Do you think you were born too early, just right, or too late?


I don't think the era was my issue.

Mild autism, coupled with crippling shyness, susceptibility to depression and lack of direction, plus being bullied and being raised in a low income, single parent household that didn't do much, would have caused issues regardless of when I grew up. Mum was a saint, but anxiety is hereditary.

Honestly, I'd like to go see the time of the Japanese economic bubble period. 80s I think?

I'd also have liked to have been able to buy a decent property for better affordability.

With that said, I think I'd miss a lot of the comforts of modern life. Pre 80s England seemed absolutely miserable. Grimy, restrictive and culturally beige. Even day to day life in the late 90s, when I didn't have much money, seemed boring as a kid.

Or we can go further back than that, when civil rights and workers rights weren't worth spit. When men were pressured to live in muddy, lice filled trenches and ordered to walk into machine gun fire.

Being able to explore uncharted lands would be cool though, yet I'd need money for that.

So yeah, I'll take my era, but just give my family more money.
Agreed the 70s wasn't the best but luckily I remember the 80s much more.
Agreed the 70s wasn't the best but luckily I remember the 80s much more.

80s America looks pretty cool, but Thatchers Britain just seemed boring and stressful. Falklands War, Mining Strikes, Poll Tax, restrictive conservative values etc. The only source of joy in that era seems to come from smatterings of counter-culture.

The 90s seemed better. Better TV. Technological advancements coming at a faster rate. Conservative stuffiness starting to die out and being replaced with an edgier, more colourful culture...
80s America looks pretty cool, but Thatchers Britain just seemed boring and stressful. Falklands War, Mining Strikes, Poll Tax, restrictive conservative values etc. The only source of joy in that era seems to come from smatterings of counter-culture.

The 90s seemed better. Better TV. Technological advancements coming at a faster rate. Conservative stuffiness starting to die out and being replaced with an edgier, more colourful culture...
True I guess being a kid then a lot of that didn't affect me as much as it would now. I just remember a simpler time, biking to friends houses to play Commodore 64 or Spectum 48 games. Walking to video stores to hire movies (nearly always 18 cert) Going with friends to beach etc. You can do all that stuff now ofc but we didn't all have our eyes on our fing phones half the day.
I’m good with it, screw being born earlier
I think you could argue this was maybe somewhat more of an issue in the 20th century were culture wasn't as atomised and you would have "eras" so it would be possible to end up coming of age for sometime late in a certain era and feeling you'd missed out?

Musically I was in my mid teens just as Britpop hit so whilst I can't say I still listen to a ton of it it did feel like I was born at the right time to get somewhat caught up in a movement which had a lot of cultural reach.

TV wise I found that was something I got into earlier and there was stuff like Blackadder and Bottom coming out, did feel like a good time for TV comedy and then a bit latter Chris Morris and Alan Partridge. I have to say as well my view of growing up in the late 80's and early/mid 90's was that TV comedy was really the biggest aspect of youth culture, moreso than music, someone like RIk Mayall was more beloved than any musician.


Film wise I spose feels more like I was "born too late" as a lot of stuff I was watching came from the late 70's and the 80's but I think as much as anything that was down to the delay until stuff got on VHS/TV. Something like Starwars I would argue really what made a lot of the hardcore fanbase wasnt the original cinema releases it was watching the films on VHS/Cable in the late 80's and early 90's. Your typical long time SW fan tends to be a guy in his mid 40's not his mid 50's and you could say the same for say Arnies films, the fanbase is rather younger than you migtht expect doe to the VHS/Cable delay.
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I was born in '77... Well, 1577, that is. It was the golden age of the Renaissance, and I could not have come into existence at a more perfect time.

The air was thick with the birth of new ideas and the resurrection of ancient philosophies. I had the distinct pleasure of witnessing Shakespearean plays mere days after they were crafted by the man himself.

Ah, William... while undoubtedly a masterful scribe... possessed a demeanor far from gentle.

He was often inclined to indulge in playful slaps on the rear with the stagehands, a peculiar habit that revealed his less illustrious side.

Of course, it wasn't all flowers and rainbows. Living through multiple major wars, plagues, and questionable hygiene habits, the centuries proved treacherous

Yet, they also provided abundant sustenance for my kind.

I even encountered the notorious Jack the Ripper, a figure whose true identity aligns with one of the suspects you've undoubtedly read about in books or seen in countless documentaries.

No, I shan't reveal his name.

Take it from someone who has walked this earth for over four hundred years... life thrives on a touch of mystery.

I shall skip ahead to more modern times and share this: those born in 1977 were remarkably fortunate, for they had the privilege of experiencing the two greatest decades of music.

The 1980s and 1990s were epochs rich with innovation and superb songwriting, each melody and lyric capturing the essence of its time with unparalleled precision.

Indeed, the 1960s and 1970s had their moments of brilliance, but nothing compares to the twenty years that followed...two decades filled with absolute masterpieces spanning virtually every genre, some of which were even birthed anew during this vibrant era.

And so, that brings us to why we gather on this forum.

We were privileged to witness the genesis of the UFC and the explosive rise of mixed martial arts, a thrilling spectacle that has captivated our immortal and mortal hearts alike.

Thank you for indulging in this abridged account of my lengthy existence.

Your time is appreciated more than you know.

And, in the words of my honorary uncle Hannibal... I hope to have you for dinner someday.

La revedere,

Does it bother you that you are born too late to explore the Earth.... but born too early to explore the universe?

Do you think you were born too early?

Just right?

Or too late?

As in you wanted to live in an earlier era, like the Victorian era, the middle ages, the 50s, etc..

Or too early, as in you were born before human colonies in other planets, spaceships, getting to see the edge of the universe, etc...
I was born 10 to 20 years too late IMO. Society peaked around 2000-2010 and i don t think the digital revolution, social media and woke trash are an improvement as a whole.
Being born 10-15 years earlier would make my life a lot easier financially - I would have time to buy property when the prices were adequate.
And if we are going full sci -fi, if humanity could ever travel faster or at least close to lightspeed, that would be so damn cool!
True I guess being a kid then a lot of that didn't affect me as much as it would now. I just remember a simpler time, biking to friends houses to play Commodore 64 or Spectum 48 games. Walking to video stores to hire movies (nearly always 18 cert) Going with friends to beach etc. You can do all that stuff now ofc but we didn't all have our eyes on our fing phones half the day.

Fair enough.

Although maybe it was the fact that you were a kid, and not so much the era you were born in, though technology and fear propaganda may have made modern children's childhoods take a big shift.

It sounds similar to mine. I had a bike I used to pedal around the lake, I used to go out with friends and make our own fun. Videostores? My older brother did. I'd have loved to have grew up near the beach, as my mother didn't drive. I used to go to Southsea once a year with Mum.

My view of the 80s is mainly political stuff, depressed bands and The Young Ones.
I was born about 1500 years too late.
I am quite lucky to have been born in the US in the 80s.

That said, I suppose the best time to have been born would have been possibly the 60s in the US.

The reason I say that vs earlier is perspective from my father.

The draft for the Vietnam war started his freshman year of HS, and everyday that passed he knew he was one day closer to being drafted and shipped out to Vietnam. It played out just like he thought, he was just lucky enough to not be one of the 50% killed from his battalion.

I think starting HS with the war having just ended would be about perfect.
Fair enough.

Although maybe it was the fact that you were a kid, and not so much the era you were born in, though technology and fear propaganda may have made modern children's childhoods take a big shift.

It sounds similar to mine. I had a bike I used to pedal around the lake, I used to go out with friends and make our own fun. Videostores? My older brother did. I'd have loved to have grew up near the beach, as my mother didn't drive. I used to go to Southsea once a year with Mum.

My view of the 80s is mainly political stuff, depressed bands and The Young Ones.
I loved The Young Ones. Rik Mayall RIP
I think I was born too late. I hate social media and how much of a focus it is in todays life, I hate how everything has become so precious people want to say you can't laugh at anything anymore and it's even affected the media. I probably would've been just fine if I was born in the late 60's/ early 70's.
I think I was born at the right time.

Any earlier and I'd have to deal with stinky chicks that don't shower every day.

Any later and I wouldn't even know what gender I am.
I'm happy how I grew up being born in 81. Being an 80s kid, 90s teen and coming of age in the 2000s seemed like every era was right before some monumental shift in culture, technology or the world as we know it.

But if I could swing it I think being born 10 years earlier would've been nice. 80s teen for the music scene when it wasn't as expensive and then having an adult job to enjoy the 90s. Hell even retiring from the service 10 years ago from next year before this housing shitshow and being able to afford a nice forever home.....
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