Does Anik talk that way leisurely?

Joe Rogan and Goldberg are the kind of guys that keep it real; you would feel perfectly normal kickin' it with them, drinking a few beers, smoking a few bowls, bullshitting about the fight game, etc.

Anik, on the other hand, is that awkward, straight laced mormon guy that noone likes to hang out with. He's the guy that won't drink alcohol or caffeinated soda because it's against his beliefs, and whenever there's a party, he's the guy in the corner sipping on a cup of milk. It's hard to strike up a natural conversation with him because he's just so damn square, and everyone just wonders why he even showed up at all.

Man, I dont drink or smoke and I hate religion, but please for the love of Odin dont lump me in with Anik.
Finding a good commentator is so hard. I don't like Joe's over enthusiasm and bias but I dislike a boring voice like Anik/Florian and the Bellator announcers. We need some one with a good voice, who clearly is a fan of the sport, but stays more professional and non-bias than Joe.

You just described Jimmy Smith.
Wait, how do you know he's religious? I made a comment on his perpetual commentating voice, not his religious beliefs. Plus, religious people can still be cool to hang out with and are not all bores.

I just wanted to know if he has the capacity to break the sportscaster voice and if anyone close to him can verify this. It seems that you have had a bad experience with some religious folk. But don't throw the baby out with the bath-water.

I was drawing an analogy of there commentating styles, not to be taken literally.
Any time Goldie is out of there it's refreshing. I think Anik took over Goldie's job just fine. The guy hardly even talked... Hes ok in my book!
Same thing with Carlos Condit.

I think Condit is an awesome fighter and a great human being. But watch his interviews, he always has this somewhat pretentious madeup voice, although he is not anything like that himself. He doesn't really give any interesting answers, ever. I wonder if he talks like that in person as well.
I hate how anik constantly just finds some fancy way to say some basic observation... he could use more creativity and substance in his commentating
He's a good studio anchor but not as good ringside
Goldy's broadcaster voice is so much worse. Anik wasn't great, but I didn't feel the need to hit the mute button. I usually can only withstand a couple fights' worth of Goldberg's utter terribleness before the audio gets turned off for the evening.
Really? It bothered you that much, huh?

It did to be honest. His total lack of emotion/excitement really sucked the life out of it. Was like listening to my boss at the weekly team update.