Does anyone care about the worm guard anymore?


Orange Belt
Sep 7, 2011
Reaction score
When it first hit the scene a couple years ago along with the Galaxy guard, everyone was scrambling to learn the variations and counters, .etc. Even the IBJJF thought about banning lapel guards.

Now, does anyone use it? and by the way, where is Keenan these days? I know he has a superfight coming up but did he just bail on IBJJF competitions?
You see it as a secondary attack in a lot of DLR-centric players like the Miyaos, Gianni, etc. As people became more familiar with it, the position became much harder to set up, and people just developed better posture and base inside of it, making it tougher to score from.

Keenan got third at worlds last week (he lost to Leandro Lo). He's definitely still around the IBJJF scene. I don't think he did Pans this year.
My dog definitely does. HeartGard ftw.
You see it as a secondary attack in a lot of DLR-centric players like the Miyaos, Gianni, etc. As people became more familiar with it, the position became much harder to set up, and people just developed better posture and base inside of it, making it tougher to score from.

Keenan got third at worlds last week (he lost to Leandro Lo). He's definitely still around the IBJJF scene. I don't think he did Pans this year.

oh ok thanks. i didn't realize he competed.
What the heck is this? I've never heard mention of it from anyone.

Really? the Galaxy Guard could be an Estima invention, but Keenan definately added his own wormness to it and developed some sweeps and back takes from it.
Lol. I remember when this first hit the scene. People were freaking out about stalling. It's always a matter of time until someone figures out how to counter and resist things. Not saying worm guard isn't effective in the right situations. Just people have knee jerk reactions to these types of things.
Just like everything else in BJJ, there are some slight variations and positions that could be considered as "revolutionary" and "dangerous", until you realize how rare it is to actually be there. People used to complain about 50/50 too, and now the only thing people whine about is that is can be a stalling position. Other than that, it's now an accepted, commonly taught position to work from every day in the gym.

But I think I got off topic here. Regardless, worm guard is a fine, interesting position but it isn't exactly commonplace in matches. Usually there are better options to go to if they're that easily manipulated, or they just have better position and grip fighting.
I still look to set up worm guard variations quite frequently. Its a nice complement to RDLR and is a nice tool to have for pressure knee slicers.
Dunno about you, I still get caught in it. But I'm well behind in the tech. In BJJ circles, I'm probably using the equivalent of the Nokia N95....