Ed Debevic's, Where the Waitresses are Rude

Ahahaha, he wrecks the fuck out of her. A couple of my favorites.

"You look like if Flint Michigan was a person."

"Meanwhile you're still losing your battle with ranch dressing."

Yeah I think at the Wiener Circle she tries to punk him and he's like "I can't believe you said that, how do you sleep in your car at night!"
brb..........Checking their reviews on yelp.
Well, they shut down 2 years ago.
Apparently their new location was bogus.

Hmm, I wonder what the deal is.

There's activity on their Twitter as late as October 2016 so it appears that they're still working on opening back up. I wonder why they're having a hard time making that happen or why they closed in the first place.