Does songs like these encourages or prevents suicides?

gizmo J

Aug 29, 2013
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My roommates told me that this song would encourage a suicidal person to go through with it. I told them that it would empathize with the suicidal person but they disagreed.

What do you think?

That was unbearable, I couldn't listen to it.

A lot of songs about that shit usually help people cope with their depression in a way
My roommates told me that this song would encourage a suicidal person to go through with it. I told them that it would empathize with the suicidal person but they disagreed.

What do you think?

Yeah, that's fucked up.
I saw "Hollywood Undead" and decided that yes, listening to that garbage makes me want to kill myself.

Luckily, I figured that out 16 years ago and never tried listening again.
My roommates told me that this song would encourage a suicidal person to go through with it. I told them that it would empathize with the suicidal person but they disagreed.

What do you think?

The entire point of that song is suicide , they intended it to have a catchy uplifting beat to contradict the lyrics. Will that push someone over the edge to go with it no, that’s entirely on the individual and their choice. The songs message and not the lyrics is to reach out and get help. look up Dead Bite, does that song make you wanna go and murder someone?? If it does you got issues, the point is to relate to something and to see another perspective
Odin is this what kids are listening to today? Burn this band alive in the middle of the street!
Does anybody know how @22k gets the high res version of Gizmo's av?

Since he won't reply to my question himself (think ur better than me dude?)
You're so desperate for likes, it's sad.
Sick of seeing Gizmo's face everywhere.

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