DQed for being boring

I like what Ryan Hall said, something along the lines of "BJJ is the only sport that gives advantages, you dont get half a point in basketball for shooting and hitting the rim"

The problem I'd see with getting ride of advantages is, if you kept the points format, you'd have more refs decision, at least now it is a little more objective way to break ties. I thought this year they were a little more stingy in handing them out compared to the last Worlds.
I thought this years Worlds was more exciting, but that could be because of I've become accustomed enough to the sweep back and forth, get ahead on an advantage that it doesn't turn me off quite as much as it used to.
Nah, man! It was because 'Murrican wrasslers were dominating and the Japanese got scared!!!1 :icon_lol:

I wish dude, at least the wrestlers would have been good to watch. A shitty half hearted double leg is the worst thing in nature......either go at it or quit.

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