Driver's License even though you can get around in other ways?

Georgia,Tennessee, North Carolina, and Alabama.

As for drivers education in schools. I think it used to be more common before they all went broke. Our local school had it until about 5 years ago.

California is similar
How many of you here have driver's licenses but don't really use them as you have other ways of getting around? My friends and I are seniors in high school and we are debating the benefits of having a driver's license even though most of us are going to colleges that we will live on campus on. Is there a purpose to have a driver's license if you don't own a car, or will frequently use a car?

Yeah, it also works as a dog tag in a way. I'll explain. Lets say a serial killer kills you, cuts off your head and hands and tosses the rest of you in the street but doesn't fuck with your wallet -cause he is a serial killer after all, not a stick up kid- the police can then come along and yank out your wallet, pluck out your drivers license, and identify you properly. This is important as they can now properly inform your parents that their son was victim #___ of the 'Gay bar killer'.

Hope this helps.
How many of you here have driver's licenses but don't really use them as you have other ways of getting around? My friends and I are seniors in high school and we are debating the benefits of having a driver's license even though most of us are going to colleges that we will live on campus on. Is there a purpose to have a driver's license if you don't own a car, or will frequently use a car?

Your friend calls you. He is in a bad part of town and he just got seriously attacked. He doesn't know if his attackers are coming back or not. He is scared and he needs someone to pick him up ASAP. You don't have a car but your roommate does and is totally drunk out of his mind.

You: "Man I need to borrow your car!"
Him: "Hell no, you don't have a driver's liscence."
You: "Damn it!"
I have a car but my license is suspended until March.

Not having a valid license and/or a car (especially in California) is pretty much the worst thing next to just being in jail.
No, you can just order pizzas home instead. Jeesh...
I think the car will start without a license