Does Anik talk that way leisurely?


Blue Belt
Oct 30, 2011
Reaction score
Does he ever break the "sportscaster" voice? Anyone talk with the guy in private and know?

The commentating last night was hard to listen to. Polar opposites, him and Joe. There were times during the fights when it seemed appropriate to break the sportscaster vibe, like when there was nothing spectacular going on in the fight but Anik wouldn't do it...

Very odd. Goldie needs to come back.
Agreed, it really hurt the event for me.

Anik seems to work ok with Florian but he was absolutely dire with Joe.
Does he ever break the "sportscaster" voice? Anyone talk with the guy in private and know?

The commentating last night was hard to listen to. Polar opposites, him and Joe. There were times during the fights when it seemed appropriate to break the sportscaster vibe, like when there was nothing spectacular going on in the fight but Anik wouldn't do it...

Very odd. Goldie needs to come back.

Trust me, it's worse when he feigns enthusiasm or modulates his voice.
Listening to him is like... listening to 10 o'clock news anchor...
Everytime I talk to him on the phone and I say bye Jon he replys..."Don't text and drive!" then hangs up!
I love his voice.

Keep him.

Also, replace Buffer with Joe MArtinez

Where did Goldie go?
wasn't sure if he was reading the weather report or doing the pbp for a championship fight.
I don't know. I guess I am always watching sports and he doesn't sound much different from all of them. Doesn't bother me, I watch for the fights and nothing else.
Boring, eally no chemistry wiht Joe, and really seemed forced. Breing Back Goldie, let Anik do the in ring interviews to get his feet wet
Joe Rogan and Goldberg are the kind of guys that keep it real; you would feel perfectly normal kickin' it with them, drinking a few beers, smoking a few bowls, bullshitting about the fight game, etc.

Anik, on the other hand, is that awkward, straight laced mormon guy that noone likes to hang out with. He's the guy that won't drink alcohol or caffeinated soda because it's against his beliefs, and whenever there's a party, he's the guy in the corner sipping on a cup of milk. It's hard to strike up a natural conversation with him because he's just so damn square, and everyone just wonders why he even showed up at all.
drinking game?

every time he says 'in short order' and Joe mentions Diamond MMA
Finding a good commentator is so hard. I don't like Joe's over enthusiasm and bias but I dislike a boring voice like Anik/Florian and the Bellator announcers. We need some one with a good voice, who clearly is a fan of the sport, but stays more professional and non-bias than Joe.
Finding a good commentator is so hard. I don't like Joe's over enthusiasm and bias but I dislike a boring voice like Anik/Florian and the Bellator announcers. We need some one with a good voice, who clearly is a fan of the sport, but stays more professional and non-bias than Joe.

That would be Jimmy Smith.
Anik just doest know what he is watching plain and simple.

That voice he talks in is just attrocious.

"industrious familymen" describing Cain and JDS ,.... does he really say that in real life?
Joe Rogan and Goldberg are the kind of guys that keep it real; you would feel perfectly normal kickin' it with them, drinking a few beers, smoking a few bowls, bullshitting about the fight game, etc.

Anik, on the other hand, is that awkward, straight laced mormon guy that noone likes to hang out with. He's the guy that won't drink alcohol or caffeinated soda because it's against his beliefs, and whenever there's a party, he's the guy in the corner sipping on a cup of milk. It's hard to strike up a natural conversation with him because he's just so damn square, and everyone just wonders why he even showed up at all.

Wait, how do you know he's religious? I made a comment on his perpetual commentating voice, not his religious beliefs. Plus, religious people can still be cool to hang out with and are not all bores.

I just wanted to know if he has the capacity to break the sportscaster voice and if anyone close to him can verify this. It seems that you have had a bad experience with some religious folk. But don't throw the baby out with the bath-water.