nudge119 said:
Don't bother with DE stuff yet, concentrate on getting your dead and squat up to par with your bench.
Post your exact routine - what lifts and sets and reps so we can help you more. What is your diet like. What are you exact goals?
I have just recently changed my routine to the 5x5 method for the big 3 lifts. It looks something like this:
I do the big 3 lifts 2-3 weeks in a row, then I switch to the left to the right of it after teh slash. 3 weeks of Deads, then 3 weeks of GMs instead.
Deadlifts/GM/Romanian Dead (5x5)
Bent Over Barbell Rows/Chest Supported Rows/Tbar rows (3-4 sets 6-10 reps)
Wide grip chins (I can only do about 4 sets of 5)
BB Shrug/DB Shrug/Any shrug at a diff angle (3 sets 6-10 reps)
Occasionally an additional upper back pull if I have the strength after
Core is a huge weakness of mine so I could use some advice here
Hanging Leg Raises 3 x 6
Dumbbell Crunches on Physioball 3 x 8
Vacuums 3 x 10 second holds
Flat Barbell bench/BoardPress/FloorPress/Close Grip bench (5x5)
Incline DB press (3 sets 8-10)
Skull Crushers/Tate Press/Pushdowns/JM Press (haven't done this one yet) (3 sets 6-10)
Push Presses/Overhead DB presses (3 sets 6-10)
Side Bends 3 x 6 each
Rotation Medicine Ball Throws 2 x 8 each
Medicine Ball twists? 3x10 each
Back Squat/Front Squat/Box Squat (5x5)
Walking Lunges/Barbell Lunges/Bench Step ups (3x6-10)
Leg Curls/ Straight Legged Deads/Pull Throughs (3x 8-10)
Grip also another huge weakness I struggle holding the CoC Trainer shut with my left hand
I do a few sets of like 3 with the CoC trainer, then I'll close it and hold it shut for as long as I can.
We don't have flat plates at my school's gym so it's very hard to do plate pinches so I take a dumbell and hold it the top of the one side with my fingers for as long as i can.
My diet looks like this (after about 2 months of eating pure garbage)
Protein Shake
7-8 Eggwhites scrambled
2 slices wheat toast
Can of Tuna
Turkey Breast sandwich on wheat
Natural peanut butter sandwich on wheat
2 Large Chicken breasts/Hamburgers on wheat buns/whole wheat pasta
bowl of soup, usually some form of chicken soup
My goals are simply to increase strength and now be plateued for too long. I'd like to be able to flat bench 275 for my set of 5, Squat about 300+ and DL 350+ by April, I'm not sure if these goals are too out of site or too low but I'm gonna try. I'd like to lose a little fat around the midsection, but the core strength is more important to me at this point. It looks like I should hold off on the DE effort for about a year or so maybe. As usual, any help appreciated.