Does too much cardio can do long term damage to heart?



Does too much cardio can do long term damage to heart? Or lungs? Can it make you die at a younger age? Or worsen your health in the long term?
SteveSmith said:
Does too much cardio can do long term damage to heart? Or lungs? Can it make you die at a younger age? Or worsen your health in the long term?

Sure too much cardio at one time is bad for you.. like a four hour run with no water=dehydration.. I've only heard of one man dying from too much cardio and something about his Heart exploding.. but I believe that genetic
No it's not bad for you. Depending on how you do cardio, it can damage your knees etc. But no, your heart and lungs will be fine. And you will not die at a younger age. Not because of cardio training anyway. ;)