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Opinion Does online hatred leftists have for Trump supporters spill over into real life?

Anyone who still believes the 2020 election was rigged can be safely dismissed as a liar and/or a kook.

It was 100% rigged. There is a difference between "rigging" and "cheating". We'll never know about cheating, because the chain of custody of ballots can not be verified by design.

Rigging is: Unrequested Mail In Ballots for the first time by the millions, drop boxes, vote harvesting, un-clean/verfied voter rolls, counting in the middle of the night without observers, having the FBI (Elvis Chan) pressure social media to remove posts / stories that hurt Democrats, and of course having the News Media, Entertainment, Education, and bureaucrats all working for Democrats by huge margins. Honest people don't trust our 2020 election process.

As far as the topic. You don't see Trump supporters attacking people wearing Biden / Harris or Harris / Walz shirts, but I can share a ton of videos where a red hat set off some Left Cult loon. If I put a Harris / Walz sticker on my truck... it will be safe. If I put a Trump / Vance sticker on it, I won be surprised to have it keyed or a smashed window.
It was 100% rigged. There is a difference between "rigging" and "cheating". We'll never know about cheating, because the chain of custody of ballots can not be verified by design.

Rigging is: Unrequested Mail In Ballots for the first time by the millions, drop boxes, vote harvesting, un-clean/verfied voter rolls, counting in the middle of the night without observers, having the FBI (Elvis Chan) pressure social media to remove posts / stories that hurt Democrats, and of course having the News Media, Entertainment, Education, and bureaucrats all working for Democrats by huge margins. Honest people don't trust our 2020 election process.

As far as the topic. You don't see Trump supporters attacking people wearing Biden / Harris or Harris / Walz shirts, but I can share a ton of videos where a red hat set off some Left Cult loon. If I put a Harris / Walz sticker on my truck... it will be safe. If I put a Trump / Vance sticker on it, I won be surprised to have it keyed or a smashed window.
Exhibit A of a liar/kook.
I tend to stay away from the more hardcore folks on the left nowadays. I don’t get to see the insane things they do. Many are very smug with no reason to be. They complain constantly, own nothing, and have no decent jobs. Though they will recite some other person’s words to you like they understand them.

When I tell Trumpers I don’t like him, and think he is a turd that I will never vote for, they go on about how he isn’t, and I’m wrong, or delusional, but then simmer down, and we get to talking about other things in life than which shit candidate should be president. I find them far easier to deal with when disagreeing. Of course, all anecdotes, but that’s the nature of this thread, I assume.
Jesus conservatives are fucking stupid
Concession noted. You're in your 30s or 40s and you have some girl shaking her ass as an avatar because you can't get laid in real life and spend your time posting about video games with other men on a karate forum, and your only response is "oh yeah, well your team is stupid". You sound like your life turned out great.

That is correct for 2 reasons. Donald Trump doesn't have the backing of institutions and the bureaucracy to rig an election, and leftists express their grievance by attacking random citizens, murdering people, carjacking strangers and burning down their businesses, whereas the conservatives just brought signs and selfie sticks to protest the people they actually had the complaint with instead of attacking people who had nothing to do with it, and the political establishment don't cheer them on, tell them to keep attacking strangers while the current VP candidate gives his daughter classified information so rioters can avoid getting caught while his wife "enjoys the smell of the burning tires", and the presidential candidate raises money to bail perverts and looters out of jail, as opposed to the nationwide manhunt and locking people in solitary confinement without trial for touching Madame Pelosi's desk.

wait a minute. mishandling classified information is back to being a bad thing again? and a friendly reminder that we are on day 1437 of no kraken. still no sightings or signs of the election fraud fairy. but any day now, i'm sure. just not today.
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It was 100% rigged. There is a difference between "rigging" and "cheating". We'll never know about cheating, because the chain of custody of ballots can not be verified by design.

Rigging is: Unrequested Mail In Ballots for the first time by the millions, drop boxes, vote harvesting, un-clean/verfied voter rolls, counting in the middle of the night without observers, having the FBI (Elvis Chan) pressure social media to remove posts / stories that hurt Democrats, and of course having the News Media, Entertainment, Education, and bureaucrats all working for Democrats by huge margins. Honest people don't trust our 2020 election process.

As far as the topic. You don't see Trump supporters attacking people wearing Biden / Harris or Harris / Walz shirts, but I can share a ton of videos where a red hat set off some Left Cult loon. If I put a Harris / Walz sticker on my truck... it will be safe. If I put a Trump / Vance sticker on it, I won be surprised to have it keyed or a smashed window.

They think that repeating a lie thousands of times will make it true.

I wonder if deep down they know it's rigged but they just don't care because it's rigged in favor of their side.
I’m wondering what the emotional response will be from either side if their candidate loses.
The same? Similar? Or vastly different?
As you all know from spending any time in these forums or on Reddit, the hatred both sides have for each other in these forums is almost limitless. Anybody who likes or says they are going to vote for Trump is mercilessly mocked, disparaged and belittled by what seems to be a majority of leftists online. Of course it goes both ways, but like I said, leftists are the majority on websites like Reddit.

So my question is this: do you feel that same hatred for Trump supporters in real life. Like, if you were to meet someone and they told you they didn't like Harris and were going to vote for Trump, would you instantly feel the same way you do about any famous Trump supporter you read about or hear from on social media? Or is the hate you feel in your posts a huge exaggeration of how you really feel towards someone you meet who is voting for him?

Real life is different than a karate forum or any sort of political forum.

In real life, the vast majority of people follow politics on a superficial level. Hard to "hate" somebody who knows dick all of shit about what they are voting for.

I can't say that I hate the trailer dwelling Trump supporters that don't know the ACA and Obamacare are the same thing.

Contrast that to trump supporters on this forum that willingly lie to defend their master lol. There's a big difference between those groups of people.
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As you all know from spending any time in these forums or on Reddit, the hatred both sides have for each other in these forums is almost limitless. Anybody who likes or says they are going to vote for Trump is mercilessly mocked, disparaged and belittled by what seems to be a majority of leftists online. Of course it goes both ways, but like I said, leftists are the majority on websites like Reddit.

So my question is this: do you feel that same hatred for Trump supporters in real life. Like, if you were to meet someone and they told you they didn't like Harris and were going to vote for Trump, would you instantly feel the same way you do about any famous Trump supporter you read about or hear from on social media? Or is the hate you feel in your posts a huge exaggeration of how you really feel towards someone you meet who is voting for him?
I give what I get. And you're too dumb for this discussion.
I’m wondering what the emotional response will be from either side if their candidate loses.
The same? Similar? Or vastly different?
This will be my response if Trump wins:

They should not have done that. It was the wrong thing to do.

You Americans will have done this to yourselves so it will be hard to sympathise with you but it's going to affect us too and that really sucks. You elected a criminal who gives zero fucks about you or anyone else but himself. Way to go.

If he loses, I expect the number of bans between now and the New Year to be close to the double digits.
They think that repeating a lie thousands of times will make it true.

I wonder if deep down they know it's rigged but they just don't care because it's rigged in favor of their side.

yeah. again, it's been 1437 kraken-less days and there has still been no allegations of any type of fraud made on cheeto benito's behalf within any court of the land. but if you ask them, they will tell you, everywhere outside of a courtroom of course, that the fraud is everywhere teehee!

but despite 1437 days with all that hundreds of millions of dollars grifted....err i mean raised off the backs of the finest spectrum of maga trash in the country just to find the fraud and stop the steal only to end up with no kraken, no bamboo fibers, no evidence or even any allegations of any kind of fraud or criminal wrongdoing, and finding only a handful of registered republicans who got caught trying to vote illegally, it's still very much real to me dammit!

maybe if they just keep repeating the same election fraud fairy tales and their whackadoodle fantasies of a stolen election thousands more times it might one day make their election fraud fairy real. it just won't be today! and probably not even tomorrow. or next week. or next month. or next year. but don't you worry my friend, it's coming. Q told me. trust the plan!

we all know what happened the last time that they fed their army of muppets lies and bullshit thousands of times. one of them got shot and died, over 1400 of them ended up getting their dumb asses hauled off to jail just to own the libs, and the dude who stole their build-the-wall money received the pardon instead.
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I'd like to believe that the more radical leftists on this forum (and in this thread) represent the minority. You just don't see that kind of lunacy in every day life. I'm sure incidents happen, but America is nowhere near as divided as the media likes to make it. I do notice an arrogance and entitlement from them though, as they believe their ability to voice politics with no fear of personal or professional harm makes them believe they are morally superior. Luckily, this is easy enough to just laugh off and go about my business.
This will be my response if Trump wins:

They should not have done that. It was the wrong thing to do.

You Americans will have done this to yourselves so it will be hard to sympathise with you but it's going to affect us too and that really sucks. You elected a criminal who gives zero fucks about you or anyone else but himself. Way to go.

If he loses, I expect the number of bans between now and the New Year to be close to the double digits.
Interesting theory about responses. Just reading your post makes me crave an apple fritter.

Speaking of the great white north I grew up outside of Binghamton, New York and we used to go to Canada for the booze and the strip clubs.
I remember busting out my high school French in Quebec and I thought the people in the little store where I stopped to buy Du Mauriers and Labatts were going to have a seizure they were laughing so hard.
Little did I know that they have their own special version of the damned language itself.
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Exhibit A of a liar/kook.
Exhibit B:
It doesn't go both ways. Not in the same intensity at least.

Hatred of leftists is responsible for about 75% of the entire Maga movement. By this point, conservatives everywhere admit that Trump is a crooked, stupid, conniving moron but they still support him just to "swim in liberal tears" or whatever.