That's not true. Egg prices skyrocketing was a recent phenomenon due to the bird flu and you are well aware of it.
Inflation was caused in no small part by Trump and covid19. Biden played a role too. Both passed relief acts which ballooned debt and handed out money. The difference is Trump gave huge cuts to the wealthiest Americans and corporations which never even asked for it.
It's also not immediate but people are asking questions. What is Trump doing to bring down the price of eggs? I've read that his secretary was negotiating with Turkey. That's good. However now that Trump decided to play the tariff game he's majorly fucking our entire economy and country.
Both parties play this game. It's to be expected.
I never claimed such a thing...
It's 5$ at Costco as well.
You want know why that is?
It's because Costco and Sams lose money on it. In fact Costco loses 30-40 million annually on it. Just like they lose money on slice of pizza and drink for 1.50$ that hasn't went up in a couple decades. It's done as a way to attract customers and marketing ploy. To get 5$ rotisserie chickens in my local Costco, you have to walk all the way to the very back of Costco. Last time I was there, there was a line of people waiting for them to finish cooking them. While there, many people buy other goods with large profit margins.
Costco's famous rotisserie chicken is juicy, flavorful, and cheap. But its shockingly low price likely means it's a loss leader instead of a profitable product.