Do you deep fry?


Aug 9, 2013
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I never did - but after reading that thread on recipes there, there was one for general soo's chicken, or it might be called popcorn chicken.
Either way it's basically chicken in eggs and corn flour.

I had this small pan that I filled with oil and stuck some cornflour coated chicken in there.

I don't really like chicken baked or dried fried, in stir fries etc.
But this was quite nice.

Since I had a pan full of oil - I figured I'd be as well to deep fry some other shit, so I bought a bag of calamari (squid), and thick cut chips - neither of which I would ever eat, and fried them up, drizzled some apple cider vinegar over, and had that with ketchup.

I never normally eat that type of shit but - it's a nice change from boiled rice and stir fried meat with chopped up vegetables - which is what I eat 90% of the time, just cause it's so easy to make.

Looking up the recipe for KFC chicken, but I don't have a blender so can't make bread crumbs.

Do you fry is depths of fat?
I never did - but after reading that thread on recipes there, there was one for general soo's chicken, or it might be called popcorn chicken.
Either way it's basically chicken in eggs and corn flour.

I had this small pan that I filled with oil and stuck some cornflour coated chicken in there.

I don't really like chicken baked or dried fried, in stir fries etc.
But this was quite nice.

Since I had a pan full of oil - I figured I'd be as well to deep fry some other shit, so I bought a bag of calamari (squid), and thick cut chips - neither of which I would ever eat, and fried them up, drizzled some apple cider vinegar over, and had that with ketchup.

I never normally eat that type of shit but - it's a nice change from boiled rice and stir fried meat with chopped up vegetables - which is what I eat 90% of the time, just cause it's so easy to make.

Looking up the recipe for KFC chicken, but I don't have a blender so can't make bread crumbs.

Do you fry is depths of fat?
No, I'm at the stage where I have to be vigilant about what I put into my body, or else suffer the consequences. Fortunately I've discovered plenty of ways to prepare delicious food without having to resort to the deep-fry method. No denying it's delicious though, but the links between deep-fried foods and myriad health problems are undeniable.
nah, no fried food for me. i try to eat healthy, and low cal foods. deep fried doesn't make the mark there lol
No, I'm at the stage where I have to be vigilant about what I put into my body, or else suffer the consequences. Fortunately I've discovered plenty of ways to prepare delicious food without having to resort to the deep-fry method. No denying it's delicious though, but the links between deep-fried foods and myriad health problems are undeniable.
I use a t-fal air fryer.
I use an air fryer. Works pretty much the same way, just have to put a coat of oil on whatever you fry.
Never i grill almost everything i cook
Deep fryers kill 5 Americans every single year. Too dangerous.
I use a t-fal air fryer.

How do you like it?

I think I want one but I'm weary of how the food would turn out, plus even the 6qt seems to have a small basket.
I have a couple of different deep fryers but haven't used them in at least 30 years.
Vegetable oils become oxidized very easily at high temperatures, which releases free radicals and carcinogens. Animal fats e.g. ghee, butter, lard, are resistant to heat, as are oils like coconut and avocado. This is true for any kind of sautéing, baking, frying, etc. The thing is, the safe oils are too expensive to use in the quantities required for deep frying.
I fry things on the pan with a tablespoon or 2 of oil but I don't deep fry anything. The only deep fried food I have comes from the dining room at work. It's funny because they are constantly hounding us about eating healthy but most of the food they serve us is deep fried or smothered in butter and cheese.
I fry chicken once or twice a year. Maybe pork chops once a year, but I'd rather not cook it. Too messy.
I'm from The South...

We deep fry everything. No wonder obesity is so rampant around here.
Battered fish. Fried chicken.

Tempura veggies if you're a health nut. Broccoli becomes delicious deep fried in a batter.
Eggplant chunks fry up nice without any coating - I learned that at the local Thai place.. they deep fry the eggplant before throwing it in the green curry.