Social EA and Disney refusing to hire white people

Bro. It's a game where straight men wouldn't apply to work on. Who are the victims for this case?

That woman isn't responsible for hiring. She was bullshitting on that stream for some sort of clout. What more do you want outside of not buying the game? You want legislation to prevent discrimination when it didn't happen in the first place? I would call you a karen about this issue but you would probably call me a racist. I am just saying you are being extremely feminine about this issue. LOL at against the precepts of the Civil Rights Act.
Okay. How does that excuse you knighting on behalf of her mission statement? Issuing apologism after apologism for why it's okay if someone openly discriminates against a group based on their skin color?
Okay. How does that excuse you knighting on behalf of her missions statement? Issuing apologism after apologism for why it's okay if someone openly discriminate against a group based on their skin color?
You just invented some imaginary scenario where I am defending her. This is really feminine behavior on your part or you didn't read other posts in this thread.

Let's be honest. None of us are playing Validate. Like I said Do not buy this game. This 2-3 year old game will go back to whatever crowdfunding hole it came from. There is no point indulging in this piece of rage bait. If this whole situation makes you upset then you will be miserable for a ton of other small matters.

It seems to me that people on the far left had forgotten that "Diversity, Equality"
Actually had meant Equality for everyone not just one group of people or ethnicity background..

What the Western Companies and studios whatever its Gaming or not are doing is discrimination based on someone ethnicity background.
Its another form of racism, discrimination.
I've never been attacked, and I even saw a black Amish girl once..........
From a video and the 1964 Civil Rights.

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 196,42 U.S.C
An unlawful employment practice is established when the evidence demonstrates that race, color,religion, sex, or national origin is a motivating factor any employment practice.

On the bias of someone's national origin is where Disney and EA are currently targeting White hires.
Just because they are White doesn't mean they are white, you can be Euporean but even if you are White Euporean therefore certain companies are targeting you or their hires on their national origins.

This craziness needs to stop.
You don't know what the word "could" means?
Let's be honest. You haven't read the Bible. So your opinion on Christianity as a "God fearing" advocate is void.

Theocracy takes years and willpower to understand. But it also takes an open mind.
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Let's be honest. You haven't read the Bible. So your opinion on Christianity as a "God fearing" advocate is void.

Theocracy takes years and willpower to understand. But it also takes an open mind.

You want me to defend myself, but I see through your sneaky snake ways.

Are you a Christian?
At what point do liberal whites admit that they are committing a slow mass suicide? Is their hatred of Trump so all encompassing that they will set fire to their own lives before admitting that their own side is poisoning them?
At what point do liberal whites admit that they are committing a slow mass suicide? Is their hatred of Trump so all encompassing that they will set fire to their own lives before admitting that their own side is poisoning them?
You should've said liberal culture. It's against my nature to be "racist," but I'll die for western civilization.
Because this is a nothing you're pretending is something.

Black people have been excluded from everything in America for centuries, seeing them pull together is basically seeing what every outgroup always does.

I'm the first person in my family born in Canada. My Italian grandparents worked with and hired other Italians. My German family did the same (with Germans). That's what happens.

Seeing white snowflakes cry about black people giving other black people preferential treatment is cartoonishly stupid. They have so little power your pettiness is pathetic.

MLK called this decades ago. You can't smash a guy's knees and then tell him the race is fair.

You don't want to solve the problems of discrimination (regarding everyone), but you're implying white people should be discriminated against for hundreds of years to make things fair? Are you insane?
Insecure right wing snowflakes make the rest of us look bad
Insecure right wing snowflakes make the rest of us look bad
This is what us left of center/moderate liberals feel like when far left speak for us.
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