Dumbbell Shot Putting

Masakatsu Funaki #1

Black Belt
Jun 2, 2002
Reaction score
After watching the clip Urban post, I was really motivated to get up and do another workout after a took a quick nap. I did my normal weightlifting routine, but was just amazed by that clip, and REALLY wanted to give the dumbbell shot put a try. I set up a mini circuit, swithing every station after a new song came on (using a ZST soundtrack I made :p) Did Jump Rope,Dumbbell Shot Put,Combo on Heavy Bag,Shadow boxing, for the stations. It went very well, and I enjoyed it alot, but staying on topic...it was the dumbbell shot put I enjoyed the most! It was just so fun hurling a dumbbell across the yard, even though I was veyr tired. Just watching it fly through the air was motivating enough for me to pick up another one, lol. I used a set of 10's, 12's and one 40 pounder. Didnt get the 40 pounder too far, but man it was fun trying! What I want to know is, what is this working? I think I am going to use this as just something fun too do, while getting a decent workout.
NO faygot, that was a fairly advanced athlete, and you have no business doing it.
You probably shouldn't be working on it especially if you don't know what it is helping you with.
I tried it and killed the neighbor's cat. Oops.
Sonny said:
So you're the fucker who killed my cat!!

It was a PR, though, so I have mixed feelings. Shame and pride.
Cmart said:
It was a PR, though, so I have mixed feelings. Shame and pride.

Well, you're not getting your dumbell back mister!!!

Congrats on the PR!
Sonny said:
Well, you're not getting your dumbell back mister!!!

Congrats on the PR!

Hey thanks! Now we're even for your endorsement of repping to failure. I cried for two days.
Cmart said:
Hey thanks! Now we're even for your endorsement of repping to failure. I cried for two days.

I'm back to training not to failure these days!
A PR on weight, obviously. I think pretty much everyone sets their PR for cats-killed with sledgehammer conditioning. I know I do.
How do you make a cat sound like a dog? Soak it in lighter fluid, throw a lit match at it and...

CarnalSalvation said:
NO faygot, that was a fairly advanced athlete, and you have no business doing it.

CarnalSalvation said:
Just quit overthinking and lift heavy.

Recipe for disaster.

"Hey, you! You don't know what you are doing! Put down that dumbell. Now, listen, come over here and lets see you get a PR on a squat."