Do You Debate Things That You Know Little/Nothing About?


Only the Strong Survive
Jul 13, 2015
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I have a good friend who is a relatively smart guy but he's kind of aloof sometimes, particularly to social norms. We go out as a group and he loves to debate things just for the hell of it, many times over dinner. He will take a very strong, overpowering stance on random issues that come up in conversation. In addition, I've noticed he likes to make everything black and white, and leave very little room for a grey area.

So basically, he's starting to piss all of my other friends off because he will get in these discussions in areas where he literally couldn't know any less.

The last discussion that came up had to do with the food that we (as a society) are eating. One of my other friends grew up on a ranch and was talking a bit about how his family (who are on 10,000 acres) still grass feed their cows, chickens, and pigs that they live on year round. He was talking about the differences in meat between corn-fed animals and grass fed, free range animals (of which I'm somewhat aware but still interested). In comes my other friend and starts imposing his opinion that it is total BS and his food is the same shit. He starts to say things about how it makes no fucking difference to your health.

This kid is out of shape, and self admittedly has 0 knowledge of anything nutrition related. Why would he argue with someone involved in agriculture his entire life; even has a degree in it, is in good shape, and happens to have a few nutrition courses under his belt that he took for his certification? How does he not realize that's not appropriate?

He's does that shit all of the time. Last time he got into it with me about economics and his view was so fucking flawed, but so overbearing. I had to be like:

"Dude, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Your research on economics is not extensive. End of story."

I would feel embarrassed arguing like that. I seldom argue with people with shit that I know about. Is that normal? Do you guys do it too?
First day on the internet?
generally i think this stems from an insecurity. however, i would say that there is one situation where it is excusable to argue about something that you know little about....

sometimes people make claims that logically, you know, that they cannot know for sure. in that situation i think it is ok to be the contrarion, and question them. the classic example being...."i know that god x is real." even if you arent familiar with that religion, you can still debate the person on how exactly they think they know this.

even economics for that matter. i mean, this is a discipline with no control group, yet, many people treat it almost dogmatically. i think you can reasonably question their claims without making any of your own, and it still seem like a debate/argument.

but 9 times out of 10 id say people just like to "win" arguments to feel better.
generally i think this stems from an insecurity. however, i would say that there is one situation where it is excusable to argue about something that you know little about....

sometimes people make claims that logically, you know, that they cannot know for sure. in that situation i think it is ok to be the contrarion, and question them. the classic example being...."i know that god x is real." even if you arent familiar with that religion, you can still debate the person on how exactly they think they know this.

even economics for that matter. i mean, this is a discipline with no control group, yet, many people treat it almost dogmatically. i think you can reasonably question their claims without making any of your own, and it still seem like a debate/argument.

but 9 times out of 10 id say people just like to "win" arguments to feel better.
I agree with this. Even in regards to economics, it was loosely based, no sharp claims were being made on my behalf. It was more him imposing that "rich" people are the enemy and that the pay gap was unfair between him and his employer because he works much harder than his employer, who started the company he works for.

I was just kinda walking him through the fact that he didn't go to school and chose to be an employee at the bottom of the totem pole. His employer on the other hand, has an MBA, but most importantly, started his own organization and busted his ass to make it grow. That opportunity is available to him as well. There was no unfair play involved. If one is looking from the outside in at both of their careers, you cannot expect a similar pay rate or even compare the work side by side because the trajectories of their decisions diverge so greatly. Not to mention, if not for "that rich guy", he wouldn't be employed. It was more a discussion about perspective.
only if I know they are wrong. Sometimes I'll question things to learn about it or to find out if you really know what you are talking about
Does your friend look like this tool? Because that's what I'm picturing.

A wise man knows what he says.

A fool says what he knows.

I guess the guy who passes off what he doesn't know as knowledge is a whole new level of fool.
I've noticed that only smart people say "I don't know" these days.
What was the economics point he was arguing? I can tell you if it's bullshit or not.
War room --->
All the time. Just to be a dick.
Sounds like a future leader of america (i.e. senator, president?) or living in the basement of grandma's house.
i will debate about things that i have little knowledge about, but usually with a very open mind and cordially. I would not argue about something unless I felt at least some confidence in my position, and even when i do argue IRL, its still fairly cordial, especially with friends.

your buddy needs to work on his social skills.

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