Dutch: Americans are fake, stupid, loud mouthed, fat, ignorant,

I don't really blame the Germans for being buttmad. We kicked their asses so hard in Dubya-Dubya-Two that's bound to take a century or so to get over. They'll tell you that's not why they're mad, of course, but deep down we know it is. It's a pride thing. We won, they lost, they relied on our largess and patronage during the rebuilding process...that's really gotta eat at you.

I think it's more that you sided with the Soviets, who could have been beaten had you sided with the Germans. I doubt they were all that bitter over the few skirmishes that American troops were involved in.
Yeah well the Dutch think us British are just load of drunken louts who go there to smoke their weed and fuck prostitutes....

Lol, been a long time since one of these threads. Always a great way to rally the troops.
It's pretty funny how seriously people treat these kind of videos. I guess this kind of theme started with the "americans are stupid" video, now it's used for pretty much all subjects, in particular making specific voters look dumb. Even The Daily Show used this format on Trump supporters, pretty sad. You can obviously make any point you want, with selective editing, questioning and of finding the right people to ask.

Anyway, Gallup recently did a poll on view of U.S leadership around the world, if anyone's interested:

I don't trust any nation that puts mayo on their fries.

What do you use?
I have seen some vile creatures use ketchup on their fries, I was mortified, I hope you're not one of them. Mayo is the only option if you are a human being.

To be fair most of the American tourists that come to Europe are the most annoying people in the world, despite being very polite.

Firstly Americans are extremely loud, and most of the time it is easy to tell when you are in their vicinity because it's impossible to ignore them. It's like they yell to speak.

Secondly everyone here understands English so we can understand the shit they are saying. Lots of really lame jokes are common.

"Oh my God, imagine if you were the guy who blew up the Parthenon? Whooops!"

Or talk about how America is a really weird emotional way for no reason, for example this year at the Temple of Hephaestus:

" you know I really believe America was founded with the best intentions to give everyone an oppurtunity and that is why it's the best country in the world!" (apart from black slaves, obviously)

Now why is this annoying? Well why are they getting emotional
About Americas greatness when looking at an ancient Athenian temple? Why does everyone in the vicinity have to know this?

Another point is that they are horrible linguists and have a very hard time learning local words, unlike other English speakers. The Greek word for thank you, I admit, is complicated for English speakers because of the χ and rolled ρ. In English I would write it efharisto. Americans always pronounce it ekarystow. Very strange how they fit a k into it, but it's common. Again its just annoying.

Another problem is their ignorance to world events, for example thinking they are risk takers coming to Greece because it's close to Turkey and thus Syria. Literally acting as if they are in a war zone. I've met no other culture who has had this impression. I was speaking to my friend who's one of the words biggest cruise ship owners. He was complaining that the cruise ship market is mainly made up of American tourists, and it is frustrating because their stupidities and ignorance towards world events and geography has a significant impact on the trade. For example Amercians being scared to have a Mediterranean cruise that goes from France to Greece, because Greece is closer to the ME (despite the only risk of terrorist attacks coming from their time in France!).

This is the stereotypical American tourist, and they are very polite, but annoying.

I'm not saying they are bad people or anything, Ofcourse they are not, but it makes you never want to have to visit the states and deal with that shit 100% of the time. I have other examples and stories, even from Greek-Amercians who many Greeks here find annoying, but I think you get the point.

Those quotes are from the last month by the way.

I worked with cruise ship passengers for a couple of years. Trust me when I say that it's not only american cruise ship passengers who are retarded. For some reason cruise ships attract the absolute dumbest and most obnoxious people on earth.

In some aspects the american tourists did stand out though. They were the fattest (by a huge margin, I have never seen people this fat elsewhere in my life, it was truly horrifying), they brought along the most medicine (seriously, like everyone had a bag full of pills, no idea what that is about, I guess that comes corrupt doctors and their prescription drug industry), and they were the most paranoid by far (for the things you mention, but also from other stuff like people stealing from them.).
Otherwise I actually found them to be the most polite, though I found it a bit annoying with the constant "how do you do?", like could we please not pretend any of us gives a shit about how we do here, and move along.
This is our image in Europe.


I say fuck 'em. Lets be fat and obnoxious together.
I think it's more that you sided with the Soviets, who could have been beaten had you sided with the Germans. I doubt they were all that bitter over the few skirmishes that American troops were involved in.




It wasn't the soldier to soldier combat I was thinking of.
Why should we care what people that all wear wooden shoes, grow tulips and live in windmills think.



It wasn't the soldier to soldier combat I was thinking of.

Oh. Didn't think a boastful tone would be adopted when talking about killing civilians... but then, I guess if your most significant combat contribution to war is to kill civilians... well, you take pride where you can find it.

Nevertheless, I still think that any bitterness towards America would be rooted more in your siding with communism than in your light direct military contribution.
Lol, been a long time since one of these threads. Always a great way to rally the troops.
It's pretty funny how seriously people treat these kind of videos. I guess this kind of theme started with the "americans are stupid" video, now it's used for pretty much all subjects, in particular making specific voters look dumb. Even The Daily Show used this format on Trump supporters, pretty sad. You can obviously make any point you want, with selective editing, questioning and of finding the right people to ask.

Anyway, Gallup recently did a poll on view of U.S leadership around the world, if anyone's interested:

I worked with cruise ship passengers for a couple of years. Trust me when I say that it's not only american cruise ship passengers who are retarded. For some reason cruise ships attract the absolute dumbest and most obnoxious people on earth.

In some aspects the american tourists did stand out though. They were the fattest (by a huge margin, I have never seen people this fat elsewhere in my life, it was truly horrifying), they brought along the most medicine (seriously, like everyone had a bag full of pills, no idea what that is about, I guess that comes corrupt doctors and their prescription drug industry), and they were the most paranoid by far (for the things you mention, but also from other stuff like people stealing from them.).
Otherwise I actually found them to be the most polite, though I found it a bit annoying with the constant "how do you do?", like could we please not pretend any of us gives a shit about how we do here, and move along.

That's interesting you mention the pills, I've also found that they also travel with lots of prescription drugs. It's weird how they see that as normal whereas if someone in my family did that I would fear for their health (both mentally and physically). Perhaps it's a quick fix sort of culture? "Can't sleep - no worries, just take some drugs to fix that Problem".

This lady was telling me about how she had to put her mother on all these drugs, and she was naming them as if I'd know what they were (I had no idea). She the. Said she had brought a lot of pills over "just in case". Like wtf. Also everyone in the room could hear her. But other than that she was extremely polite.
The Dutch? They're the ones I get stuck behind, in their stupid lost in time horse and buggy, tearing up my roads.

But anyway, it's our world. They should just be thankful we let them live in it.
Interviewer was pushing for extreme stereotypes, don't fret Americans we know the majority of you are good folk. Plus who cares some of ye are huge, just makes you jollier
That's interesting you mention the pills, I've also found that they also travel with lots of prescription drugs. It's weird how they see that as normal whereas if someone in my family did that I would fear for their health (both mentally and physically). Perhaps it's a quick fix sort of culture? "Can't sleep - no worries, just take some drugs to fix that Problem".

This lady was telling me about how she had to put her mother on all these drugs, and she was naming them as if I'd know what they were (I had no idea). She the. Said she had brought a lot of pills over "just in case". Like wtf. Also everyone in the room could hear her. But other than that she was extremely polite.

I guess cultural aspects play a part as well.
But I think the main culprit, is the shady business practices of the pharmaceutical industry over there. John Oliver did a bit on it not so long ago:

Your doctor is not supposed to have this large incentive, to just write you off with some kind of prescription drug. I think that is a huge factor in why so many americans just rely on pills for everything, even things that could probably be cured with some simple lifestyle changes.
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Lol all dat butthurt against the glorious netherlands just because the interviewer asks for stereotypes
This thread is proof of at least one of those stereotypes being true.
There's only two things I hate in this world. People who are intolerant of other people's cultures, and the Dutch.
Calm down Americans all countries have stereotypes. The Germans used to call us Brits "The monkeys from the Island" may still do. The Continent generally sees us as drunk, violent, over sexed thugs(which is kinda true) because that's the people they tend to experience lots of 18 to 30 holidays full of drunk Brits making idiots of themselves. America has a percentage of their tourists to Europe be kinda on the large side and very very loud. These are the ones that stand out the polite ones who offend no one go unnoticed.

That being said I'd still love to walk around Amsterdam someday.

Amsterdam in an overrated shit hole there are much much better places to go in the Netherlands.
I don't really blame the Germans for being buttmad. We kicked their asses so hard in Dubya-Dubya-Two that's bound to take a century or so to get over. They'll tell you that's not why they're mad, of course, but deep down we know it is. It's a pride thing. We won, they lost, they relied on our largess and patronage during the rebuilding process...that's really gotta eat at you.

Nah man, Germans don't hate Murrcans.

There are some very american things, of course, that kind of clash with German culture :
- stance on global warming / environment
-general short term approach to everything
- lack of sustainability
- lack of social programmes
- obsession with profit
- firearms

It's much better now with Obama, but during the GWBush years the USA were really hated due to the foreign policy.

That being said, USA are generally well seen in Germany and no, Germans are quite thankful for the post -war period.

Germans copy a crap load of stuff from the USA. Alot of the Corporate stuff in Germany is cringe-worthy because it is so copied.