does getting tapped in training make u doubt urself


Silver Belt
May 29, 2005
Reaction score
I make this post cus i have seeen so many instances where someone has a bad night or maybe just gets it handed to them by opp who are better than them; an sooo many people really get their confidence shaken.

You can see it in their movements or the way they act afterwards, it's like they have no faith in their ability or u talk to some guys and after they get tapped or dominated they spend the next hour explaining why they were off or not sharp or whatever. Or what is worse a guy who just constantly ask u to stop the min u get in a good position or when they feel they are losing.

Me personally if i get tapped or thrown around or whatever it does not make me doubt my training or myself; i feel like i had a off night or hell maybe the other guy is just better than me, but i don't feel the need to explain or cut sessions short or walk around w/my head hanging cus i got beat on.

Now given my infrequent training habits, an my penchant for wanting to just grapple more than go over techniques; not saying i don't drill tech, it's just not my favorite thing. I would rather grapple. Maybe that is why it does not shake me, because i know i do it more for fun or recreation moreso than trying to be a whatever belt or super grappler; i just want to have fun, stay in shape and feel confident in defending myself.

so maybe that is why i don't take it as hard... what about u guys does losing hit u really hard or when u just get owned on a particular night does it shake ur confidence; i mean we all have good and/or bad nights, an then there are times when we are at our best and still lose. Is it that big a deal.. not to me i know wht i can and can't do.
I have low self esteme, so I hate losing more than Matt Hughes. ;-) I also started grappling just for fun and to get in shape; however, something pushes me beyond that for reasons I don't understand. If I get tapped, I always look at it as a learning experience and I ask what I did wrong. I don't stress out about being tapped - I worry more about what I did wrong and how to correct it. Some days I do get shacken; however, those are lessons in humility. I actually had a week of being horrible after giving blood and maybe overtraining, so I am trying to take it easy these last few weeks....
I will admit than when I lose in training I start wondering how good I really am.
We all have bad nights mate, the good thing is you always learn more from the bad nights than the good ones. I would rather have tonnes of really bad night and learn than have easy nights and have a massive ego.
i tapped to a three hundred+ fat kid because i thought it was discusting.. he was doing no gi and i was getting smother by fat when he was in my half guard... When i had to pass his guard i had to grab his fat squishy legs and push them out of the way.

I had him in half guard and then was moving to his back and set up the twister i had everything set up.. his leg, his arm around my head.... i couldnt roll him back over because he was so fat.. i tapped because i was tired of the feeling of his shit squishing all over my face and body... he didnt have anything and was like what the heck?

I just told him i was sick..

I dont mind losing at all, i actualy like it.. Makes me better.. But now and again i just tap because im tired that night or sick or what ever. Or if a guy is going all muscle no technique ill let him pass and do whatever because im not trying to get injured, and could care less about tapping to anyone.

It does well for their ego when they think they got you.. if they get cocky then beat them fast and easy the next time.. i love doing that even more.. Let a guy get someone where to try an escape if he taps you he thinks he is the man.. next time you tap him in 20 seconds.
There was a period of my training where i was seriously doubting my skill, I lost the first round in a tourney and got my ass kicked pretty much by all the higher belts for the next three weeks. But i regained my confidence then broke my ankle and now i am not training.
relapselve said:
There was a period of my training where i was seriously doubting my skill, I lost the first round in a tourney and got my ass kicked pretty much by all the higher belts for the next three weeks. But i regained my confidence then broke my ankle and now i am not training.
lol that was the opposite way i thought that post would end.
Gsoares2 said:
lol that was the opposite way i thought that post would end.

Heh heh that's real life for you ... doesn't end as expected.

I just tap whenever. Who cares. Only reason to doubt yourself is if you're not continuing to learn and improve. Otherwise, tap early and often, and just keep moving on. Constant improvement should be your goal, not beating people in training.
SOmetimes, especially if its a real bad night.
What i Hate most is how the guys who are much better than me get better at the same rate I do.
Ring Shark98 said:
SOmetimes, especially if its a real bad night.
What i Hate most is how the guys who are much better than me get better at the same rate I do.

Aint that a bitch?? You try so hard to excel to compete with your peers who are already experienced but can never catch up ;)

Keep going tho man, there are other people who you can be better than.
you just have to train more than them.. if you want it bad enough you will be on the mat 7 days a week..
I never feel bad about bieng trapped in practice, tapped in competition different story, I mean I'll try new shit in practice all the time and sometimes it works sometimes it's an opportunity for the other guy to catch me but if it lands it usually looks pretty fucken sweet so i don't feel bad tryining new shit and paying for it. Besides practice should be about working on your weaknesses, you say you don't have any? Bullshit everyone has something they can improve on. Also, If you never get tapped in training your not training with the right partners, just my way of looking at it
I dont really get down on myself when I get tapped in class. Thats because most of the time the guy is bigger/stronger/more experienced than me, and I shouldnt expect to beat them, I roll with them to improve my skills and thats what happens when you roll with people better than you. There was a brief time where I was getting frustrated cause I was in a slump but I got out of it. I felt really bad one time tho, it was a few days before a tournament and I was going to be in it along with another guy who I was rolling with. I tapped him 6 times straight, and he rolled with some other people and got tapped by them as well. After that he was like "fuck it im gonna save my money, Im not gonna go there and get my ass kicked" and I felt sooo bad. I was like "no dude, dont do that just because of tonight. Everyone has off nights. Its not like we were just toying with you, we're all getting ready to compete and are going really hard, ya know what I mean? we're all out here working out hardest and sometimes ya just have a bad night where you dont tap anybody, but that doesnt take anything away from your skill or talent". Later on I told my coach too, because I know he would want to talk to the guy about it and just give him a little pep talk or whatever. There is no point in getting down on yourself about getting tapped in class, thats what it is, class, its not competition. Competition is where its serious, getting ready in class is totally different and does not prove how good you are.
I don't have a problem with tapping. I have no illusions about my ability, even if I was the best guy at my school there's still 1,000,000 jiujitsu practitioners out there that can smoke me.
pitviper23 said:
I never feel bad about bieng trapped in practice, tapped in competition different story, I mean I'll try new shit in practice all the time and sometimes it works sometimes it's an opportunity for the other guy to catch me but if it lands it usually looks pretty fucken sweet so i don't feel bad tryining new shit and paying for it. Besides practice should be about working on your weaknesses, you say you don't have any? Bullshit everyone has something they can improve on. Also, If you never get tapped in training your not training with the right partners, just my way of looking at it

I agree with this post 100%
I haven't tapped to a white belt in ages. I think I'll be quite relieved when I finally do. Would it make me doubt myself? I don't think I'm the world's best grappler so probably not.
If I have a bad day, fuck yes I question myself. After training for a couple of years, I have certain expectations about how I should do. When I get my ass handed to me, that shit is frustrating. On the bright side of it, it shows me I can get better, but I'd be a liar if I said I didn't get pissed sometimes.
I don't doubt myself if I tap in practice, Its when I don't tap in a while that I start to doubt my training partners.
There is a reason why people have higher belts than me. That reason, is to tap me at will. As a whitebelt, if they can't do that, then they aren't legit.
b0b said:
There is a reason why people have higher belts than me. That reason, is to tap me at will. As a whitebelt, if they can't do that, then they aren't legit.
1 question any previous grappling experience i.e. Wrestling or Judo?