Media El Guapo trashes UFC "Point Fighting" to promote Bareknuckle Boxing

Of course you do, then you wake up and go to school, all good.
If he's a school kid, and noting his join date, he signed up to Sherdog when he was what, 5 years old?

How's life at the old folks home, Old Timer? Any mailboxes attacked you yet?
Nah....not good. Shutup about bare knuckle please.
Idiots. With bareknucles how are the fighters going to be willing to throw their full power in their punches without the fear of breaking their fists?

Bas later goes on to say exactly what you are saying, so he knows the truth of it. And yes, he contradicted his first statement.
They should add a special rules 'Bas Rutten Bar Fight' to every other bareknuckle boxing card, with plenty of ambiance to smack faces into.
Those rules would have to allow deliberate head-butting, because that is Bas's favorite bar-fight technique (and I'm not making that up... he's done videos about it).
Idiots. With bareknucles how are the fighters going to be willing to throw their full power in their punches without the fear of breaking their fists?

The myth that gloves soften the punches is false. Instead, gloves protect the fists so that the puncher can feel assured that their hands won't break from punching their full power

Why are you so angry about this? And for the record if bare hands are wrapped properly they are pretty safe from breaking.
Bas Rutten is one of those guys who will sell an eskimo ice cubes
Randleman was robbed. RIP.

Bas did all the work. Randleman just laid there. Judges made the right call. You shouldn’t be rewarded for LnP. Bas out worked him. He did more. So he won.
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Idiots. With bareknucles how are the fighters going to be willing to throw their full power in their punches without the fear of breaking their fists?

The myth that gloves soften the punches is false. Instead, gloves protect the fists so that the puncher can feel assured that their hands won't break from punching their full power

You can throw full power punches without gloves if you have proper technique. Gloves allow you to punch even harder and carelessly from different angles to an extent you wouldn't be able to without padding and wrist support. That's the difference.

It's like kicking. If you're wearing shin pads you won't care as much about going shin on shin or hitting an elbow. Without the padding you're just more careful at how and when you throw the kicks. Same goes with bare knuckle vs gloved.
If he's a school kid, and noting his join date, he signed up to Sherdog when he was what, 5 years old?

How's life at the old folks home, Old Timer? Any mailboxes attacked you yet?

Why i train so much, those bitch posts are a tough fight these days.
Condition your fists and learn how to punch properly instead of breaking your fists. This is great news for Irish travellers.
Many UFC fighters break their hands with wraps and gloves. Yet they have the best "Strength and Conditioning" coaches. Fists can be conditioned as well. Look at the MT fighters or Tony Ferguson. ALL parts of their bodies are conditioned.
I don't plan on flying to Canada to spar with some Old Timer who spends his saturdays karate chopping boards.

I had a wing chung guy at my last job. He used to like talking about martial arts with me as that was the peak of my MMA training. I asked if he wrestled, and he said they don't have to because they train takedown defence. I kindly pointed out that so do wrestlers, but that's the point of offensive wrestling - to take down people who know how to stuff them. He was a nice bloke, but he said with such arrogance that "we don't get taken down by wrestlers" and actually laughed while he said it.

I asked him if I could try to take him down and he agreed. He is a big 120kg guy (I'm 77kg) and I easily doubled legged him. I'm by no means a phenomenal wrestler.

When you train these defensive martial arts at old school dojos where you train to parlay strikes, you get blinded by the coaches telling you this is the real way to fight. You learn to 'spar' by exchanging memorised, telegraphed combinations. I know because I did various karates as a kid/in my early teens. Once I started MMA, all that shit went out the window. It may work in a real life situation against someone who doesn't know hwo to fight, but it's ignorant and borderline idiotic to think that any defensive martial art like wing chung, krav maga or point fighting styles would be effective in a fight with a trained MMA practitioner.

Otherwise, they'd be doing it in MMA.

But keep breaking those boards old fella ;)

Damn i hope your camera's dont cover our change rooms at the Dojo. Super glad you know how we train and what is going on.

Damn man, i am glad you took down a dude, that is great stuff.

Karate is the last thing I have trained in my life, I in fact have the most "fights" at the dojo and get handed all new people that come in with "belts" to see how good they actually are. Not all Dojo's are the same, but you trained a little so that is good.

When you hold such contempt with such ignorance of the situation there is little point in talking, you may mock all you choose, you are still wrong.
Damn i hope your camera's dont cover our change rooms at the Dojo. Super glad you know how we train and what is going on.

Damn man, i am glad you took down a dude, that is great stuff.

Karate is the last thing I have trained in my life, I in fact have the most "fights" at the dojo and get handed all new people that come in with "belts" to see how good they actually are. Not all Dojo's are the same, but you trained a little so that is good.

When you hold such contempt with such ignorance of the situation there is little point in talking, you may mock all you choose, you are still wrong.

MMA, boxing, thai boxing don't have belts. If you mean you're handed MMA guys with pro belts - as in titles - then I'm very skeptical of your story. I have no idea why a pro MMA fighter would be going to these off-shoot TMA dojos.

I don't hold Krav Maga, Wing Chung or whatever dojo MA you do to contempt, but you chimed in on an MMA forum to say UFC fighters have sloppy technique (insinuating that you and your dojo mates have better), and you and your dojo teammates spar bare knuckle. That's the epitome of ignorance. You obviously don't do any traditional combat sport like boxing, MMA, Thai Boxing, ect, because you sure as hell wouldn't be so critical of the highest level of MMA technique and you definitely wouldn't be sparring bare knuckle. That is beyond stupid, and only defence martial artists do that because that aren't throwing punches - at least not freestyle anyway.

Everyone would have black eys, fat lips and stitches after every class. It makes no sense. And I straight up don't believe you telling me that you handle pro MMA fighters in freestyle sparring if you've never done a discipline of the sport.
MMA, boxing, thai boxing don't have belts. If you mean you're handed MMA guys with pro belts - as in titles - then I'm very skeptical of your story. I have no idea why a pro MMA fighter would be going to these off-shoot TMA dojos.

I don't hold Krav Maga, Wing Chung or whatever dojo MA you do to contempt, but you chimed in on an MMA forum to say UFC fighters have sloppy technique (insinuating that you and your dojo mates have better), and you and your dojo teammates spar bare knuckle. That's the epitome of ignorance. You obviously don't do any traditional combat sport like boxing, MMA, Thai Boxing, ect, because you sure as hell wouldn't be so critical of the highest level of MMA technique and you definitely wouldn't be sparring bare knuckle. That is beyond stupid, and only defence martial artists do that because that aren't throwing punches - at least not freestyle anyway.

Everyone would have black eys, fat lips and stitches after every class. It makes no sense. And I straight up don't believe you telling me that you handle pro MMA fighters in freestyle sparring if you've never done a discipline of the sport.
dood. his dojo does bareknuckle hard sparring and they never break their hands! or their faces! lets see mma guys do that with their sloppy, primitive techniques.
dood. his dojo does bareknuckle hard sparring and they never break their hands! or their faces! lets see mma guys do that with their sloppy, primitive techniques.
This old guy and his dojo buddies are the FUTURE of combat!
Many UFC fighters break their hands with wraps and gloves. Yet they have the best "Strength and Conditioning" coaches. Fists can be conditioned as well. Look at the MT fighters or Tony Ferguson. ALL parts of their bodies are conditioned.

Tony is very well conditioned.
This old guy and his dojo buddies are the FUTURE of combat!
it is actually amazing how fuckin cluelessly arrogant he is. it's gettin me triggered....:)