Do you own your home?

IceCold ADCC

🔥 20 years on Sherdog and counting 🔥
May 27, 2003
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If so where do you live, what year did you buy, how big is your house and how much land do you own?

I bought my house in 2012 for about $90,000. It's worth about $140,000 now. Three-bedroom, 2 bath, garage, 1300 sq feet. Sits on 1 acre. Huge backyard. It's slightly above average interior. Needs a little work on the siding.

I have three girls and a wife so I'm honestly thinking about upgrading to a bigger place. My buddy is selling his home, 2200 Sq feet sits on a couple of acres, for about 250k.

I'm still undecided tho because I enjoy the low payment and will have it paid off in less than 10 years. I pull in about 100k a year. My wife makes about 35k, so we do alright especially given our cost of living (North east Oklahoma).

What are you guys and gals living in? What are your thoughts on owning a house?
Currently renting main and top floor of a house in Vancouver BC with my wife and 3 kids. Tons of space but it kind of sucks having another tenant below us.

we’ve been looking for a house to buy for almost a year now but the market has been way too crazy.
Currently renting main and top floor of a house in Vancouver BC with my wife and 3 kids. Tons of space but it kind of sucks having another tenant below us.

we’ve been looking for a house to buy for almost a year now but the market has been way too crazy.

Man the market is CRAZY right now.
I bought my house in 2012 for about $90,000. It's worth about $140,000 now.

This isnt meant to be a knock on you but im not even sure if 140k would get me into a trailer park in my area, which sucks for me. Houses are fuckin expensive here.... like... over half a million bucks for the most basic house if you want a decent neighborhood...

I rent
Technically I think the bank still owns it. But if I send them the better part of 40 grand a year for the next two and a half decades I'll own a home worth significantly less than that sum of money.
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i own my home but wont say where. its payed off. we payed 460000.00 for it but its worth 700000.00 now. but housing is absurdly expensive here. this house is on a half acre and is finished top shelf and high end. but its only 1700 square feet. for my area this is an upper middle class area even thought my wife and i just make an average income for the area and rode the market which is how we ended up in such a nice place.

having a house paid off and fixed up nice is worth way more than having a house that you dont own but is bigger. thats just my opinion.
I bought my place in eastern washington 6 years ago. Our house was 154k at the time. Fast forward and now it's doubled in value.

Me personally, I'd life on land do stuff outdoors with my 3 kids. I'd give em a stick and tell them not to come home until they needed a bath.
Personally I don’t think I’d buy from a friend. Especially not if I was looking at spending $250k with equity coming in with a combined annual income in the $140k range.

too many opportunities for bad blood.
I'm living in a house my mom owns (but doesn't live in), that my great grandfather built, and it got passed down, and I will eventually get it.

It's about 90 year old 120 m2 (also 1300 square feet,lol) one story house. Used to be 90 m2, but I expanded and fixed it up. Put in about 20k Euros into it

Me, my wife and our 2 daughters live in it.

We also have 3 hectars of farmland, which we use and 5 hectars of forrest. It provdes food, firewood and some extra income, which is nice.

I'm actually thinking of building my own house (or paying someone to do it) once I repay all the loans and sort out my money situation, and wife finishes school, gets a job and can do her own thing without me bankrolling her.

I want to leave something behind for my kids too.. A home is a nice, useful gift. It will take decades to complete (Saving up money is the hardest part), but I'll do it.
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Recently finished paying off my house. It's on 850sqm = 9200sqft land. Classic Australian 4bed 2 bath. I also got a nice big shed/workshop which I love. Also renovated it to a high standard recently.
Got two kids under 5 so its nice knowing I have a family safe in a nice house in a nice area. Makes me feel like I'm doing a good job as a provider.

And just generally it feels awesome to own your house outright. Fuck the bank.
House like mine would probably go for around 1.1 - 1.2 million at the moment.
Makes all those long days at work and long weeks away from home when I was younger all worth it
I bought my first house in 2005. 4 br 2 ba 1700 sq ft. for $130k. It's now worth $250k. I'm pretty sure I would have paid it off by now. However, I've moved twice since then and now have 29 years to go on a 300k mortgage. On one hand, I could've had my original house free and clear right now, on the other hand, it was in a shithole town and I'm in a much better place now.
still paying the morgatge on a condo in a major urban area
plan is to hold it for 10-15 years and sell it to pay for a dream house on another country
Paid 130k in 2011 now it's almost 400k on Zillow. I owe about 30k on it still.
Own one house worth 850k also own a block of land about 500K.

looking to sell the house and build on the land, once complete the land and house will be worth at least 2 mil easy.

edit. When all is said an done ill have about a 300k mortgage which is fuck all now a days.
Paid $250K for my house in 2012.
4bed, 2.5bath, full basement.
Probably put $80K into it.
Valued at $522K last I looked.
Small yard, though.