Earth in 100 years..

In 100 years the Earth will probably be ruled from Jerusalem by the Lord Jesus Christ.

If not, it will be impending.
This stuff is fun to think about but the people who wrote that have no better idea than any of us random sherdoggers.

One thing that I think will happen within the next 30-40 years, is that people will start proactively replacing body parts. Like when you're 23 years old, you'll just have both your knees replaced with artificial ones, then you can play basketball til you're 60 and never have knee problems.
The future sounds bright, but how will we resolve the human problem?


It's only a matter of time before they create a machine that gives better sex than a human can. Once that happens, the only people who have kids will be the ones who actively want kids. So the human population will shrink instead of grow.
... Or...

This made me mad.
Hopefully in 100 years all religion will be gone
The question is do you think Sherdog and this thread is still around after 100 years?

If there's no sherdog then I wouldn't want to live anyways.

A world without sherdog is t the world for me.
Who wants to live on the bottom floor of the earthscraper when the sewage pipes spring a leak?
I'm still waiting for the flying cars and shit they predicted we'd have by now back in the 50's.
Women will inherit the Earth.
A battleground between Chinese and Muslims with You wa Shock playing the whole time.

100 years from now, there may be significant medical breakthroughs, particularly regarding nanotechnology. There may also be new forms of entertainment and communication, mainly stemming from holograms. Computers will take up much less space. Imagine something along the lines of projection. There likely will be really cool Eco-friendly buildings and a few new forms of transportation. There may even be a colony in space. Imagine the view!

However, none of this is guaranteed, mind you. What is guaranteed 100 years from now is that the people will be more political than ever. That much I am certain.
I think this outcome is more likely:

If people have to live in earth-scrapers, it means there is no way that the remaining agricultural land can possibly sustain the ridiculously overblown human population.

The "overpoulation problem" isn't really a problem and one that is largely solving itself.

Yeah, I don't think so. A 100 years ago people thought we'd be driving flying cars.

No, they didn't. You know why? 100 years ago, Orville and Wilbur right had barely gotten off the ground.

No one who has rubbed more than a few brain cells together has every seriously considered the concept of flying cars (a personally owned and controlled means of individual conveyance) would actually happen because it reveals itself as a dumb fucking idea the moment you scratch the surface. Looks good on gee-whiz media about The Future, which is why we think people in the past actually thought it might happen.