Do you guys watch MMA?


I'll watch Fedor though just because. Even though it usually ends in tears nowadays
I kinda lost interest around the time the UFC got on Fox and started pumping out volumes of watered down cards, and promoted Ronda Rousy ad naseum. Things seemed to jump the shark around that time.
2011, damn.

I’ll ask you what I asked the guy above do you feel like you know most posters here?

There's some regulars here who pop up in threads constantly, but I don't know anyone on a personal level or anything. I'm here more for the content rather than the posters.
There's some regulars here who pop up in threads constantly, but I don't know anyone on a personal level or anything. I'm here more for the content rather than the posters.

What’s the content usually about?
Yeah it’s the only sport I follow close. And the NHL a bit just to watch the Winnipeg Jets kick ass!