Do you wear your watch also when youre sleeping?

I pretty much haven't worn a watch since the first smartphones were available.
I still like wearing a watch, almost feel naked if I forget to put it on.

Mine are automatic, so they have to move around to wind.

I'll wear a watch around the house occasionally to keep them ticking, but pretty uncomfortable to sleep with.
I keep it in a safe place

If your watch can go under water then you can actualy wear it all the time, but is the uncommon to wear it all the time or most people are actually removing the watch when they are at home,if not that then before they go to bed
I remove it
If your watch can go under water then you can actualy wear it all the time, but is the uncommon to wear it all the time or most people are actually removing the watch when they are at home,if not that then before they go to bed
Naw, man. What kind of fucking heathen are you???
No way, I don't want to get clocked when I'm sleeping.
I don’t wear a watch at all. I have a phone. That has a clock. Also, watches rip out my arm hair. It hurts.
If your watch can go under water then you can actualy wear it all the time, but is the uncommon to wear it all the time or most people are actually removing the watch when they are at home,if not that then before they go to bed
I only wear my watch when I go outside.
I only wear a watch at work because i use the timers a lot but it stays there in my locker.
a good friend that has unfortunately passed on gave me a very nice swiss watch around twenty years ago. i don't know how much it's worth, but the sentimental value is off the charts. i bought another swiss watch that i wear daily. once i'm home, i take it off. wearing a watch 24/7 would become incredibly annoying and would damage your skin i'd imagine.