I'm with Jeff here.
People have no idea how many talented artists never make it big because they don't have the connections or the funding.
There's plenty of people not in LA who can silence a crowded bar and bring people to tears with nothing but a microphone and an acoustic guitar.
I had a friend in LA.
He played Alladin in Universal Studios as his day job.
Bought himself a house doing that, so good for him.
That guy was freakishly talented.
He could do improv comedy no joke no exaggeration on the level of "Whose Line Is It Anyway" he could sing on the level of a pro theater actor, he could act , he could write. Nice guy. Charming personality.
He could work the room.
Consummate pro. Responsible
No substance issues. Married.
He never really "broke thru"
He got on a few shows but never more than bit parts.
I could probably give examples similar for guitarists, drummers, singers, songwriters.
With the musicians, just my experience, but the GREAT players and songwriters loved MUSIC, not necessarily PROMOTING.
And you gotta pay the rent, so you need a job, so you are tired, commuting sucks and takes time.
You play an amazing show and the bar steals half your money, lies about how many people you brought. It's a fucked up business. I got ripped off a LOT. I literally had a Grammy winning artist pay me $250/song to write and produce songs and he would take the writing credit and the production credit and claim he did it all himself. Siavash Shams. Selfish narcissistic jackass. Phenomenal singer though, I'll give him that. I had a pop singer I played with that would do similar, steal musical ideas from the band that she couldn't come up with in a million years, take full writing credit for everything. That is SUPER common.