Nobody told me![]()
If their strategy doesn't involve building talent and making stars in-house then no. Strikeforce had a good chance of doing just that, which is the reason they were bought out.
Yes...if they stick with Cokers vision and keep bringing up young talent and stick with giving the fighters freedom..The UFC is off to a very rough start right now for 2018. They're running out of starpower and their ratings are dropping to all time lows.
Meanwhile Bellator is off to a very good start, with their recent event Rampage vs. Sonnen hitting very high view counts for Bellator standards.
Is this possibly a sign of things to come in the future? I'm not talking anytime soon, but maybe a decade or 2 down the road.
it is really hard to predict, because UFC has a very good hype machine and they can change the way they do things.The UFC is off to a very rough start right now for 2018. They're running out of starpower and their ratings are dropping to all time lows.
Meanwhile Bellator is off to a very good start, with their recent event Rampage vs. Sonnen hitting very high view counts for Bellator standards.
Is this possibly a sign of things to come in the future? I'm not talking anytime soon, but maybe a decade or 2 down the road.
It's very obvious you didn't pay attention to the part where I wrote "for Bellator standards".
It's more likely Bellator wolnt be around for 2 decades let alone top UFC.
all it takes is Conor to go over and ufc is fooked. They are about to enter a low period in the next couple of years. Once conor and dc go they have nobody. Jones is gone. Ngannou is shit and has the personality of a table. The only up and comer they have is kevin Lee and it remains to be seen whether he can develop a good enough grasp of the english language to go on conan without embarassing himself
This narrative is always stupid as shit whenever someone brings it up.
The UFC existed before Conor, and the UFC will exist after Conor. The UFC strategy has always been brand first, fighter recognition second.
Hate to say it but paying fighters more will result in fighters fighting less and not worrying about putting on a good fight and certainly wouldn’t build the UFC.If the UFC doesn't start paying their fighters more and or letting them cash in on their own sponsorship's than it is possible. Not very likely but possible.