drills/techniques vs sparring

Brendon Katz

Brown Belt
Professional Fighter
Aug 17, 2002
Reaction score
id like some opinions here pls , the gym im trainin out of the seniour guys pretty much only spar , hardly ever work pads or slow technique/partner sparring. do we still need to work pads etc?
imo, yes, absolutely. sparring helps cement your current skills, but to continue to improve/refine and learn new techniques, combos, footwork, etc... you have to keep doing your drills and padwork.

Look at all the top boxers (mayweather, etc) - they don't stop doing pad work, bag work drills etc. and just decide to "only spar". Sparring is the funnest part which is probably why your senior guys are mostly sparring, but the drills are where you make the most improvements and refinements.

At my gym we had that problem a few years ago, where a lot of the more senior amateur fighters stopped going to class and just came in to roll or spar, but that got overruled that if they weren't going to keep training to improve (going to class, drills, etc) then they wouldn't fight for our gym. I believe my reasoning above was exactly why this was enforced.
drills and techniques are a very important part of training and should not be neglected. these are what'll refine your game.
Stop doing drills and you will stop progressing, one without the other is near useless.
ok , so drills are necessary 2 improve aspects of ur game. is it possible to work those same aspects while sparring , instead of doin drills? ie. concentratin on footwork durin a sparrin session , or throwin combos that a 'cornerman' calls out 2 u ?
parallax86 said:
ok , so drills are necessary 2 improve aspects of ur game. is it possible to work those same aspects while sparring , instead of doin drills? ie. concentratin on footwork durin a sparrin session , or throwin combos that a 'cornerman' calls out 2 u ?
You can do this, but it will act as a supplement to your normal sparring and drills, I use all of these in my normal sessions and believe that my training would be much weaker without any one of them.
have u tried focussin on 1 or 2 for a while ?