the job. Insurance didn't cover anything, if my credit card hadn't gone through, they would have thrown me out into the street in pain, which was made abundantly clear to me.

This made it crystal clear to me how heartless this country can be and how lucky I am to be middle class and not poor like a lot of Americans are. Brought me out of my right wing haze, thank God.

What procedure were you having and what was your insurance? That’s not ethical under many laws. You wouldn’t be just thrown out in pain
His foreign policy was necessarily hawkish dealing with the Nazis and to a lesser extent the reds. It's not like today's neocons who have us in bullshit regime change wars and proxy wars which benefit special interests rather than the country as a whole. We'll have to agree to disagree about the effectiveness of the economic policies.

He was hawkish in the Pacific too, though, jousting for superiority with the Japanese, and presented them with an ultimatum which was basically a declaration of war.

Not that his hawkishness wasn't warranted, but it was his pro-war attitude that actually had a greater impact on America's economic boom than his economic policies.

If you read about Roosevelt "behind the scenes" he was a pretty rough guy who obviously had no problems with war and killing. A much different Democrat obviously from a Bernie Sanders. He got along well with Stalin, both sharing a similar "dark sense of humor". He was similar to Trump in the sense that he often made fun of Western "democratic leaders" in the presence of Eastern dictators.
At least you correctly wrote "borders" this time instead of "boarders". One less malapropism to worry about. See, you're making progress... :)

Haha Im at the point that I accept the “English corrections” thing you guys do as a sign of concession
He never really brought America ought of depression until WW2 occurred, though. As far as recovery goes, his was slower than most other countries in the world at that time.

His economic policies could be credited with saving America from the worst (although America's recovery was by no means exceptional compared to, well, anybody else), but the economic boom occurred because of WW2 armament.


This is one of the takes from that Wiki article:

According to Christina Romer, the money supply growth caused by huge international gold inflows was a crucial source of the recovery of the United States economy, and that the economy showed little sign of self-correction. The gold inflows were partly due to devaluation of the U.S. dollar and partly due to deterioration of the political situation in Europe.[85] In their book, A Monetary History of the United States, Milton Friedman and Anna J. Schwartz also attributed the recovery to monetary factors, and contended that it was much slowed by poor management of money by the Federal Reserve System. Former Chairman of the Federal Reserve Ben Bernanke agreed that monetary factors played important roles both in the worldwide economic decline and eventual recovery.[86] Bernanke also saw a strong role for institutional factors, particularly the rebuilding and restructuring of the financial system,[87] and pointed out that the Depression should be examined in an international perspective.[88]

My calculations suggest that in the absence of these stimuli the economy would have remained depressed far longer and far more deeply than it actually did. This in turn suggests that any self-correcting response of the U.S. economy to low output was weak or nonexistent in the 1930s.

https://web.archive.org/web/20130117093624/http://elsa.berkeley.edu/~cromer/What Ended the Great Depression.pdf

She has also researched the causes of the Great Depression in the United States and how the US recovered from the depression. Her work showed that the Great Depression occurred more severely in the US than in Europe, and had somewhat different causes than the Great Depression in Europe. Romer showed that New Deal fiscal policy measures, though innovative, were very insufficient, and dwarfed by Hoover's tax increase two years earlier.[8] However, accidental monetary policy played a large role in the US recovery from depression. This monetary policy came first from the devaluation of the dollar in terms of gold in 1933–1934, and later from the flight of European capital to the relatively stable US as war in Europe became more likely.[9]


It seems to be a bit of a myth that the New Deal caused a Golden Age to occur for the United States.
Well sure, the sentence right before the one I highlighted pointed out that there is no consensus as to what brought us out of the Great Depression so I wouldn't say that his policies saved us or discount the effect of the war in helping us out of the Great Depression. But many economists seem to think that it helped.
What procedure were you having and what was your insurance? That’s not ethical under many laws. You wouldn’t be just thrown out in pain
Wisdom tooth surgery and it 100% happened. Florida is like a fucking Third World country in many ways. Coming from Massachusetts, I wasn't used to bullshit like that.
Well sure, the sentence right before the one I highlighted pointed out that there is no consensus as to what brought us out of the Great Depression so I wouldn't say that his policies saved us or discount the effect of the war in helping us out of the Great Depression. But many economists seem to think that it helped.

Helped with recovery, yeah, but as far as getting America to its best years economically, I just don't think Roosevelt's economic policies had much of an effect in that regard, based on all accounts. Extra-ordinary circumstances contributed to that, and they obviously won't be repeated in this day and age, atleast hopefully.
Wisdom tooth surgery and it 100% happened. Florida is like a fucking Third World country in many ways. Coming from Massachusetts, I wasn't used to bullshit like that.

How old are you? Removal of wisdom teeth is covered under Dentaquest, MCNA, Liberty, Argus.....Even if you had a private insurance PPO it would be covered. What type of insurance did you have? I’m asking cause I’ve never let a patient go out in pain with or without payment. Any health business would be at risk at that point
Helped with recovery, yeah, but as far as getting America to its best years economically, I just don't think Roosevelt's economic policies had much of an effect in that regard, based on all accounts. Extra-ordinary circumstances contributed to that, and they obviously won't be repeated in this day and age, atleast hopefully.
You said this
FDR's economic policies themselves seemed to have no great impact on the matter. His hawkish foreign policy did, though.
Many economists would seem to disagree with that assessment.
You said this

Many economists would seem to disagree with that assessment.

LOL. It was FDR's social democratic policies that brought us out of the great depression and into our best years economically after unfettered capitalism got us into the great depression, just like it got us into the economic crisis of '08.

It is more so the latter part that I was addressing.

To say that FDR's social democratic policies themselves brought America out of Great Depression and into their best years economically, is ignoring a huge pink elephant in the room called the WW2.
It is more so the latter part that I was addressing.

To say that FDR's social democratic policies themselves brought America out of Great Depression and into their best years economically, is ignoring a huge pink elephant in the room called the WW2.
Fair enough.
That’s a lot of writing to say “I don’t know” friend

1. The goof troop is a term of endearment get a sense of humor. You guys get triggered over words on a screen, work on that

2. Better healthcare for all can be achieved though more capitalism, no need to for this geriatric fake communist doormat. His “plans” would destroy our economy. He can’t even answer himself how his “plans” will be payed...let that sink in

3. Can you stop with your TDS for 10 seconds? This isn’t about Trump. Doormat has now said he won’t release his medical records...hmm why is that?

4. Hes a walking talking Trump campaign video. Consider he just alienated up to 20% of pro choice Dems. Cmon now be smarter

See? Valid points made with no long paragraphs with a lot of words that say nothing
1. Grow a spine and own up to it. It's your lame ass attempt at an insult, you're trying to be like your hero with the hack nicknames. I'm more annoyed that any time I use a word I used for years, you're going to jump in and whine about me being unoriginal when I used it before you had an account.

2. Capitalism is what's driven the cost of healthcare up so that people are paying multiple times what people pay in the rest of the developed world. The rest of the world makes socialized healthcare work, why can't we? You don't think America is good enough?

3. It's a discussion about the presidential election, particularly the general election. How the fuck does this not relate to Trump?

4. This isn't even a point. Trump alienates people all the time.

Valid points?
Fair enough.

Not saying that they were bad policies, in fact some experts apparently have stated that he simply wasn't ambitious enough. Then again, if you look at Nazis who went over-board with their spending, they ended up in a giant hole debt-wise and were pushed to military conquest in order to fill the coffers. Not that it took much "pushing" in their case, as they clearly already had such plans anyway.

Anyway, I don't think Bernie's run can be compared with FDR. The circumstances were different, and the way they're going to go on about their business, is different. I don't see him having a major impact on American economy but he can have an impact on the general well-being of Americans. If he can have 8 years of peace while prioritizing America and its problems, that already sets the table for a pretty good reign. Regardless of whether he takes America to its next big boom or not.
2. insurance companies/bureaucracy is what's driven the cost of healthcare up so that people are paying multiple times what people pay in the rest of the developed world. The rest of the world makes socialized healthcare work, why can't we? You don't think America is good enough?
