Where is the fight IQ?
Being the one with most advantages gives you fight IQ?
I do concur that he wins over great fighters, but is it really fight IQ.
He's to scared to move up to heavyweight, where he dont have his size really working for him in the same way.
Rashad grabbing his hands which is stopping Jones offense, turns that into this
Fight IQ
All Low IQ Fighter Rashad has to do what stop reaching for his hands, but that did not click in his mind till it was to late.
Machida countering Jones in the first round just about every time he throws a low kick
Drops Machida by feinting the low kick into a superman Punch
Fight IQ
Has Glover's arm in a position you see all the time, what does Jones do with it? Cranks away, something most had not seen someone do. It does not even cross the minds of 99.9% of fighters to that that.
Fight IQ
Jones vs DC 1
DC is landing a bunch of uppercuts on Jones in the clinch
Jones adjust with time, like this:
Fight IQ
Just some examples, put this way you are not going to beat Jones spamming the same crap throughout the fight like it can be done on many fighters in MMA. Even someone like Conor who people are mentioning in here for having Good Fight IQ loss before he could finally fully adjust to Diaz. He could not do it mid fight.