Social Dr. Fryer (Study on Police Violence, Punished by Claudine Gay) speaks

Two Crows

Purple Belt
Sep 15, 2021
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The former DEI darling of many, including President Obama, speaks candidly about the range of issues he faced in the wake of publishing his study on Police Violence By Race, including treatment by his peers, the press, Harvard university, why he did the research in the first place, and more.

Long interview, but individual segments are identified to allow jumping to the particular topic(s) of interest to you.

I watched this a day ago and it goes like:
-guy starts a study to find police violence against minorities, which he was convinced he would find
- finds ZERO evidence of that
- publishes study results that shows that despite being told not to
- is violently criticized inside academia that feel their grift is under threat
- gets death threats
- is outspoken about how social sciences have been captured by people that only come to push their biases

It's not far from what a lot of people are waking up to - social sciences are basically a ideologically driven grift, filled with "academics" that are only there to push biased "science" and profit from it. All the shit that comes from it - DEI, people seeing racism everywhere, identity politics - is just ideological drivel disguised as science. and what is basically a quasi-religious enterprise is taken up by morons everywhere, plenty of them in this very forum, and parroted as "science".
There’s this somewhat new expression, “lived experience”. Certain minorities and marginalized groups are allowed to claim lived experience without any data.
Research that finds anything contradicting lived experience is not allowed, and can lead to firing and cancellation.
There’s this somewhat new expression, “lived experience”. Certain minorities and marginalized groups are allowed to claim lived experience without any data.
Research that finds anything contradicting lived experience is not allowed, and can lead to firing and cancellation.
I remember when Lived Experience used to be known as Anecdotal Evidence
What do you mean by this? What made him a DEI darling? What is a DEI darling?
I haven’t ever seen it expressed before, but my guess would be “an individual who expresses support for the necessity of DEI initiatives and/or the presence of systemic racism/injustice who has been repeatedly sourced, mentioned or touted by high profile individuals”.

Others that may fall into that category may be your grifters such as Kendi or Talcum X.
What do you mean by this? What made him a DEI darling? What is a DEI darling?

Are you seeking a exhaustive, scientific definition of a casual term? I did not mean to confuse anyone, lol.

(I'm imagining someone reacting in a similar manner to a claim of having a "good sandwich" or seeing a "sexy woman".)

The reference is in relation to him having been invited by President Obama to the Whitehouse to engage with other officials on DEI issues, his work on inequality and race has been widely cited (before the paper that caused him so much trouble), and he has testified before congress on relevant matters to the DEI movement.

See, for a small example, his contribution "Valuing Diversity", published by Harvard in March 2013.

If you'd like more, or have a more specific question, I will oblige.

Take a sample from how the press treated him BEFORE the paper was released:

Or the type of presentations that helped him rise to fame:

(The above video is from his winning the Calvo-Armengol International Prize)

It's probably also worth mentioning he was NYC's Chief Equality Officer as well.

I'd argue you'd be hard-pressed to find many academics with equal, much less stronger, DEI related and relevant credentials anywhere.
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I haven’t ever seen it expressed before, but my guess would be “an individual who expresses support for the necessity of DEI initiatives and/or the presence of systemic racism/injustice who has been repeatedly sourced, mentioned or touted by high profile individuals”.

Others that may fall into that category may be your grifters such as Kendi or Talcum X.
I saw people calling the Baltimore Mayor a DEI hire so at some point it just comes off as a pejorative for non-whites in positions that are implied to be above them. But I think @Two Crows justified his use here in a way that makes me believe he didn't intend it that way.
I saw people calling the Baltimore Mayor a DEI hire so at some point it just comes off as a pejorative for non-whites in positions that are implied to be above them. But I think @Two Crows justified his use here in a way that makes me believe he didn't intend it that way.
No idea. Also wouldn’t be able to comment on the Baltimore Mayor.

I would say the most high profile “DEI Hire” would be Jackson in the Supreme Court.

Heading into the selection process, it was made clear that it was going to be a choice based on certain immutable characteristics for the purpose of inclusivity and diversity on the bench.
No idea. Also wouldn’t be able to comment on the Baltimore Mayor.

I would say the most high profile “DEI Hire” would be Jackson in the Supreme Court.

Heading into the selection process, it was made clear that it was going to be a choice based on certain immutable characteristics for the purpose of inclusivity and diversity on the bench.
George HW Bush chose a black guy to replace Thurgood Marshall and even courted civil rights org to endorse it so I guess Thomas was also a DEI hire.
George HW Bush chose a black guy to replace Thurgood Marshall and even courted civil rights org to endorse it so I guess Thomas was also a DEI hire.
If he chose him based on immutable characteristics as the main factor, yes.

I don’t recall it being announced before hand that it was going to be a choice out of only one particular category of person, but if so, then yes it would qualify as a DEI hire.

I’m not saying it’s a bad thing necessarily, but it would qualify — wouldn’t you agree?
If he chose him based on immutable characteristics as the main factor, yes.

I don’t recall it being announced before hand that it was going to be a choice out of only one particular category of person, but if so, then yes it would qualify as a DEI hire.

I’m not saying it’s a bad thing necessarily, but it would qualify — wouldn’t you agree?
Imagine how weak a president would have to be just to pick a team full of people to just to check boxes including peoples sexuality......It would be a circus show.
Imagine how weak a president would have to be just to pick a team full of people to just to check boxes including peoples sexuality......It would be a circus show.
I don’t particularly like the idea in any situation
If he chose him based on immutable characteristics as the main factor, yes.

I don’t recall it being announced before hand that it was going to be a choice out of only one particular category of person, but if so, then yes it would qualify as a DEI hire.

I’m not saying it’s a bad thing necessarily, but it would qualify — wouldn’t you agree?
In a narrow sense yes it would qualify but stepping back a bit I think that the "DEI hire" discourse comes off as a way to undermine non-whites you don't like in higher positions. I say "non-whites" but its usually used in reference to black people.
There’s this somewhat new expression, “lived experience”. Certain minorities and marginalized groups are allowed to claim lived experience without any data.
Research that finds anything contradicting lived experience is not allowed, and can lead to firing and cancellation.

And their “lived experience” outweighs anyone else’s. Especially those of cops who might say “black people are more aggressive towards us etc”
In a narrow sense yes it would qualify but stepping back a bit I think that the "DEI hire" discourse comes off as a way to undermine non-whites you don't like in higher positions. I say "non-whites" but its usually used in reference to black people.
It’s not a good practice but it qualifies undoubtedly.

I think viewing it as a “I don’t like these people” is wrong. It’s just a practice of hiring based on immutable characteristics.
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I saw people calling the Baltimore Mayor a DEI hire so at some point it just comes off as a pejorative for non-whites in positions that are implied to be above them. But I think @Two Crows justified his use here in a way that makes me believe he didn't intend it that way.

I don’t care who is hired but when the criteria is “anyone except whites” it’s a problem of discrimination
And their “lived experience” outweighs anyone else’s. Especially those of cops who might say “black people are more aggressive towards us etc”
There's a video of these little Black kids had to be 4 or 5 and they were threating officers and calling them bitches and the Mama was standing right by them.... I would've had got whooped so bad... I was baffled.