Donald Trump Jr.'s Russia email scandal shakes the presidency, v4: Cover of TIME

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Right I get that point, but legally speaking that would mean ALL information would be valuable. So anybody who talks to a foreign national is now in violation of campaign finance law? That's absurd

Added: If Trump Jr had agreed to pay them for it or give them somethhing of value, then there would be something illegal. However the evidence doesn't support that he did

Anyone who can't comprehend this a mental midget.
British tabloid writer/publicist spotted.


Clearly a Russian spy and someone Donald Trump Jr would take seriously
I see this thread is still up well beyond the standard post limit.

This story's already starting to lose steam. Thread v5 may be the thread where this story dies off.

My sincerest apologies to War Room liberals, leftists, Democrats, and wanna-be-moderates. You wanted that #Impeachmentburger SOOOO bad, you could almost taste it. It simply wasn't to be. I actually feel bad for you. There's nothing as tragic as watching your dream die right before your very eyes.
Again, Kushner hasn't lied about the meeting. He filed it on his SF86.
That was his third revision of the form, and it happened only after his team discovered the emails (while preparing documents for the Senate Intelligence Committee). So yeah, he omitted that meeting twice and only disclosed it because he had to.
Huh? Pointing out that most of the valuable real estate in your province is foreign owned is racist? Lol. The craziness of the left never ceases to amaze me.

Here is a world lesson for you. All the rich people in China worry about the government seizing their wealth as it has occurred before in their history. As a result, they have invested heavily in west coast real estate, but primarily BC because the leftist politicians you elect keep selling you out.

But by all means, keep drinking that kool aid and living in shacks with 10 roommates. Real utopia.
I'm well aware about the BC housing crisis (and, bitch, I own mines - no shack for me). You wrote:

"More like Chinese Columbia at this point anyhow."
Which is dismissive of BC because it has a high Chinese population, which is straight up racism.

Let me guess, Albertan?

But not to detail the thread: collusion happened. Get over it.
Okay this one went well over the limit, time for version five.
I see this thread is still up well beyond the standard post limit.

This story's already starting to lose steam. Thread v5 may be the thread where this story dies off.

My sincerest apologies to War Room liberals, leftists, Democrats, and wanna-be-moderates. You wanted that #Impeachmentburger SOOOO bad, you could almost taste it. It simply wasn't to be. I actually feel bad for you. There's nothing as tragic as watching your dream die right before your very eyes.

The story maybe losing steam, but that does not mean the investigations are. You mistake the story not being talk about as much, mainly because of no new revelations, with it being forgotten. Investigations take time, as do impeachments.
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