Does anyone else think it's strange that there hasn't been a movie or TV show about Timothy McVeigh and the OKC bombing?

For the record, since the bombing happened (back on April 19th, 1995), several documentaries have come out about the OKC bombing and Timothy McVeigh. However, no blockbuster movie or TV show (on Netflix, Paramount, etc.). That is extremely weird to me because the OKC bombing is still the worst act of domestic terrorism in US history; you would think an event like that would have warranted a movie or Netflix series by now.

As a point of comparison, a blockbuster movie about the Boston marathon bombing (starring Mark Wahlberg, Kevin Bacon, and JK Simmons) came out just three years after the event occurred. While the BMB (Boston marathon bombing) was horrific, only 3 people died that day versus 168 on April 19th, 1995.

IMO, there hasn't been a movie or TV show about McVeigh and the OKC bombing because a substantial portion of the general American public would have a difficult time accepting it. The known individuals involved in the bomb plot (McVeigh, Terry Nichols, Michael Fortier, and Lori Fortier) were/are American citizens; three of them were/are Army veterans; and it does not help that the official story behind the bombing is riddled with inconsistencies.

Lastly, studios have an easier time selling the image of foreign-born Muslims terrorists as the "bad guys," especially to American audiences (which was why a movie about the BMB was an easy sell). However, if it's a movie or show about US-born terrorists (who are white and Army veterans to top it off) committing a terrorist attack on US soil, killing almost 200 other Americans, then it becomes a more delicate matter. At least, that is my theory because I cannot think of another logical reason as to why no studio has made a movie or show about the OKC bombing. Also, I would bet every dollar I have that if the people behind the OKC bombing had been foreign-born Muslims, a movie or two would have been released back in the 90s and by now a Netflix series would have been released.

I know my post is long, but I wanted to give y'all a good understanding of my thoughts on the matter. What are y'all's thoughts?

I think a good movie could be made about the OKC bombing, but I'm not surprised there hasn't been. It's a tough subject, and in order to paint McVeigh accurately you'd have to go into his reasoning which could ignite a terrible debate on how right/wrong he was. Outside of the bombing itself, there isn't a lot of suspense to make a movie around. McVeigh was caught almost immediately because he didn't have a license plate on his getaway car.

The Boston Marathon bombings were another beast. The manhunt and investigation culminating in the shootout in Watertown and the search for the little brother afterwards had the entire country on edge. Makes a better movie and is able to end on a very positive note. The Wahlberg movie kinda sucked though, in my opinion. I have way too many issues with it.
Personally, I just don't care about him. His weapons weren't things you can easily ban, so there isn't a gun control narrative, and his motives were banal. It's unfortunate he did that, but honestly I don't care about it.
Manhunt: Unabomber was great.

Great cast. Sam Worthington really got typecast as an action guy but he's a great dramatic actor imo.
I agree with that, but it's still very strange to me that a movie or TV show has not been made about McVeigh and/or the bombing.

I find it more strange that you don't know how to google.

Oof, look at all the posters who don't know that the unabomber mail bombs and the okc bombing are totally different events carried out by different attackers.

The unabomber was a genius Harvard student, who was force fed LSD and psychologically tortured by people in power in the MK-Ultra program. he was a loner who sent mail bombs.

The okc people were avid anti government nuts that blew up almost 170 people on American soil to own the feds.

I guess this is what happens when you replace "American History" with "American alternative "facts"" thanks prarger u
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It's that infamous bias of showing the white guy in a great light that Hollywood is know for.
I doubt there'd be a dramatisation of the Oklahoma bombing. You'd struggle to get the special effects to make a crater that big from one car bomb.

There ain’t a procedural cop drama out that hasn’t touched on it in some way.

Even Fringe did it.
It would be pretty tough to pick an angle.

They wouldn’t want to risk making or appearing like they’re trying to make McVeigh sympathetic. Which is a risk if he’s the main character.

The other angle is to create some made up story revolving around fictional stand ins for the victims similar to Titanic. Which is disrespectful.

I’d honestly be more intrigued by a Unabomber movie. That story has Hollywood written all over it but similar to OKC Bombing. The risk for misaimed fandom in too great