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Does might makes right?

Jaan Uluots

White Belt
Apr 24, 2016
Reaction score

I registered to ask this question.

I am tall 200 cm, but lean guy 80 kg, I have never worked out in my life.

Sorry for the stupid backstory.

The only physical work I did was helping out on construction sites lifting heavy stuff, and in the process hurting myself because I tend to not aknowledge my limits, I managed to lift 100 kg concrete-iron pillars, but only if I gripped it with my thights too, I probably do this to feel better about my weak frame. A can ran fast enough and can travel a few 20 km-s without a problem, but most of the I sit in front of the TV in my free time or daydream.

I often think about what if scenarios, and fights with bigger or more skilled dudes. I always fantasize that I woudl win, if would throw everything I got, but let's be honest. I am shit. A trained guy would see from miles away what I would try, and undo me without an effort. And I probably get my asses kicked or worse, dead. I couldn't even protect my family members.

Why do I think about fights? Because I had these very bad experiances, with big dudes or those who knew some moves (I don't know if they were really trained, or just fake, but it convinced me). This led me to generally have a bad opinion about guys who are better than me, either physically or in technique. Whenever they are around me I get into emergency mode, and look for signs that they try something against me to avoid it. I don't mind talking to them, or rarely having some friendly talks, but I don't trust them.

I don't know, maybe the probable cause is my country is filled with machos or I am an asshole, I had a lot of cases where said people, made it clear to me that, might makes right, that I have to respect them just because they are bigger, or spent their time training and becoming a martial artist.

Example: They can freely say bad things about my mother, and I am expected to laugh about it like it was a joke, or just appreciate that they noticed me. However if politely ask one of them not to litter, it is such a griveous offence that they feel entitled to beat me, or try to (I run away). This is and extreme example, but happened in two separate situation.

Generally I often feel that bigger guys, act like they are some kind of boss, and weaker people, must do as they say. And they think this is some kind of law, fights (of course) should be strictly close quarters where they have an advantage.

Side note, I always thought that a "manly" fight is stupid. It's point is to to bully the opponent into accepting the bigger guy's rules ("You are no man if you jump around and not take the fight"), thus giving him an advantage. If premediated, then the bigger guy already knows he is going into an easy fight with home rules. So isn't he the real coward? If I already know I will win, it's not "manly".

By the way I think this whole stuff is arbitrary bullshit, and a vestige of medieval powerplay. Also if might makes right, I lose but they will too eventually, since there is always a bigger and better fighter out there. This "law" is basically anarchy itself, which is the anti-thesis of the society we live in rigth now, and what enabled us, not to kill eachother on a daily basis, big dudes too enjoy all the benefits this society gives, so why?

If I do win a fight my way (use a tool or run away) I am suddenly a monster or a coward, life isn't a game, the point is not getting dead, if I avoid that I win. I piss on manlyness.

It is possible that my insecurity about my weak body puts this on another level, but it is false that I am angry at big dudes or fighters just because of that, I had plenty of opportunity to learn that they like to play with humans, without much empathy. (needless to cite the numerous stories where bouncers "accidentally" killed people, because they had no idea how strong they were, or what kind of punishment a human body can take, and simply called the dead dude a pussy) (<- which is also an extremely sexist comment towards women, and goes with the remark "You fight like a women." Which is so wrong on so many levels, that dont want to disclose it here.)

I am also frustrated that there is somekind of pressure from society to comform men and women ito specific roles, men has to be strong, tough, etc. If he isn't he is not even human, and should get no symphaty.

I tend to notice, that people take big guys more seriously, if they file a complaint or get angry (in an office, restaurant or trainstation), they are served immediately, got returned their money, etc.

So it does work.

What's your thoughts on this? Does might makes right?
Ermmm...... If you are having that many altercations, maybe you should be carrying. People are a lot less likely to act tough or put hands on you.
This seems like more of a Berry thread.

I'd like to know your age and location. Seems relevant.
Get massive and start throwing your weight around. Read my signature.

Watch videos by The Golden One for inspiration.

30, Estonia, You can't carry guns, you need to be registered and have a good reason to give for the government, self defence is not one of them. Generally any kind of weapon is illegal if it is used for self defence.

I registered to ask this question.

I am tall 200 cm, but lean guy 80 kg, I have never worked out in my life.

Sorry for the stupid backstory.

The only physical work I did was helping out on construction sites lifting heavy stuff, and in the process hurting myself because I tend to not aknowledge my limits, I managed to lift 100 kg concrete-iron pillars, but only if I gripped it with my thights too, I probably do this to feel better about my weak frame. A can ran fast enough and can travel a few 20 km-s without a problem, but most of the I sit in front of the TV in my free time or daydream.

I often think about what if scenarios, and fights with bigger or more skilled dudes. I always fantasize that I woudl win, if would throw everything I got, but let's be honest. I am shit. A trained guy would see from miles away what I would try, and undo me without an effort. And I probably get my asses kicked or worse, dead. I couldn't even protect my family members.

Why do I think about fights? Because I had these very bad experiances, with big dudes or those who knew some moves (I don't know if they were really trained, or just fake, but it convinced me). This led me to generally have a bad opinion about guys who are better than me, either physically or in technique. Whenever they are around me I get into emergency mode, and look for signs that they try something against me to avoid it. I don't mind talking to them, or rarely having some friendly talks, but I don't trust them.

I don't know, maybe the probable cause is my country is filled with machos or I am an asshole, I had a lot of cases where said people, made it clear to me that, might makes right, that I have to respect them just because they are bigger, or spent their time training and becoming a martial artist.

Example: They can freely say bad things about my mother, and I am expected to laugh about it like it was a joke, or just appreciate that they noticed me. However if politely ask one of them not to litter, it is such a griveous offence that they feel entitled to beat me, or try to (I run away). This is and extreme example, but happened in two separate situation.

Generally I often feel that bigger guys, act like they are some kind of boss, and weaker people, must do as they say. And they think this is some kind of law, fights (of course) should be strictly close quarters where they have an advantage.

Side note, I always thought that a "manly" fight is stupid. It's point is to to bully the opponent into accepting the bigger guy's rules ("You are no man if you jump around and not take the fight"), thus giving him an advantage. If premediated, then the bigger guy already knows he is going into an easy fight with home rules. So isn't he the real coward? If I already know I will win, it's not "manly".

By the way I think this whole stuff is arbitrary bullshit, and a vestige of medieval powerplay. Also if might makes right, I lose but they will too eventually, since there is always a bigger and better fighter out there. This "law" is basically anarchy itself, which is the anti-thesis of the society we live in rigth now, and what enabled us, not to kill eachother on a daily basis, big dudes too enjoy all the benefits this society gives, so why?

If I do win a fight my way (use a tool or run away) I am suddenly a monster or a coward, life isn't a game, the point is not getting dead, if I avoid that I win. I piss on manlyness.

It is possible that my insecurity about my weak body puts this on another level, but it is false that I am angry at big dudes or fighters just because of that, I had plenty of opportunity to learn that they like to play with humans, without much empathy. (needless to cite the numerous stories where bouncers "accidentally" killed people, because they had no idea how strong they were, or what kind of punishment a human body can take, and simply called the dead dude a pussy) (<- which is also an extremely sexist comment towards women, and goes with the remark "You fight like a women." Which is so wrong on so many levels, that dont want to disclose it here.)

I am also frustrated that there is somekind of pressure from society to comform men and women ito specific roles, men has to be strong, tough, etc. If he isn't he is not even human, and should get no symphaty.

I tend to notice, that people take big guys more seriously, if they file a complaint or get angry (in an office, restaurant or trainstation), they are served immediately, got returned their money, etc.

So it does work.

What's your thoughts on this? Does might makes right?
cm? kg?

You dealing wit 'Murricans, Homie!
Also I don't get into that many fights, I maybe had like 10 serious ones in my life, but I also hate it when you can't have a civil discussion, because you are shouted o, or tried to get intimidate by large guys, just because they large.
30, Estonia, You can't carry guns, you need to be registered and have a good reason to give for the government, self defence is not one of them. Generally any kind of weapon is illegal if it is used for self defence.

I don't know what Estonia is like, but 30 is too old to be getting physically assaulted. You're not a kid anymore where you fight on the playground after school.

I'd say that you should never respect anyone that doesn't respect you.
If someone litters and they threaten to beat you, don't run... Inform them of the law, and or call the police. Problem solved.

Do you live in a country where littering and assault are legal?

(What Would Suur Toll Do?)

He wouldn't take any shit, that's for sure. He'd be bashing those pesky manlets around him with his wagonwheels of death.


Might makes right, yes, though not just physical might. A weaker country, for example, can make better deals for itself by being crafty. The same applies on the individual level. The weak man can be mightier than the strong man through his cunning.

Anyway, you are a extreme beanpole. At 6'7", you shouldn't weigh less than 180 pounds. You need to gain at least 20 pounds of quality weight.
Not sure if you really need to fight but the best advice I can give is be willing to do real serious damage and that will be the end of it.

In other words if you are in a situation where a fight is going to happen be willing and able (by whatever means necessary) to inflict serious damage to the other person and then do so.

This will make others not nearly as willing to engage in the future.

So yes types of might does make right.

(What Would Suur Toll Do?)

He wouldn't take any shit, that's for sure. He'd be bashing those pesky manlets around him with his wagonwheels of death.


Might makes right, yes, though not just physical might. A weaker country, for example, can make better deals for itself by being crafty. The same applies on the individual level. The weak man can be mightier than the strong man through his cunning.

Anyway, you are a extreme beanpole. At 6'7", you shouldn't weigh less than 180 pounds. You need to gain at least 20 pounds of quality weight.

He does weigh 180. He's a 30 year old, 6'7" guy. He shouldn't be getting bullied...

Also, I'm surprised you didn't recommend that he learn some Rex Kwon Do.
He does weigh 180. He's a 30 year old, 6'7" guy. He shouldn't be getting bullied...

Also, I'm surprised you didn't recommend that he learn some Rex Kwon Do.

176.xx < 180

I'm not taking any new students at the moment.
Might makes right is backwards. It's easy to abuse might one has, and so, no, might doesn't make right. On the other hand, doing right ends up giving you, and those you have influence on, might.

So no, might does not necessarily make right. Right makes might.
I was thinking of the slogan regarding governments and ideologies ruling the world right now.

I registered to ask this question.

I am tall 200 cm, but lean guy 80 kg, I have never worked out in my life.

Sorry for the stupid backstory.

The only physical work I did was helping out on construction sites lifting heavy stuff, and in the process hurting myself because I tend to not aknowledge my limits, I managed to lift 100 kg concrete-iron pillars, but only if I gripped it with my thights too, I probably do this to feel better about my weak frame. A can ran fast enough and can travel a few 20 km-s without a problem, but most of the I sit in front of the TV in my free time or daydream.

I often think about what if scenarios, and fights with bigger or more skilled dudes. I always fantasize that I woudl win, if would throw everything I got, but let's be honest. I am shit. A trained guy would see from miles away what I would try, and undo me without an effort. And I probably get my asses kicked or worse, dead. I couldn't even protect my family members.

Why do I think about fights? Because I had these very bad experiances, with big dudes or those who knew some moves (I don't know if they were really trained, or just fake, but it convinced me). This led me to generally have a bad opinion about guys who are better than me, either physically or in technique. Whenever they are around me I get into emergency mode, and look for signs that they try something against me to avoid it. I don't mind talking to them, or rarely having some friendly talks, but I don't trust them.

I don't know, maybe the probable cause is my country is filled with machos or I am an asshole, I had a lot of cases where said people, made it clear to me that, might makes right, that I have to respect them just because they are bigger, or spent their time training and becoming a martial artist.

Example: They can freely say bad things about my mother, and I am expected to laugh about it like it was a joke, or just appreciate that they noticed me. However if politely ask one of them not to litter, it is such a griveous offence that they feel entitled to beat me, or try to (I run away). This is and extreme example, but happened in two separate situation.

Generally I often feel that bigger guys, act like they are some kind of boss, and weaker people, must do as they say. And they think this is some kind of law, fights (of course) should be strictly close quarters where they have an advantage.

Side note, I always thought that a "manly" fight is stupid. It's point is to to bully the opponent into accepting the bigger guy's rules ("You are no man if you jump around and not take the fight"), thus giving him an advantage. If premediated, then the bigger guy already knows he is going into an easy fight with home rules. So isn't he the real coward? If I already know I will win, it's not "manly".

By the way I think this whole stuff is arbitrary bullshit, and a vestige of medieval powerplay. Also if might makes right, I lose but they will too eventually, since there is always a bigger and better fighter out there. This "law" is basically anarchy itself, which is the anti-thesis of the society we live in rigth now, and what enabled us, not to kill eachother on a daily basis, big dudes too enjoy all the benefits this society gives, so why?

If I do win a fight my way (use a tool or run away) I am suddenly a monster or a coward, life isn't a game, the point is not getting dead, if I avoid that I win. I piss on manlyness.

It is possible that my insecurity about my weak body puts this on another level, but it is false that I am angry at big dudes or fighters just because of that, I had plenty of opportunity to learn that they like to play with humans, without much empathy. (needless to cite the numerous stories where bouncers "accidentally" killed people, because they had no idea how strong they were, or what kind of punishment a human body can take, and simply called the dead dude a pussy) (<- which is also an extremely sexist comment towards women, and goes with the remark "You fight like a women." Which is so wrong on so many levels, that dont want to disclose it here.)

I am also frustrated that there is somekind of pressure from society to comform men and women ito specific roles, men has to be strong, tough, etc. If he isn't he is not even human, and should get no symphaty.

I tend to notice, that people take big guys more seriously, if they file a complaint or get angry (in an office, restaurant or trainstation), they are served immediately, got returned their money, etc.

So it does work.

What's your thoughts on this? Does might makes right?
Imagine what the short people have to deal with ( "manlets" as Sherdog calls them)

Overall, you if you treat people well, you have a higher chance of a happy life.