Looks awful. Hollywood are in, and have been in, trouble for years. When they aren't remaking films, doing sequels, a lot of stuff that gets authorised is rubbish. I feel the quality of films being churned out are getting worse by the decade. The 90s had some cheesy stuff but with that came a huge amount of films that were in a sense, life changing. Where are the Hollywood financed films with good acting, great plot lines, where are the films we can watch over and over again?
Think in 20 years time we will think, "hey, you know what I feel like watching today? Rampage". Hollywood is on it's way down and it's the independent films doing the business these days. I like/d The Rock when he first started acting in films. Well, after Fast Five. Before that he had some pretty horrendous gigs. But he just seems to be type cast. Hes a tank, okay but it's not even being type cast. He is just over doing his films. The problem is, he is raking in the money but there will be a point people will be bored of him. Right now, I am. I have been for some time. He's the go-to guy who people bring in to make a crap film, popular. Of his recent films, only Moana did I rate him, at all. San Andreas too but less so.
This looks like a tragic attempt at a film. It shouldn't be popular at all but will be. It's been done to death and still continues to be made. I like the Fast & The Furious franchise, bring on the hate, I feel he ruined the series. One film was enough for him. He has took over the series and now is doing a solo spin-off film which not a lot of people even wanted.
I think he needs to just be aware for his own sake about which films he takes. Short term he is getting a lot of money but will people get sick of him being in film after film? I know that was my thought when I clicked on this link.